
Chamber of Agriculture: So far, members have paid membership fees in a value of about 1.8 billion HUF to NAK

So far, the members of the National Agricultural Economics Office (NAK) have paid membership fees in a value of about 1.8 billion HUF – on the basis of the annual...

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Wine Wednesdays in the MNG and in the Vasarely Museum

The Vasarely Museum is also joining to this year’s Wine Wednesdays series of the Hungarian National Gallery (MNG) which will be held this year in July, but this time partly...

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The turnover of the electronic sector is before a rapid growth in the emerging areas

The ZVEI, an industry representative organization of the sector in Germany is expecting a rapid growth on the world market of electronics and electrical products, mainly in Asia and, in...

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Csúcson a német fogyasztók hangulata

Júniusban közel tizenhat éves csúcsra emelkedett a GfK piackutató intézet fogyasztói hangulatindexe Németországban. Júniusban 10,6 pontra, 2001 októbere óta a legmagasabb szintre emelkedett a GfK német fogyasztói hangulatindexe az előző...

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Development projects speed up

At the Pécs stop of the EU Development Projects Day programme series it was announced that the government will use at least 60 percent of the HUF 12,000 billion funding...

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VAT cut: are UHT and ESL milks up next?

The 2018 budget envisages lowering the VAT on fish. NAK president Balázs Győrffy informed that the chamber would like to see the VAT on milk products reduced. Experts say this...

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More money paid to farmers as damage compensation

Last year farmers took out insurance policies in the value of HUF 13.2 billion, in order to be protected from damage caused by the weather – informed NAK. In these...

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FruitVeB: 1.8 million tons of vegetables can be harvested this year

This year, 1.8 million tons of vegetables are expected to be harvested in the country, about 100,000 tons more than last year – the chairman of the FruitVeB told MTI...

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There is less wheat, but the supply is guaranteed

Because of the damage caused by the extreme weather, 10 to 20 percent less grain will be harvested. About 4 million tonnes of wheat can be expected after last year’s...

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The government gives support to food vending machine operators

According to the draft of the NGM’s decree for the support of the food and drink vending machine supervisors, the government provides 120,000 HUF for the purchase of the so-called...

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Agrarian Chamber: drought can cause 100 billion HUF damage to maize production

Drought can cause damage to 100 billion HUF in terms of maize production, and the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) requested from the Minister of Interior Pintér Sándor to proclaim...

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Raiffeisen analysts have raised their growth forecast this year to 3.8 percent

Raiffeisen Bank analysts have upgraded their expectations for the GDP growth to 3.8 percent from the previous 3.2 percent for 2017 – Török Zoltán, senior analyst at Raiffeisen Bank said...

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FM: The results of the wine competition have value in business negotiations

The results achieved at the National Wine Competition are increasingly accruing in everydays, and they have a value in business negotiations – Kiss Eliza, Ministerial Commissioner of the Ministry of...

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KSH: the number of employees has increased

The average number of employees was 4 million 393 thousand in March-May, 79 thousand more than a year before, while the employment rate of the 15-64 year-olds increased by 1.6...

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Franco Nero will be the guest of the Eger Bikavér Celebration

Franco Nero Italian movie star will be the guest of honor at the 21st Eger Bikavér Celebration, which will take place from 6th to 9th July in Eger, Heves county...

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An online marketplace and free advertising site helps the Hungarian small-scale farmers in the Uplands

An online marketplace for Hungarian small-scale farmers and their customers, and a free advertiser site was launched by the Libertate Civil Association to help the local Hungarian farmers and to...

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More than ten thousand people are expected to the Fishery Festival to Tiszacsege

More than tens of thousands of people are expected this year to the Tiszacsege Fishery Festival, which will be held on Saturday, on the Tisza Coast for the tenth time...

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Daily updated drought index shows how much drought is in Hungary

A daily scale drought index (NLA) was developed by the staff of the Agricultural Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA). The indicator calculates the drought exposure of...

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Euro area’s growth prospects improved significantly

London’s financial analysts say that the growth prospects for the euro area as a whole will improve significantly, but the euro area periphery may suffer if the euro central bank...

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Ifo’s business sentiment index in Germany has risen to a historic peak

Ifo’s business sentiment index in Germany has risen to a historic peak in June, indicating that the euro area’s largest economy remained strong in the second half of the year....

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Hungary’s first agriculture and rural development customer service

In Hódmezővásárhely farmers can manage their agriculture and rural development related affairs at the same place – these matters originally belong to two authorities: the government office and the Hungarian...

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Nielsen: Sun protector products’ turnover grew by 10 percent

The sales of sun protectors increased by 10 percent in volume and by 1 percent in value, between June 2016 and May 2017, compared to the same period of the...

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GOSZ expects low prices on the wheat market

Cereal producers may hope for a good-average crop this year, but still some precipitation is needed to reach this goal – Vancsura József, Chairman of the National Association of Cereal...

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The market for health-enhancing baking products can grow to several billion HUF a year

The health-promoting “smart” foods market can reach billions of HUF annually domestically, primarily on the field of baking and confectionery industry, according to the expectations of the Hajdúsági Sütödék- csoport...

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Three quarters of the domestic webshops increased their turnover last year

Three-quarters of the domestic webshops increased their turnover last year. Only 5 percent of them reported downturns – according to WebShop Experts’ latest survey. According to information provided to MTI...

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A new sour cherry variety can fulfill our daily vitamin C intake

We can fulfill our daily vitamin C intake with a recently introduced Hungarian sour cherry variety, the Pipacs 1. The breed of the Hungarian Horticultural Propagation Material Nonprofit Ltd. is...

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The new program of Nébih would reduce the waste of food

The National Food Chain Safety Office’s (Nébih), program, the Without a Residue – implemented with EU support draws attention to avoid food waste. Within the program, the government will also...

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Hungary’s elite wine salon to debut this year

95 gold medals and 7 large gold medal wines were born at the 2017 National Wine Competition of the National Council of Mountain Villages (HNT), which was held in Eger...

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The future may belong to the special diet trends

According to the Hungarian population, the difficulties caused by the weather may be the biggest challenge for agrarians in the coming years, but the lack of technological modernization and supply...

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World Bank: the Hungarian cities are better than the EU average in many segments of the business environment

According to the World Bank’s survey, the Hungarian cities are better than the EU average in many segments of the business environment – Thomas Bender, European Commission group leader said...

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