
Parents spend on average 2 to 5 thousand HUF on children’s day surprises

In nine out of ten Hungarian families, children’s day is celebrated. The parents spend on average 2 to 5 thousand HUF on children’s day surprises – according to the researches...

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The doping-free dietary supplements have been listed

Hundreds of dietary supplements were collected that certainly do not include the 85 most problematic doping drugs. The tested substances were also included on a website – wrote. From...

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The World Organisation for Animal Health declared Romania as a swine-fever free country

The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) declared Romania as a swine-fever free country. The official certificate – that was voted at the 85th session of the OIE General Assembly...

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Ninety million cigarettes were seized in the port of Antwerp

The Belgian customs authorities seized nearly 90 million cigarettes in the port of Antwerp last week – one of the largest ever catch in the port. The shipment came from...

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US consumer mood is on a four month peak

The consumer sentiment in the United States is on its four month peak in May, according to the regular monthly survey of the University of Michigan. The results were published...

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Duna House Q1 sales jump

Real estate company Duna Houseʼs first-quarter after-tax profit edged down 9% year-on-year to HUF 266 million, an earnings report released early today shows, according to Hungarian news agency MTI. Sales...

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Hungary is relying on its own domestic resources

“It is important to stress with relation to the current migration crisis that Hungary is relying on its own domestic resources; the Government would like to support the Hungarian people...

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Number of jobs on the primary labour market up by more than 100 thousand year-on-year

In February-April 2017, the number of people employed in the private sector increased by 105 thousand year-on-year, the latest data show. Compared to the corresponding period of 2010, the number...

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A huge part of Hungary’s EU funds are due to the common agricultural policy

More than 36 percent of the European Union’s funds coming to Hungary by 2020 are due to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union, Feldman Zsolt, Deputy Minister...

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Climate change must be coupled with cost-effective water management

Climate change is a test for European agriculture, and requires modern, cost-effective water management, water use, and the breeding and spreading of drought-tolerant crops – the Minister of Agriculture told...

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Four Hungarian platinum medals at the world’s most prestigious wine competition

The results of the Decanter World Wine Awards 2017 wine muster were announced in London: the Hungarian wines won four platinum medals and ten gold medals – the Mád-based Holdvölgy...

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Hungarians consider their labor market situation more and more favorable

Hungarian workers consider their labor market situation more and more favorable. More people feel their job position stable, but if they lose it, they would find a new job easily...

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Iran and Hungary negotiated on the expansion of agricultural trade relations

Iran and Hungary agreed on the expansion of agricultural trade relations and the possible common forms of research and development. Hungary offers a good opportunity for agricultural exports to the...

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The Nébih seized nine tonnes of meat

Almost nine tons of unmarked, irregularly stored or expired meat was seized by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) at a Komárom-Esztergom county wholesaler. According to the statement, the...

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Magazine: MagyarBrands: innovation from brands and in how they are evaluated

The MagyarBrands programme has been rewarding high-quality, Hungary-related brands for 7 years. Since 2016 in three categories: consumer brands, business brands and innovative brands. Brands can apply for participation but...

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The AsiaCenter is expanding with thousands of square meters

The retail space in the AsiaCenter shopping mall is expanding with more than 4,000 square meters in the 15th District of Budapest – wrote. The new stores will be...

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FM: The Philippine market was opened for three Hungarian meat factories

The Philippine market was opened for three Hungarian meat factories. Emmanuel Pinol, Minister of Agriculture of the Philippines handed the certificate of their individual accreditation over to Fazekas Sándor Minister...

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In cooperation for the strenghtening of the Hungarian wine-growing sector

Two significant public bodies in Hungary are making their relationship closer: the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the National Council of Mountain Villages (HNT) have signed a strategic cooperation...

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Expanding export opportunities in Europe for Hungarian companies

The new representation of the Central European Trade Development Network of the Hungarian National Chamber of Commerce (MNKH) was opened on Tuesday in Kismarton (Eisenstadt), Austria. The network is operating...

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79 billion HUF for children’s meals next year

In next year’s budget, more than 79 billion HUF will be spent on children’s meals, which is three times more than in 2010 – the Minister of State of the...

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Nébih: a week was left to submit the inspection fee

The participants of the food chain have to submit their inspection fee return by 31 May – the National Food Chain Security Agency (NÉBIH) told. The supervisory fee shall be...

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Bakator wine and gastronomic festival: the Bakator can become a Hungaricum

The local governments of Debrecen and Bihardiószeg, together with winemakers, initiate the acknowledgment of the bakator vine variety and the Bakator wine as Hungaricum – the Mayor of Bihardiószeg said...

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More than forty programs at the Pentecost Fish and Wild Festival in Szekszárd

The second Fish and Wild Festival in Szekszárd awaits its guests with open cellars, more than forty performances, concerts, family programs and many specialties, during the Pentecost weekend. Ács Rezső...

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Meals are important part of the Croatian and Hungarian culture

Excellent raw materials, traditional agricultural products and food are important pillars of both the Croatian and Hungarian culture – Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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GfK: consumer sentiment is on a 16 year peak in Germany

German consumers were in their best mood for almost 16 years heading into June, a survey showed on Wednesday, adding to expectations that private consumption will again drive growth in...

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Investor interest towards Czech and Slovak commercial real estates is great

Last year, investor interest towards Czech and Slovak commercial real estates grew significantly, and this year’s Q1 did not disappoint as well. According to a statement released on Monday by...

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KSH: retail sales accelerated

According to raw data, retail sales grew by 3.3 percent, calendar effects adjusted – mainly due to Easter – increased by 5.4 percent in March, compared to the same period...

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The revenue of the store sellers increased by 20 percent, but the number of employees did not increase

The shopkeepers raised wages over the year by one-fifth, the, but there was no increase in staff numbers – wrote. In the first quarter of 2017, 361,000 people was...

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RSM: additional contribution reduction is needed to increase competitiveness

Compared to the Visegrád countries, the domestic companies are still at a disadvantage due to the tax and contribution burden on employment. A further reduction would be needed – RSM...

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