
It is getting better for fish farms

According to the 2016 financial reports, the domestic fisheries no need to complain – Hantos Zoltán, project manager for the OPTEN company information service provider said. Although we eat fish,...

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This year’s Hello Wood creative camp aimed at developing the Tokaj wine region

The Hello Wood organized its creative camp for the first time as part of the official university courses in the Tokaj-Hegyalja wine region in July this year, where 150 students...

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EU Commission: More and more people buy online from abroad

According to a recent survey by the European Commission, more and more consumers in the EU are shopping through the Internet and their confidence in e-commerce is growing, especially when...

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Jubilee International Honey Fair and Beekeeping Meeting in Jászberény

On the first weekend of August, Jászberény will host the third International Honey Fair and Beekeeping Meeting in Jászberény, which is the largest event of honey producers, beekeeping equipment manufacturers...

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This year’s vintage in Villány can be remarkable

The producers of the Villány wine region expect a very good vintage this year – Nagy Gergely secretary of the community council told MTI. Nagy Gergely said that due to...

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The proportion of people using banking applications grew by one and a half fold in Hungary according to a survey

The proportion of users of banking applications grew by one and a half fold in Hungary compared to last year. According to Gfk’s market researcher’s latest research published on Tuesday,...

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Nébih: swine fever has appeared again near the border of Hungary

The African swine fever (ASF) has appeared near the Hungarian border again; The virus was detected only 20 kilometers from the Hungarian border at Beregújfalu – the National Food Chain...

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The Hungarian-Russian economic relations have gained new impetus

The economic ties between Russia and Hungary have gained new impetus. After the fall of many years in the first four months of this year, the trade between the two...

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The carriers asked the prime minister for assistance

The National Carrier Guild of the Entrepreneurs (NiT Hungary) sent a letter to the Prime Minister to represent their case at the negotiations of the Visegrád Fours and in France...

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Guest workers can return

After the regime change in 1989, migration from Eastern and Central Europe to Western Europe has already reached its peak, so it is expected that the Easterns working in Western...

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The yield of cereals is poor in Slovakia

Yields weaker than in previous years are expected in Slovakia for cereals this year – was revealed by the preliminary data published by the Feed Manufacturers Federation on Thursday. In...

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Bank’s text messages can be diverted

G Data’s experts have called attention to a serious security gap: text messages sent by banks (containing various types of identification codes) can be diverted to other phones and be...

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KSH: Retail sales rose the most in May this year

Retail sales volume grew by 6.0 percent according to the raw data. Calendar effect adjusted, the increase reached 5.5 percent in May, compared with a year before, according to the...

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GKI: the economic growth index reached a historic peak in July

In July, GKI’s economic growth index has reached a historic peak. During the 20 year history of surveys the index has never been as high as in July – the...

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The Hungarian farmers are active in the formation of the Common Agricultural Policy

Thanks to the calls from the National Chamber of Agriculture, the Hungarian farmers were active in the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy’s (CAP) consultation: the sixth most opinions on reforming the...

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Analysts: Despite the slower growth in May, real wages this year may increase by 10 percent

The slowdown in the pace of wage growth in May compared to April was a slight negative surprise to the analysts, which was primarily explained by seasonal influences. As a...

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Consumers became more informed in the second quarter according to a survey

Consumers became more informed in the second quarter as the number of respondents who reported that they knew the shelf life of food and certain products, such as shoes, increased...

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The number of corporate bank cards is increasing

The number of business bank cards issued in Hungary has increased dramatically over the past two years, while the total market has virtually stagnated in terms of the number of...

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The Latin American agricultural market opens

The South American Common Market (Mercosur) negotiated on the Free Trade Agreement with the European Union at its summit – Világgazdaság Online wrote. At the Argentine Summit of South America’s...

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Nearly 50 percent increase in the support for children’s meals

According to the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Human Resources, the amount spent on one-day summer meal for a child increased by nearly 50 percent, from 370 HUF...

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Less wheat and rape were produced this year in Tolna

Last year, five percent less winter wheat was harvested in Tolna County, while rapeseed production decreased by 10 percent, compared to the 2016 average; Producers explain the loss in crop...

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Euro area growth lost momentum in July

In July, the preliminary value of the Manufacturing Industry’s Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) decreased to 56.8 points, to its three months nadir from the 57.4 points of June in the...

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Artificial intelligence tells you what foods are made from which raw materials on the basis of photographs

US scientists have developed an artificial intelligence that explores what kind of raw materials are used to study a food photo. The aim of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT)...

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MGYOSZ for vocational education

On 31 May 2017 the Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists (MGYOSZ) announced at a press conference: in the autumn they will organise a series of programmes in every county,...

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A melon trade mark is planned to be introduced

The introduction of the melon trade aims to make consumers distinguish the Hungarian melons from foreign melons easier – Horváth Zoltán, Baranya county government commissioner told M1 news channel on...

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There is no rural development without subsidies

European farmers can not operate profitable without subsidies and support. But these must be spent on increasing competitiveness and income must be generated – Győrffy Balázs, president of the National...

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The first unified packed cigarette pack was released

The first unified packed cigarette pack was released at the tobacco shops in Hungary – Demjén Tibor, of the Ministry of Human Resources (EMMI) told MTI. According to the regulation...

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MNB: Vending machines should be upgraded to accept the new banknotes

The National Bank of Hungary has called the attention of the operators of parking, ticket machines, beverage and vending machines that after one can pay with the old 2000 and...

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Waste management: an obligation that has turned into a value

Nowadays it is trendy for companies to be green, but in addition to this changes in legislation have also contributed to making firms manage their waste in a more conscious...

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K&H: agrarian companies do not exploit the opportunities to increase efficiency

The agrarian companies do not exploit the opportunities to increase efficiency, most of them are cutting costs and increasing production, but at the same time little attention is given to...

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