
FM: The strategic goal is to support agricultural machinery production

The strategic objective is to support agricultural machinery production, as it has significant potential in its development. Therefore, the Irinyi plan deals with a special strategy within the priority areas...

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The highest VAT is in Hungary in the region

All countries in the Central and Eastern European region focus on traffic and consumption taxes. While VAT is the highest in Hungary, but at the same time the corporate income...

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The giants of the beauty industry

A total of 182 beauty companies and brands are part of those seven corporate brands that dominate the beauty industry around the world – wrote. This seven mega companies...

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IVSZ is committed to the development of the digital economy

The annual meeting of the Informatics, Telecommunication and Electronic Enterprise Association (IVSZ) – which was held on Tuesday in Budapest – designated the development of the digital economy, the change...

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About 30 percent less strawberries will be produced this year in Hungary

In Hungary this year, about 30 percent less strawberries will be produced due to frost damage – the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) told MTI on Friday. According to the...

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The Book-Wine-Jazz Festival will be held in Balatonfüred at the beginning of June

Wine specialties, book presentations and concerts will be held in Balatonfüred from 6 to 11 June – the organizer of the event told MTI on Tuesday. Magyar Kinga said that...

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Magazine: Pálinka, my love…

According to Dr Gedeon Totth, head of the Institute of Commerce and Marketing at Corvinus University of Budapest, the popularity of real pálinkas is growing among members of Generation X....

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NGM: real wage growth continues

The real wages are rising for 51 months in Hungary and this process continues, Cseresnyés Péter, Minister of State of the the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told M1 channel...

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GKI: the prosperity index is on its three-year peak in May

Its relatively modest increase in May led GKI’s prosperity index to a three-year peak. The increase is mainly due to service companies whose optimism pulled our prosperity index to a...

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Hungary should become the logistics service center of the region

Hungary needs to become the logistic service center of the region, so the government wants to improve the competitiveness of the carriers, and also wants to help the sector by...

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International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad: outstanding Hungarian participation, a hilarious atmosphere

A great interest surrounded the Hungarian exhibitors and their products at the 84th International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad. During the one week-long event, the Agrármarketing Centrum and its partners...

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The decisions on agricultural subsidies will be born in the summer

The decisions on agricultural applications for agricultural subsidies will born in the summer period, and new applications are also planned to be opened – the Minister of State of the...

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Innovation is needed in the seed sector

Szijjártó Péter, Minister of Foreign Affairs emphasized the importance of innovation in the field of sustainable agricultural production, reducing the effects of global challenges and climate change at the World...

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The Downtown Beer Festival is promoting premium beers

Hundred thousand hectoliters more, ie 10 percent more premium beer was consumed in Hungary in 2016, compared to the previous year. The quality brews are becoming increasingly popular around the...

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V4 countries: the CAP reform should support the farmers equally

According to the agrarian chambers of the Visegrád Four (V4) countries, the next few months will be key to the possible reform of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after...

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Entrepreneurs may get more support in the future

Entrepreneurs who are able to provide jobs for themselves and also for others are the Government’s most important allies, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said on Friday in...

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Zalaegerszeg test track will be unique

In Zalaegerszeg on Friday, at the foundation-stone ceremony for an automotive industry test track designed for the testing of both conventional and autonomous cars, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that...

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KSH: Growth in earnings continued to accelerate in March

Average earnings in March were 12.8 percent higher than a year before. Calculating without public employees the growth is 12.2 percent – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) told on Friday....

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FM: Several supports to help the farmers who suffered damages

Farmers who have suffered damages will be assisted by several supports developed by the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) – the ministry told on Friday. The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) recalled...

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Research for food safety

Reducing food-related illnesses and deepening the knowledge of the population’s food chain security is the goal of the EU research project that was launched with the participation of the National...

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The whitening of the economy would bring hundreds of billions of revenues

Hundreds of billions of extra tax revenue can still be gained by the further whitening of the economy – Domokos László President of the State Audit Office told Magyar Idők....

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The 21st Agrarexpo in Pápa opened its gates

Agriculture was the driving force of the Hungarian economy last year – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said at the opening of the 21st Agrarexpo...

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Whiskey Queens at the Gourmet Festival

Special taste sensations, citrus flavors, vanilla butter and ginger powder… Not the whiskey that is fall in to your mind hearing these words, but at this year’s Gourmet Festival, Szombati...

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Agricultural Chamber: The new smart card facilitates administration

The new Smart Card on the Agricultural Chamber contains a lot of information that will make administration easier and faster – Süle Katalin, spokesperson of the National Chamber of Agriculture...

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Dunamenti Fish Festival for the first time in Mohács

The Dunamenti Fish Festival will be organized for the first time in Mohács on July 22 by the German national minority self-government of Mohács, Baranya county. Fish cooking masters are...

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Gingerbread Festival began in Debrecen

A two-day gingerbread festival began on Saturday afternoon in Debrecen, in the courtyard of the Medgyessy Ferenc Memorial Museum and the House of Local Literature. Honey-cutters, beekeepers and honey-makers arrived...

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Retail sales increased in Great Britain

In April, retail sales grew more than expected in Great Britain. It is the highest increase of the past 15 months, according to the data released by the National Statistical...

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Some of the exhibitors

The website (offering personalised gift ideas to customers) was launched before last Christmas and so far more than 100,000 products have been uploaded to the website. Schoeller Allibert manufactures...

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Cheaper to sell online in the EU

VAT payment for selling goods online within the European Union will simplify by 2021. The latest report by MAZARS analyses the EU’s plan that would reduce the administrative burden and...

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Magazine: Big Data: facts and misconceptions

We hear a lot about the concept of Big Data and just like in the case of other topical issues, misconceptions are also spreading. It didn’t make the situation any...

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