
Fraudsters appear on behalf of the National Dohányboltellátó Kft.

The National Dohányboltellátó Kft. warns of fraud attempts. On behalf of the company, false information was sent out from a false e-mail address. The company initiated legal action, due to...

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School starting from at least 20 thousand HUF per child

The school start of a child attending general school requires the conscious preparation from the Hungarian parents. The acquisition of basic equipments ranges from 10 to 30 thousand forints, while...

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In the spring, half of the Hungarian bees have been died

In the spring, at the time of sunflower flowering, half of the Hungarian bees have lost – Bross Péter, president of the National Hungarian Association of Beekeepers told InfoRadio –...

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Nielsen: The majority of the festival goer youngsters are carrying condoms

The domestic festival goers are conscious: 60 percent of the respondents carry condoms. Nearly two-thirds of men, but more than half of women are “getting ready” for the festival’s mood...

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The Nébih found everything okay when examining VinAgora’s medal winner wines

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found everything all right when testing the wines of the VinAgora International Wine Competition – the organizer of the event, the Hungarian Grape...

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Grape harvest begins this week with early varieties

Because of the heat, grape harvesting starts early in August, but middle-breed varieties are harvested three weeks earlier than usual – Mészáros József informed MTI on Monday. The wine cellar...

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The melon season in Vajszló came to an end two weeks earlier than usual

This year, the watermelon and melon season in Vajszló ended two weeks earlier – Rab Tamás farmer told MTI. He said that the amount of fruit was medium, but its...

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African swine fever spread throughout Europe

The African swine fever spreads throughout Europe, and the epidemic of African swine fever (ASF) has worsened in several European countries over the past two months – the National Food...

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Higher than average soy crops are expected in Baranya county

Eberhardt György, the manager of the Mohács-based Margittasziget 92 Kft. expects 3.5-4 tons per hectare yield. According to Eberhardt György, the plants would need 5-8 degree lower temperature and some...

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K&H: large companies expect long-term growth

Most of the large companies operating in Hungary are counting on the continuation of economic growth, but their expectations are somewhat more moderate in the last six months, according to...

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GKI: Euphoria on home market: demand and prices both may rise further​​​

The GKI real estate index rose to 4 points in July 2018, while the Budapest index stood at 5 points. The index has increased by nearly 2 points and the...

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Analysts: retail sales growth to accelerate this year

Retail sales are expected to grow more than 6.0 percent this year, compared to the previous year, and will contribute significantly to a sharp rise of gross domestic product (GDP)...

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More refreshments, beer and ice cream were consumed than last year

The turnover of soft drinks, beers and ice cream has increased due to the heat, but the rush for fans have also started – the chain of stores told MTI....

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The Agricultural Ministry assists the wineries with several measures

The Ministry of Agriculture is assisting the wineries with several measures – Brazsil Dávid, Secretary General of the National Council of Horticulture – told M1 news channel. He announced that...

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Honey consumption more than doubled in seven years

Thanks to the honey promotional campaigns, honey consumption more than doubled in Hungary in the past seven years – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told....

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FruitVeb: it is difficult to protect against high heat

Vegetable and plant growers face difficulties to prevent the deterioration of the crop in the high heat. They use modern technology, variety selection and abundant irrigation – Ledó Ferenc, the...

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Markit: euro area economic growth has lost momentum

The final value of the composite purchasing manager index (PMI) of the IHS Markit Institute for Economics in London for July shows a decline in the pace of economic growth...

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Romanian retail trade increased by 6.5 percent in the first half of the year

The volume of Romanian retail sales grew by 6.5 percent in the first half of the year, compared to the same period last year, according to the Romanian National Statistical...

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The northern part of Europe has been badly affected by the spring weather

This year’s spring weather was extraordinary, which negatively affected Europe’s half, especially the northern areas, according to the USDA report on world agricultural production in July. With an average yield...

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KSH: retail sales increased by 7 percent in the first half of the year

In June, the turnover of retail stores calendar effect adjusted was 6.1 percent higher than in the same period of the previous year, reaching 6.9 percent for the first half...

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Less grain cereals were produced

This year, a few percent less grain cereals have been produced, compared to the average of the last five years, but prices are higher than last year – the Minister...

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The cocktail tomatoes have passed the tests

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) investigated one of the most popular ingredients of light salads, the cocktail tomatoes, in its latest Super Menta project – wrote. Experts...

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Retail trade in June was less than expected in the euro area

In June, retail sales in the euro area grew lower than expected, according to Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical office. In June, with seasonal adjustment, retail sales grew by 0.3...

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The exports of American soybeans exported into the EU increased by more than 280 percent

The exports of American soybeans exported into the EU increased by approximately 280 percent in July, compared to July last year – the European Commission announced. According to the Brussels...

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American pork loses ground on the Mexican market

Washington has imposed 25 percent protective tariff on imports of steel products and 10 percent on the imports of aluminum products. Mexico decided to impose a 20 percent customs duty...

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FAO calls for global coordination for a bioeconomy that leaves no one behind

If done right, in particular with and for family farmers, bioeconomy can help efforts to tackle pressing global problems such as hunger, poverty and climate change. This was the message...

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Cereal growers: Hungarian exports can grow due to the drought in Europe

The increased Polish and German market interest in free cereal stocks due to heat loss and drought loss can increase the Hungarian cereal exports – the chairman of the National...

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The KSH reported about nearly 600 million euros export surplus

In May, exports in euro were up 0.2 percent, imports increased by 2.9 percent, compared to the same period of last year. Foreign trade surplus was 596 million euros, 226...

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Celebrate World Beer’s Day with draft beer!

In more than 100 countries around the world, on the first Friday of August of each year, beer lovers are encouraged to try a beer novelty. The domestic beer lovers...

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Special programs for the world’s beer day

Did you know that the world’s beer day to be held on the first Friday of August? On this occasion Maltman compiled exciting programs. Visiting a Brewery Who would say...

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