
Budapest Airport: the cargo traffic of the Budapest Airport continued to increase

In September, the international cargo traffic at the Ferihegy Budapest Airport surpassed the monthly 10 thousand tonnes for the first time. It is 33 percent higher than in the same...

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Traditional media consumption is dominating even in the USA

The Hungarian Newspaper Publishers' Association came with the analysis of the situation of the print market as well as with exciting and interesting research data and flash reports each week....

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Billions for wineries

The Prime Minister’s Office has announced a rural development grant programme with a budget of HUF 40 billion, which will be made available to winemakers in the form of a...

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Nielsen: the use of mobile devices changes trade and cash flow

Trade in Hungary is also changing as a result of that consumers increasingly use their mobile devices for several purposes: one in three Hungarian mobile owners used to compare prices...

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KSH: Agricultural producer prices fell by 2.6 percent in August

In August, agricultural producer prices fell by 2.6 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year. The producer price of plant products declined by 5.5 percent, while the...

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Soft Drinks Association: raising the tax on food will not help against obesity

People's health indicators can not be improved by raising taxes on food products. A social cooperation is needed – the Hungarian mineral water, fruit juice and soft drinks association told...

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German exports may continue to grow in agriculture

This year, the Hungarian agricultural and food exports to Germany exceeded last year's record levels – the Minister of Agriculture said on Tuesday in Budapest, at an international press conference....

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NGM: inflation will be below 0.4 percent this year

The government's convergence program expects an average inflation of 0.4 percent for the whole year. According to recently published data it will be slightly below it – Balogh László, Deputy...

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The '56 vintage of Tokaji aszús will be rebottled

In honor of the 1956 memorial year 150 Tokaji wine specialties will be bottled again, from the aszús that can be found in the National Wine Depository. In 1956 harvest...

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No sugar!

tatistical data show that in the last few years the number of diabetic patients surged. This means there is higher demand for sugar substitutes and products made without added sugar....

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Legal practice in VAT deduction lawsuits

The Curia of Hungary has published a document with detailed information on its legal practice in lawsuits concerning VAT deduction matters. In the future this document can act as a...

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Electromobility – the way of the future

After the shock of the BREXIT the markets more or less returned to business as usual mode. The FED didn’t see any reason the change the base rate in June...

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KSH: inflation was 0.6 percent in September

Consumer prices were on average 0.6 percent higher in September than a year before, while compared with the previous month increased by an average of 0.2 percent. The Central Statistical...

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Ten Hungarian companies can transport milk and dairy products to Chile

The Chilean authorities accepted the registration of ten Hungarian milk and milk products manufacturing plant on Monday. These companies can launch their first shipment to South American country – the...

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Recent additions in the Széchenyi Card Program

The loan products of the Széchenyi Card Program were expanded. From now, up to 50 million HUF Széchenyi Working Capital Loan can be claimed, compared to the former 25 million...

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Two new types of cash registers received marketing authorizationTwo new types of cash registers received marketing authorizationTwo new types of cash registers received marketing authorization

Two new types of cash registers complying with the new technical requirements received marketing approval on Tuesday. One of them is a portable cash register, so it can used by...

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Growth is stable in the major developed economies

Growth is stable in the major developed economies, according to the CLI August complex macro-economic indicator of the OECD published on Monday. The Paris-based Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development...

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Ukraine has become the world's largest flour exporter

Ukraine was the world's largest flour exporter between July 2015 and June 2016. Ukraine exported a total of 344 thousand tons, which is 32.5 percent more than in the same...

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Forty million HUF worth smuggled cigarettes were found Tiszabecs

Forty million forints worth smuggled cigarettes were found by the finance guards in an underground hideout in Tiszabecs – the press officer of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV)...

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Efficient mobile advertisements provide information

At the moment 79 percent of smartphone users with an internet access – 2.9 million people – come across mobile advertisements, revealed a study conducted in 2016 by eNET and...

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Multisensory experiences

Very often retailers only concentrate on what shoppers see when creating the interior of a store. However, if they wish to really impress customers, they also need to pay attention...

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Paying the bill to a robot

As part of a pilot project by Pizza Hut Asia, a robot called Pepper – developed by Softbank Robotics – welcomes guests in restaurants and takes the order. It is...

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GfK: the weight of the markets decreased in the procurement of daily consumer goods

The ratio of the markets, including the weight of the farmers' markets decreased in daily consumer goods purchases. The share of visitors from the 72 percent measured in 2010, decreased...

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Hungarian cabbage farmers face a difficult year

Hungarian cabbage farmers are facing a difficult year in 2016: this year a series of diseases decimated the crops, the market price is lower than before, while its hard to...

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Depressed purchase prices at the wine-growing regions

The growers are complaining about low purchase prices this year. Grape growers interviewed by MTI told that prices have not increased since last year, despite the high quality of the...

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Pénzügykutató: Economic growth may accelerate next year

In its latest forecast presented on Monday, the Pénzügykutató Zrt. forecasts a 2.2 percent GDP growth for this year and a 3.0 percent growth for next year, after last year's...

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German exports increased significantly

In August, German exports increased by nearly ten percent in an annual comparison, while compared to the previous month by 5.4 percent, the highest extent of the past six years....

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British Retail Consortium: The “Hard Brexit” may cause substantial customs charges

According to the British Retail Consortium (BRC), the “hard Brexit” may cause substantial customs charges, thus making imports more expensive. The “Hard Brexit” means that Britain would not only leave...

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No change in the weight of various store types

In the February 2015-January 2016 period coffee sales valued at HUF 54 billion. Value sales were up 3 percent but volume sales dropped 1 percent. 200m² and smaller shops’ share...

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