Events the third of the abolishing companies disappear with forced evictions

In the past four years, more than a third of the 253,378 companies have been abolished, 91,615 companies with forced evictions in business life – the report on Tuesday....

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The sowing has ended in Békés county

Sowing works were completed on more than 220 thousand hectares in Békés County. Based on the current expectations, a strong-medium yield is expected – the president of the Békés County...

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The euro zone trade surplus has reached a record

The euro zone trade surplus reached a record in March, according to the first estimate of the European Union’s statistical office. Eurostat’s report was published on Tuesday. In the third...

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Strong performance from grill sausages

Between January and December 2016 grill sausage value sales rose 19 percent and volume sales surged by 18 percent. The size of the market exceeded HUF 2.3 billion in value...

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VAT reduction would be favorable for the bakery industry

It would be beneficial for the bakery industry if the Value Added Tax (VAT) on bakery products would be reduced, according to the proposal of the National Chamber of Agriculture...

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Analysts: the rate of price increase is decreasing, but core inflation is increasing

The 2.2 percent inflation rate in April is much lower than the 2.7 percent measured in March and slightly lower than the market expectations – analysts told MTI. According to...

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Hungarian products to conquer Novi Sad

On 13 May, Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture opened the Hungarian pavilion at the 84th Novi Sad International Agricultural Fair. At the 7-day event, the Agrármarketing Centrum (Agricultural Marketing Center)...

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(HU) Négynapos sörünnepet rendeznek a Szabadság téren

Between 15 and 18 June, two hundred kinds of beer specialties will be offered in the city center. The Belvárosi Sörfesztivál (Downtown Beer Festival) will be held from 15 to...

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The Exim Bank and Insurer launches a new program to support the export-oriented SMEs

By 2021, the Exim Bank and Insurer with its financial products would like to reach more than 50 percent of the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. In order to reach...

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Mátra wine region was swept away by the hailstorm

The damages caused by the hail on Saturday surpassed the preliminary estimates in the Mátra wine region. About three hundred million HUF damage is expected – the president of the...

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Less fish died in Lake Balaton during the spring

In spite of the long winter and the long-lasting ice, the fishermen of the Lake Balaton Fish Management Nonprofit Ltd. have collected far fewer fish bodies than usual this year...

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The Rákóczi cellar of the Castle of Munkács was opened with the presentation of Hungarian wines

With the presentation of the wines of five Hungarian wine region, the Rákóczi Ferenc II wine cellar of the Castle of Munkács was opened on Friday in Munkács. Potápi Árpád...

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China is building a new silk road

China is building a new silk road in a value of nearly 500 billion USD containing mainly infrastructural developments. The new silk road would reach 65 countries, nearly two-thirds of...

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US retail trade grew less than expected

The growth in US retail sales in April was slower than the expectations of the analysts. The US Department of Commerce reported that the seasonally adjusted retail sales grew by...

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The Brits throw 1.4 million edible bananas into the trash every day

1.4 million pieces of edible bananas are dumped per day by the British, while the amount of wasted garlic each year reaches 80 million pounds (25 billion HUF), according to...

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The poultry sector gives more than 10 percent of the agricultural output

Last year, the poultry sector gave about 13 percent of the total agricultural output – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said on Friday at a...

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Product Board: a 20 percent crop loss in vegetables is expected

A 20 percent crop loss can be expected for vegetables due to the damages caused by the weather – according to the FruitVeB Hungarian Vegetable Fruit Interprofessional Organization and Product...

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The European Commission is expecting 3.6 percent growth for this year in Hungary

The European Commission improved its prognosis for the growth in the Hungarian gross domestic product (GDP). The European Commission expects a 3.6 percent increase in gross domestic product (GDP) for...

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The bees suffered a great loss, less honey is expected

One-third of bees died in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County during the winter. Because of the less productive bees, it is likely that there will be less rape and acacia honey this year...

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A prominent number of exhibitors represent Hungary at the International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad

In connection with the Hungarian government’s economic development program in Voivodina, a prominent number of exhibitors represent Hungary at the International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad. Fazekas Sándor Minister of...

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Agriculture Academy: there is a need for increasing competitiveness and the spread in agri-environment management

The Director-General of the National Center for Agricultural Research and Innovation (NAK) called for precision farming in order to increase the competitiveness in agriculture. V. Németh Zsolt, Minister of State...

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Consumer sentiment in the United States is on its four months peak

Consumer sentiment improved in the US in May, reaching a peak of four months – according to the preliminary results of the University of Michigan’s Monthly Survey. The consumer mood...

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Commerce Expo 2017: women drive the sales growth in e-commerce

On 30 March the eCommerce Expo was organised in Budapest. There were 50 speakers and several thousand participants at the event. No wonder that interest was great: according to data...

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Developing European drink market

According to a survey by Moody, the alcoholic and soft drink market will continue to develop in Europe in the next 12 months. The survey used the forecasts of major...

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Economic relations between Germany and Hungary run smoothly

Germany is one of Hungary’s most important economic partners when it comes to food trade. With its 80 million consumers, the German food market is the biggest in Europe. The...

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Nielsen: We spent 303 billion HUF on premium products last year

Consumers’ purchasing preferences were significantly rearranged in 2016. With regard to price segments, the demand for premium products is growing in the top 10 categories of food and chemical products,...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices increased

The decline in agricultural producer prices stopped in March. Prices increased by 1.4 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year, due to a 3.6 percent decline in...

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MRSZ: the advertising market has three and a half years to adapt to the new rules on public advertising

From 28 May, only such advertising tools can be placed in a public space that corresponds to the LXXIV. law. The existing advertising tools that are not in compliance with...

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The Agrármarketing Centrum presents Hungarian handicraft products with its partners at the Góbéfeszt in Manchester

The Góbé Festival debuts in Manchester, at the Albert Square on May 13-14, 2017 with various gastronomic offer and the best of the Transylvanian Hungarian culture. The meaning of the...

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FM: more professionals would be needed to boost the agricultural economy

The number of students enrolled in agricultural education has increased by two percent last fall, but there are still fewer professionals graduate in these institutions than would be needed for...

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