
Last year 13 percent of the studied advertisings were unlawful

During last year's overall control on advertising, the National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) examined 2039 advertisements. In 269 cases (13 percent) infringements were identified – the NFH told MTI on...

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Export Support Program for Hungarian enterprises

An export support program will be launched to facilitate the foreign market access of the Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) – the companies that launched the program announced at...

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KSH: trade surplus is close to one billion euros

In February, the value of exports in euro increased by 8.0 percent, while imports were 7.4 percent higher than in the previous year. Exports amounted to 7.771 billion euros, while...

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Chamber of Agriculture: there is a need to extend the deadline for the submission of the single applications

There is a need to extend the submission deadline of the EU's agricultural support application, because compared to last year’s 132 a thousand applications, this year only 120 thousand applications...

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The proportion of domestic foods in stores decreased to its historical minimum in Slovakia

The proportion of domestic foods in stores in Slovakia decreased to a historical minimum of 39 percent in Slovakia in April this year – the survey of the Slovak Chamber...

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Strategic agreement for the rise of rural regions

The Ministry of Human Capacities, the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH), the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and Szent István University (SZIE) have signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement...

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NAK also opposes the EU’s Russian export ban

NAK president Balázs Győrffy wrote a letter to Jean-Paul Juncker, the president of the European Commission, asking him to lift the ban on product export to Russia, which has been...

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New IDs for small-scale farmers

Between 1 January and 21 March NAK issued or validated 158,000 small-scale farmer IDs for more than 200,000 farmers (IDs can be shared). This number is 7-8 percent (17,000) less...

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Magazine: Skyrocketing Hungarian agri-food export to Portugal

In the first nine months of 2015 Hungary’s agri-food export to Portugal doubled, with the export index reaching 205.9 percent. Portugal is about the same size as Hungary and its...

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The food industry may be given one hundred billion HUF support from the GINOP

After professional negotiations, the food industry may be given 100 billion HUF support from the support funds of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (GINOP), the government decided on...

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Fazekas Sándor: the EU must urgently help the pig and dairy sector

An extremely serious situation has developed in the European milk and pork market. The EU must act urgently, due to the low purchase prices and due to the Ukrainian and...

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GKI: the economy is slowing down

The growth figures in the beginning of the year indicate a slowdown in the Hungarian economy. GKI’s GDP forecast remained unchanged: after the 3.7 percent growth of 2014 and last...

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KSH: e-commerce is expanding constantly

Mail orders and Internet purchases reached the 2.5 percent of last year’s total domestic retail market turnover. The sales revenue was 229 billion HUF; Since 2010, the sales volume increased...

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Chamber of Agriculture: accurate data on the frost damages will be available at the end of May

Accurate data on the frost damages and on the fruit and vegetable crop failure rate will be available at the end of May – the leader of the Horticultural Department...

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The Carolina Reaper is the world's most powerful pepper

A new hybrid variety of pepper called Carolina Reaper, reavhed the astonishing high 2.2 million units on the Scoville scale. A South Carolina farmer, Ed Currie produces the Carolina Reaper...

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Nearly 17 million HUF was gathered to alleviate children hunger

As the result of the academic charity collection nearly, 17 million HUF was gathered to alleviate children hunger – Lovász László President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) said...

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Consumer sentiment deteriorated in the world's largest economy

Consumer sentiment deteriorated slightly in the United States in April, according to final data of regular monthly survey released on Friday by the University of Michigan. The University of Michigan's...

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New development programme from this summer

Magosz president István Jakab and Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) president Balázs Győrffy held a joint press conference. The former spoke about how they strengthened the 700-member village farmer network...

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Magazine: Sense or sensibility: rational thinking or emotions? (Part 2)

Trade Marketing Club and POPAI organised their annual ‘I love trade marketing’ conference on 18 February. This time the one-day conference was focusing on the role of emotions in the...

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OKSZ: the hundred percent bonus payment for Sundays would undermine many businesses

According to the National Retail Federation (OKSZ), the hundred percent bonus payment for Sundays would make Sunday opening hours for many businesses impossible, and would force many people to carve...

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KSH: Hungary's economic performance is in the midfield in the EU

The performance growth of the Hungarian economy continued in 2015. The gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 2.9 percent in 2015, compared to a year before. With this economic output...

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26 billion HUF was earmarked to the producer organizations

In the 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme 26 billion HUF was earmarked to support the producer groups and organizations – Kis Miklós Zsolt, Minister of State of the Prime Minister's Office...

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The European Commission terminated the infringement proceedings in the case of excise duty on pálinka

The European Commission terminated the infringement proceeding that was launched in the case of excise duty on pálinka – the press service of the EU commission announced on Thursday. According...

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Soy Boom: a growing demand for the domestic GMO-free protein crop

The soy crop season begins at the end of April. Soy has sown to a 50 percent larger area, ie 77 thousand hectares last year in Hungary. One of the...

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Food, alcoholic beverages and tobacco prices increased in the euro area

After stagnating in April, consumer prices in the euro zone fell in March – Eurostat announced on Friday. According to the flash estimate of the European Union's statistical office, the...

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Agricultural Chamber: report the frost damages as soon as possible

Frost damages must be reported within 15 days from the date of the observation of the frost in order to achieve compensation – Győrffy Balázs, president of the National Agricultural...

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Economic growth is accelerating in Europe

This year’s first quarter growth rate was higher than in the previous quarter both in the European Union and in the Euro Zone – the European Union's statistical office, the...

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Garfield returns with animal records

Garfield returns with another sticker album: this time SPAR presents records from the world of animals. Stickers with the images of the smartest, fastest, most dangerous, etc. animals can be...

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Magazine: Yogurt: you can eat it or you can drink it

Last year sales increased in the yogurt category, with sales improving in all segments. Beáta Várkonyi, external corporate relations director of Danone Hungary told us that they are trying to...

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Domestic retail sales growth beats EU average

The volume of retail sales grew by 6.6 percent and 4.4 percent, respectively, in February 2016 and in the initial two months of the year. Thus, an upward sales trend...

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