
The unemployment rate of the euro area is down

The number of unemployed and the unemployment rate fell to its eight year nadir in June in the euro area, which shows that Europe’s economic recovery is intensifying further. The...

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Sága Foods to spend 600 million forints on development this year

Sárvár-seated company Sága Foods Zrt. plans to spend HUF 600 million on development this year, mainly investing in the modernisation of packaging and ham production. The objectives are to make...

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Farm development programmes are coming

Funding opportunities in this year’s Farm Development Programme have been announced in June. The programme’s budget is HUF 225 million and the details are available to prospective applicants on the...

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Discussions to start between vine-growers and the ministry on purchasing prices and contracts

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) and the Hungarian Association of Grape and Wine Producers (MSZBSZ) to start discussion on grape purchasing prices and contracts – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM)...

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Garantiqa: the small businesses would be develop from EU sources

In the next year, nearly a quarter of the Hungarian micro-enterprises and 41 percent of the small businesses plan to apply for EU funds – according to a surveys of...

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Increased road traffic controls to start from Monday

The National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) is launching a series of inspections from Monday until September 20, within a nationwide action in which the finance guards will observe the...

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One can pay with the old 2000 and 5000 HUF banknotes until Monday

One can pay with the old 2000 and 5000 HUF banknotes until Monday, because at the end of July the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) withdraws them from circulation, from...

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Kiwi is cultivated with large-scale methods in Zala successfully

Kiwi is cultivated with large-scale methods and good business results in Becsehely, Zala County successfully. From the four-hectare orchard, which is the largest kiwi plantation in Hungary, kiwis are delivered...

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More than 80 percent of wheat has been harvested in Zala

More than 80 percent of wheat has been harvested in Zala county, the average yield is 15-20 percent lower than in the previous year, the county president of the National...

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A farm equipment meeting will be organized along the Válicka Creek

The 1st Tractor and Equipment Meeting near Válicka Creek (I. Válickameti Traktor és Géptalálkozó) will take place on 12 August in Zalaegerszeg-Botfa. At the meeting, sixty-seventy tractors, a large number...

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Household incomes grew in the EU, but their consumption decreased

The consumption of households in the European Union declined in the first quarter, despite the fact that their income slowed down but increased – Eurostat figures show. The EU’s statistical...

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Consumer sentiment is on its eight month nadir in the United States

The University of Michigan’s consumer sentiment for the United States was revised up to 93.4 from a preliminary of 93.1 in July of 2017 and compared to 95.1 in June....

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FruitVeb: One third of the expected apple crop will have eating quality

In terms of the quality of the expected apple harvest, one third will have eating quality, and two thirds will be industrial raw material – Domján Erika, managing director of...

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The Ministry of Agriculture helps to ensure consistency between producers and processors

The aim of the agricultural government is to help establish and maintain the harmony between growers and processors in all sectors, including grapes and wine as well, to establish a...

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Grapes are in vigorous condition before the harvest

The vintage begins within weeks. Despite the weather extremes, grapes are in vigorous condition in most of the cultivated areas – according to Syngenta’s panorama. According to experts, attention should...

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KSH: the number of employees is over 4.4 million again

In the second quarter, the average number of employees was 4 million 420,000, 77,000 more than a year before, while the employment rate of the 15-64 year-olds grew by 1.6...

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The summer harvesting works in Békés were finished

The summer harvesting works have been completed in Békés County, farmers are not expected to make a big profit this year – the secretary of the Békés County Agricultural Producers’...

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The Nébih destroyed four tonnes of meat in a meat factory in Kaposvár

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) closed a meat factory in Kaposvár, because of its hygiene status. The authority ordered the destruction of 28 kinds of nearly 4 tonnes...

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Destructive fires in agriculture

Until the middle of the summer fires were raging in agriculture on almost three times larger area than in 2016 – Világgazdaság Online wrote. At the end of the week,...

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Sustainable agriculture can mitigate climate change and involuntary migration

Climate change poses a major risk for rural people in developing countries, often leading to distress-driven migration, and bolstering sustainable agriculture is an essential part of an effective policy response,...

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Countries urged to reap benefits of food trade by engaging in standards setting

Participation in the development of international food standards for trade is essential if countries are to reap the benefits of booming global trade and prepare for imminent technological changes, according...

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FruitVeb: The apple crop can be close to the average this year

This year, the FruitVeb Hungarian Vegetables and Fruit Interprofessional Organization and Product Council is expecting 550-600 thousand tons of apple crop that is close to the average. The actual crops...

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Advertising tax reloaded – tax refund or billion HUF fines

In May 2017, the rules of advertising tax changed again, which makes it possible to make a tax refund, but due to the amendments that are in force since January...

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The Wine Road Show has ended

The Wine Road Show program series launched in July by the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) and the National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) ended on Wednesday in Pécs. The experts...

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A cool coffe and a dessert in one – The Tiramisu Iced Latte is the favorite coffee of the Summer

The ice coffee recipe of Kárai Dávid, blogger, the founder of Íz Huszár, won the Nespresso’s blogger ice coffee recipe contest. During the ice coffee recipe contest, there were a...

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The Nébih seized more than six tons of fish

During the special check on Tisza-based restaurants and groceries, just over a weekend, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) prohibited the distribution of more than 600 kilograms of fish...

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Fertilizer sales decreases

In June, fertilizer and plant protection product sales continued to decline – Világgazdaság Online wrote. Due to the dry, rainless weather, a fungicidal spraying could be left out by producers,...

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The neglected vineyards to be removed in areas infected with FD phytoplasma

Public protection is being carried out to protect vineyards in Transdanubia, the neglected vineyards to be removed in areas infected with FD phytoplasma – the National Food Chain Safety Office...

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Pálinka competition and handicraft fair at the Panyolafest

Folk music and folk music concerts, folk dance show, puppet theater, the presentation of local and county values, and a pálinka show will be held from 3 to 6 August...

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NGM Minister of State: Long-term growth in retail sales is expected in the future

Continuous and stable growth in retail sales can be expected in the future, partly as a result of wage growth – Lepsényi István, the Minister of State of the Ministry...

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