
Ministry of Agriculture: rural development tenders are popular

Rural development tenders are popular; further calls for proposals are expected this year – Kis Miklós Zsolt, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told M1 news channel...

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The Agricultural Ministry announced a tender to carry out gene conservation tasks

Recognizing the importance of gene conservation activities, the Minister of Agriculture has issued an open call for proposals under the 2018 central budget, the main objective of the grant is...

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The agrarian chamber and Magosz considers the research of mutagenesis

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the Hungarian Association of Hungarian Farmers and Cooperatives (Magosz) consider it necessary to conduct scientific studies and risk assessments of mutagenesis as soon...

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Nébih: 31 July is the payment deadline for the first installment of the food chain management fee

Food chain producers, distributors, farmers, livestock farmers, food producers and distributors have to complete the food chain monitoring fee return by the end of May. The amount set at this...

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The GfK German consumer sentiment index declined a bit in July

Instead of expected stagnation, GfK’s consumer sentiment index declined slightly in July in Germany. The Nürnberg-based Economic Research Institute’s consumer sentiment index in Germany was 10.6 points after the 10.7...

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Agricultural advisors can help food export at Polish embassies

Poland strongly intends to stimulate food exports. The Minister of Rural Development urges to hire agricultural advisors to embassies – wrote after Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, Minister of Rural...

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Harvesting has begun earlier than ever in Germany

The harvesting of grapes has begun earlier than ever in Germany. The work will begin on 6 August – the German Wine Institute (DWI) announced on Monday. Due to climate...

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More than a hundred million smartphones were sold in China in one quarter

After a strong halt in the first quarter, over 100 million smartphones were sold in China during the three months ended on 30 June. According to the Canalys Market Research...

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Good cereal production is expected

Based on the preliminary data, good grain production is expected this year – wrote. Based on the samples analyzed so far, it is also possible to say that the...

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Magazine: Brand loyalty: similarities between the generations of grandparents and grandchildren

Brand loyalty isn’t age-dependent – revealed an online survey conducted by Budapest Metropolitan University (METU) and Darwin’s Marketing Evolution in March, with more than 1,000 participants belonging to 4 generations....

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Technological development helps competitiveness, but does not replace workers in agriculture

The National Agricultural Chamber organized a Roundtable discussion on the effect of the modernization of agriculture on the countryside at the XXIX. Bálványosi Summer Free University and Student Camp. Participants...

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Rapeseed prices are expected to be good

The price of rape was full of hope since the end of April this year, as the droughts of spring brought news of a decline in crops. Unfortunately, Hungarian farmers...

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80 percent of the wheat has already been harvested in Zala County

Almost 80 percent of the wheat has been harvested in Zala County, the average yield per hectare is 5.1 tons, and the quality of the crop is worse than usual...

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AM: the Ukrainian veterinarian easened the ban on the import of Hungarian pork meat

Ukraine is now only prohibiting the import of pig products originating from Heves and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties affected by African swine fever (ASP) disease – the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told...

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The capital of wine and jazz will be Debrecen

From 2 August, Debrecen will be the capital of wine and jazz for four days. The Debrecen Wine and Jazz Days are waiting for the visitors from August 2 for...

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KSH: The number of employees increased further in the second quarter

The average number of employees was 4 million 475 thousand in the April-June period, ie in the second quarter, 55 thousand more than a year before. The employment rate of...

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Tusványos: Hungarian companies need own product!

According to Palkovics László, Minister of Innovation and Technology, Hungarian companies needs own products for Hungary’s success. He stressed that the government should deal with corporate innovation, as despite the...

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Dödölle festival to be held for the fifteenth time in Nagykanizsa

Wine, food and culture awaits the guest to the 15th edition of the Wine and Dödölle Festival of Nagykanizsa on 7 and 8 September – the Mayor of the city...

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Retail trade in the euro area was lower than expected in May

According to the seasonally adjusted data, the European Union’s Statistical Office (Eurostat) announced on Tuesday that retail sales increased by 1.4 percent in the Euro Zone in an annual comparision,...

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The number of nylon bags sold in England has dropped by eighty-six percent since 2015

The number of nylon bags sold in the seven largest supermarket chain stores has fallen by eighty percent since 2015 in England, but still over one billion a year. England...

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The volume of retail sales grew by 6.4 percent in the first five months in Romania

In Romania, the volume of retail sales grew by 6.4 percent in the first five months of the year, compared to the same period of last year – the National...

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The factoring market broke records last year

The factoring market in Hungary has gained a record turnover last year, but unlike the tendency in the European Union, the share of the micro and small companies decreased from...

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Over 60 million tonnes of cereal crops are expected in Ukraine this year

The Ukrainian Ministry of Agriculture has not changed its previous forecast after the harvest has begun and continues to expect 60 million tonnes or slightly more cereal production this year,...

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Magazine: Young shoppers economise and want physical stores to stay

According to the results of the Cetelem Panorama 2018, a survey conducted in 17 European countries, optimism returned to Europe. Rated on a scale of 1 to 10, respondents gave...

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More than expected flour price increase may come

This year there will be more feed wheat than mill quality – the professionals experienced as the end of harvesting is approaching. Wheat prices are constantly increasing, mills and bakeries...

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The current Hungarian CAP support rate should remain!

The current Hungarian support rate should remain in the post-2020 EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) period – wrote. According to the findings of the Agricultural Forum of the Free...

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The applicants have won more than 22 billion forints in the framework of VEKOP

A total of more than 22 billion HUF was won by 177 small and medium-sized enterprises, local governments, health care institutions, vocational training centers and tanker centers in the ten...

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The ripening of grapes is ten days ahead in the vineyards in Villány

This year, the ripening of grapes take place ten days earlier in the Villány wine region. it is expected that havest to start earlier than average – Ipacs Szabó István,...

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The Nébih has taken measures against a Pastry-webshop

The National Food Chain Security Office (Nébih), has taken measures against a Pastry-webshop. The operator of the website has admitted the shortcomings discovered during the procedure and terminated the...

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The verdict of the European Court of Justice strengthens the domestic GMO-free strategy

According to Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture, the verdict of the European Court of Justice further strengthens the domestic GMO-free strategy. The court in its verdict, published on Wednesday told...

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