
NGM: the government continues the program to expand the number of credit card acceptance points

The government decided to support another 30,000 credit card acceptance points, with the help of the government program announced in December 2016. The government program will allow you to pay...

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KSH: the average earnings reached a double digit growth in May

In May, gross and net average earnings were 12.9 percent higher than in the same period of the last year, after the 14.6 percent growth of April and the 12.8...

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Emmi: the government is supporting fundraising NGOs

The government is supporting the operation of NGOs with an application that was announced on Thursday. From the 185.5 million forints fund, foundations, associations and associations could receive money that...

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Consumer sentiment in the euro area deteriorated somewhat

In July, consumer confidence in the euro area and in the EU as a whole lagged behind the previous 16-month peak of the previous month, according to preliminary data published...

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More than 41 million counterfeit goods were seized across the EU last year

More than 41 million counterfeit products were seized by the customs authorities of the member states of the European Union (EU) last year at the EU’s external borders. The total...

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Operative lease is a better choice

Kálmán Tekse, vice president of the Hungarian Leasing Association is of the opinion that the SME sector is more and more interested in operative leasing schemes, which is one of...

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On the right track

iData Kft. pays special attention to solving the problems of customers from the FMCG sector and their partners. They focus on freight transport companies and firms with vehicle fleets. iData...

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Tobacco harvest has begun in Eastern Hungary

The tobacco harvest has began in East-Hungary. The weather is favorable for arable crops, so producers are hoping for outstanding tobacco production this year. Bényei Illés, President of the Hungarian...

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A program will be launched to strengthen the authenticity of the Hungarian wines

A program will be launched to strengthen the authenticity of the Hungarian wines. With the help of a modern method, the origin map of the Hungarian wines will be created,...

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Bank lending may accelerate

London Financial Analysts predict on Wednesday that the pace of bank lending in Hungary is expected to accelerate in the next two years. The BMI Research financial and economic analyst,...

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Food vending machines: the government provides extra source for purchasing the supervisory unit

The Government has approved a further 1.44 billion HUF funding to support food vending machine automation supervisory units, according to a Government Decree published Wednesday in the Hungarian Gazette (Magyar...

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What you should know about margarine in a nutshell

Dietary fat is a vital part of balanced nutrition. Margarine is one of its widely spread source. Margarine is often discriminated, compared to butter but it is important to point...

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By the end of June, 238 billion HUF loans were requested at the MFB Points

According to the communication of the 4-member consortium – Takarékbank Zrt., B3 Takarék Szövetkezet, FHB Bank Zrt. and the Budapest Bank Zrt., 77.6 billion HUF worth requests were positively evaluated...

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A rich gastronomic offer at the Göcsej feast

The atmosphere of the old farewells will be evoked on Sunday in Zalaegerszeg at the Göcse Village Museum. A show of old crafts, folk bands, folklore shows, playhouses and rich...

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Money can be saved on commercial vehicles

Tibor Szilveszter, sales and marketing director for vans at Mercedes Benz told Trade magazin that thanks to the engineering innovations of Mercedes-Benz, drivers can bring the most out of their...

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Safety depends on the quality of tyres

The fleet sector is of strategic importance for market leader Abroncs Trade House. Sales director Árpád Tiszay told Trade magazin that Hungary’s most modern tyre service centres, a large stock...

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Cocoa has not been so cheap for ten years

Global cocoa prices reached near historically low levels for ten years with continuous decline. The decline was caused by the fact that the increase in Chinese demand is less than...

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Production of poultry can be restored until October

Following the nearly 10 percent decline in poultry due to avian influenza in October, the production of poultry can be restored until October – Origo wrote after Világgazdaság. Csorbai Attila,...

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The wine of Sárospatak to be presented on Friday

By combining the five wineries of the Sárospatak Wine Terrace Association, the wine of Sárospatak called Patakbor 2016 has been completed. The wine to be presented to the general public...

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Export can pull the corporate sector up

Over the next year, the domestic large companies expect a 2.2 percent increase in sales and a 1.4 percent profit increase. This is a downturn compared to last year’s forecasts,...

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The perception of the euro area economy has improved

Although the July economic sentiment index of the German ZEW Economic Research Institute was weaker than expected, the economic situation in Germany remained unchanged among the investors, and the perception...

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Eastern Europe’s carriers oppose the new Western European rules

The representatives of carriers from Eastern European countries protested att he EU Transport Commissioner due to the new Western European rules which, in their view, hinder the free services and...

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Festipay: You do not even need a card

The Festipay expects a total of 10 million contactless transactions in 2017 in 26 festivals – the payment technology company told Portfolio. There is already an event where you do...

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Dairy product board: dairy products can only be purely of animal origin

Only products of animal origin can be called dairy products and can be marketed according to the decision of the European Court of Justice – Harcz Zoltán, Chairman of the...

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Grain growers: there is a large difference in crop yields at mid-harvest

There are large differences in cereal yields at half-time of the harvest; The quality of the crops is good, but the volume may fall short of last year – the...

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Budapest Bank: investment mood in agriculture is growing

Investments may continue to grow this year: after 23 percent last year, 35 percent of the companies would increase their total investment, on average, by doubleing them, according to an...

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Credit card purchase is becoming more and more popular

The consumers are becoming more and more conscious of the use of credit card purchases and the use of the card – Gergely Péter, analyst ofBankRáció.hu told M1 news channel....

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Fifty Hungarian craft beer specialties at the Félegyházi Beer Festival

Fifty Hungarian craft beer specialties will be showcased at the 3rd Félgyházi Charity Crafts Beer Festival, which will be held in Kiskunfélegyháza between 21 and 23 July. Ónodi Árpád, the...

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The European Soybean Declaration was signed in Brussels

On Monday, the Agriculture Ministers of fourteen EU countries signed the European Soybean Declaration to encourage the cultivation of GMO-free products, including soybean for food and feed. Fazekas Sándor, Minister...

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A quarter of bees have died in recent months

A quarter of the bee stock has died in recent months due to viruses spread by the Asian bee mite. Domestic honey supply is assured, but it is possible that...

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