
KSH: retail sales increased more in February than the preliminary data indicated

Retail sales in February reached an even greater momentum than the preliminary data indicated. Retail sales in February increased by 6.7 percent, compared to a year before and by 6.6...

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NGM: retail trade grew due to increasing employment, personal income tax reduction and low inflation

Retail sales increased by 6.6 percent in February, compared with the similar period of 2015, due to the record-high employment, the one percentage point reduction in personal income tax (PIT),...

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The Growth Loan Program is the engine of agriculture

The Hungarian National Bank’s (NBH) Growth Loan Programme (NHP) is behind the growth of Hungarian agriculture – according to the analysis of the Atradius credit insurance company. The market leader...

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Grain Association : the VAT on flour and feeds should be reduced as well

The Grain Association suggests the Minister of National Economy to reduce VAT on flour as a basic food and on feeds. The Association of Hungarian Grain Processors Manufacturers and Traders...

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The rain came at the right time for the autumn sowings

The rain came at the right time for the autumn sowings, because at thinner areas the signs of drought have appeared – the President of the National Grain Producers Association...

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Czerván: the sheep and goat sector has a high importance in Hungary

The importance of the sheep and goat sector goes beyond the agricultural sector's role in Hungary. In addition to its economic significance, the social impact also has to kept in...

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The Nébih controls maize seeds

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) tested the GMO contamination (genetic modification) of 110 sweet corn seeds and 21 popcorn seeds this year. The authority found genetic modification in...

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Powered fixed vending shelf system

FFR Merchandising developed a new, powered fixed vending shelf system that not only guarantees that valuable products such as razor blades aren’t stolen, but also gives shoppers easy access to...

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Magazine: Faith in loans

According to the Deloitte-Scale BankIndex survey, Hungarian consumers’ attitude towards the banking system and banking services kept improving last year. Deloitte Zrt. partner Ákos Demeter told that the level of...

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The NAV is looking for a solution to cure the problems of the apple market

The National Agricultural Economics Chamber (NAK) carried out consultation with the Ministry of Agriculture and several food trading companies to solve the sales problems on the apple market. As the...

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Fazekas Sándor would reduce the VAT on fish as well

The Minister of Agriculture considers the reduction on fish VAT appropriate. <a href=””><img src=”×358.jpg” alt=”hal” width=”600″ height=”358″ /></a> Fazekas Sándor emphasized that, like other products in the VAT on fish...

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Nébih: the freshly squeezed orange juices meet the standards

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) tested the production and quality of the freshly squeezed orange juices in ten catering units. The products have met the food safety standards...

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Turnover via online cash registers increased significantly

Compared to last year the turnover of online cash registers showed a very significant increase: 16.9 percent in January and 12.9 percent in February – Népszabadság wrote on the basis...

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Webstores can deliver the ordered goods on Sundays

The webstores can also remove the closed table, as the abolition of Sunday store closure also concerns them – Origo wrote. Last year the online retail increased by 16 percent...

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The international chains controls more than two third of Czech food traffic

Large international retail chains control more than two-third of the food trade in the Czech Republic. In Central Europe, this rate is even higher – Zdenek Juracka, president of the...

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PwC: digital switchover can reduce the costs of companies with more than 400 billion dollars a year

The digital industrial revolution may bring more than 900 billionUSD to the companies around the world – according to PwC business consulting firm’s study. The PwC surveyed more than 2,000...

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Nébih found a piece of metal in a 7days croissant

A piece of metal was found in the Polish-produced 7days croissants. The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) received an alarm on Friday on the case. The Nébih told MTI:...

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Online ad costs

The price of a given ad depends on what we want to achieve with it. Advertisements that strengthen a brand work like billboards, they are generally used on well-known, busy...

Read more is one year old

It was more than a year ago that Munkatá – a community website for Hungarian employees and companies – was launched. The website’s goal is to give job seekers a...

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Varga Mihály: 25 percent VAT is the long-term goal

According to the Minister of National Economy, the 27 percent VAT rate is high, but there is no free resources available to reduce it in next year's budget. The government's...

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The highly successful swine campaign continues

The Magyar Turizmus Zrt., The Ministry of Agriculture and the Livestock and Meat Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board (VHT) draws attention to the domestic quality pork products from 20 to...

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Analysts expect further real earnings growth

Analysts interviewed by MTI expect the accelerating growth of real wages and say that the labor shortages in several sectors and low inflation also help the growth. The Central Statistical...

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Budai Gyula: Hungary interested in relieving the Russian embargo

Hungary interested in relieving the Russian embargo, in partial releases of the embargo involving agricultural products – Budai Gyula said on Wednesday in Szentes. Budai Gyula Ministerial Commissioner told at...

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Nébih: a large amount of cabbage and potatoes were withdrawn from circulation

Eight tons of potatoes with Polish origin and 450 kilograms of cabbage with rot bacterial infection of unknown origin were found in Heves county. Both items were destroyed – the...

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Improved consumer sentiment in the euro zone and in the EU in April

Consumer confidence has strengthened in April in the euro zone and in the European Union – according to the European Commission's preliminary flash estimate that was published on Thursday. The...

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The NAV found astonishing volume of illegal tobaccos

A Romanian-Moldovan illegal tobacco factory was operated in Szigetszentmiklós. Three times more cigarettes were seized by the NAV than the total amount seized last year. The National Tax and Customs...

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Job search trends in 2016

According to an online survey organised as part of the Refreshing Help from Soproni programme, nearly half of job seekers think that it is decided in 10-25 seconds whether their...

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Magazine: More cosmetics and household chemical products sold last year

In 2015 retail sales of household chemicals and cosmetics were worth HUF 356 billion – like-for-like value sales were up 6 percent but volume sales stayed put. There was a...

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The Bakers’ Association calls for the reduction of VAT on bread

The Bakers’ Association asks to apply a reduced VAT rate on bread and bakery products – the association informed MTI on Wednesday. They recall that in 2017, the Value Added...

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Nielsen: slice chocolate commercials were seen by the most viewers

Slice chocolate commercials at foods and toothpaste commercials at body lotion reached the most TV viewers in the first quarter this year – according to the data of the Nielsen...

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