
New brand at the air-conditioning market


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Greening subsides: 24,000-25,000 forints per hectare

Farmers who comply with the European Union’s greening regulations are entitled to receive HUF 24,000-24,000 funding per hectare from the European Union – informed NAK president Balázs Győrffy at a...

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(HU) Retail stand a SIRHA 2016 kiállításon

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(HU) Zöld korszak jön a boltokban: kiszoríthatják a papírnyugtákat az elektronikus blokkok

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Retail sales momentum may remain

Experts told MTI that retail sales may grow vigorously further. The Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Wednesday that retail sales rose by 4.2 percent in March, according to the...

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The VAT cut on poultry meat to be built on the experience of the pork industry

The government expectations have been fulfilled in terms of VAT cut on pork; the impact of the lower tax rate occured in consumer prices that is why the government decided...

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NFM: the number of abuses in connection with product presentations has decreased

The Ministry of National Development (NFM) on Thursday informed that fewer consumer complaints received by the authorities as the result of the legislation adopted last December – according to the...

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The NÉBIH is satisfied with the wines of the Balaton Uplands

Accoring to the experiences of the National Food Chain Safety Office’s (NÉBIH) inspections, the Balaton Uplands wines, in terms of food safety and quality are appropriate. In the action, 32...

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Spring frost caused damages to the cornfields

Corns also suffered frost damages in recent days in many regions. As Takács Géza, Chairman of the Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board said, the majority of the plants...

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The MNB stimulate the lendings to SMEs with capital discount

The MNB introduces a new lending tool under which releases a portion or all of the capital after such loans for the financial institutions that are actively lending to small...

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Economic growth continues in the euro zone

Due to strong retail demand and business investments the economic recovery continues in the euro zone – according to the monthly economic report released on Thursday on the website of...

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Romanian retail increased significantly

The volume of retail sales increased by 19 percent in Romania in the first quarter of 2016, compared with the same period of 2015 – the Romanian national statistical institute...

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Hungarian Seed Association joins the Community Code of Agricultural Marketing

The Hungarian Seed Association has also joined the Community Code of Agricultural Marketing of Hungarian Tourism Zrt.’s Agricultural Marketing Directorate. So far 28 actors from the field of agriculture have...

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Stronger integration in the pig sector

The Livestock and Meat Interprofessional Organisation and Marketing Board (VHT) intends to make the pig sector more efficient and competitive by strengthening integration. Unfortunately the pig stock’s growth has come...

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Crop insurance schemes become comparable

Crop insurance schemes become comparable with the help of the damage simulator developed by crop insurance website Both the website and the damage simulator can be used free of...

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KSH: retail sales in March rose by 4.2 percent

The annual growth rate of retail sales was slowing slightly in March. According to the calendar effect adjusted data, the retail trade volume was 4.2 percent higher than a year...

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NGM: low inflation and real wage growth helps trade

Due to low inflation and real wage growth, Hungarians like to buy, and partly this is the reason that retail sales increased in March again – Marczinkó Zoltán, Deputy Minister...

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FM: mainly imported UHT milks are indicated in better quality

The results of the dairy sector’s month-long controls are devastating. Customers are mainly cheated by foreign import UHT milks – Zsigó Róbert, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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K & H: in comparison to the challenges little money is spent on R & D activities in agriculture

Hungary only spends 1 percent of its GDP on agricultural research and development (R & D) activities. The number of participants in the agri-vocational trainings are low as well as...

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An analysis shows that 15 percent of Hungarian young people are buying fake products on the Internet

15 percent of young Hungarians bought counterfeit goods intentionally in 2015 on the Internet. This data is surpassing the 12 percent of the EU average – the National Board Against...

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Retail sales fell in the EU in March

The volume of retail sales declined in both the EU and in the euro zone in March – Eurostat’s figures were published on Wednesday. According to the seasonally adjusted data...

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The Hungarian Red Cross starts a trading activity

The Hungarian Red Cross starts a commercial activity – first among the charity organizations in Hungary. The Hungarian Red Cross would like to have an access to predictable and available...

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EU court: the new EU Directive on Tobacco Products is valid

The EU’s Court of Justice confirmed the validity of the EU Directive on Tobacco Products in its judgement on Wednesday. The new rules take effect this month, although the union’s...

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One thousand seven hundred farmers reported frost damages so far

Until Monday 1700 farmers reported spring frost damages, on a total of about 9,200 hectares, but this number is likely to increase even more – the Deputy Minister of State...

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Six billion forints in compensation for crop loss and damage

The Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH) pays HUF 6 billion to farmers in order to compensate for crop loss and damage that occurred last year. This year’s losses and...

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Hungarian Agriculture Quality Awards presented

Bock Winery Kft., Hungrana Starch and Isosugar Production and Trade Kft. and Mecsek Forestry Kft. were the winners of the Hungarian Agriculture Quality Awards. The Ministry of Agriculture announced: this...

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Dairy sector strategy includes cutting the VAT on milk

The comprehensive strategy that the Ministry of Agriculture prepared for the dairy sector contains the recommendation to cut milk’s VAT. Plan is that the government will discuss the document already...

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Horticulture is a stable base

In March Kert-Ész Klub Hungary Association organised its 2nd Zsendülés Horticulture Conference in Kecskemét. József Rácz, the president of the association told that the aim of the conference was to...

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The European Commission expects a 2.5 percent increase this year and a 2.8 percent growth for the next year in Hungary

This year, 2.5 percent, next year 2.8 percent economic growth is expected in Hungary by the European Commission, which published its spring economic forecasts for both the EU and for...

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MGYOSZ: Sunday's labor remuneration is regulated in accordance with the Labour Code

The remuneration of Sunday work is currently controlled by the Labour Code (Mt) with the 50 percent Sunday supplement – the Employers and Industrialists Federation (MGYOSZ) told MTI on Tuesday....

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