
Germany would open the EU market before Africa

The German Minister of Development proposes a special commissioner and the abolition of tariffs and quotas for African agricultural products – Világgazdaság Online wrote. The European Union should fully open...

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Ukraine has trippled its apple exports

During the 2017-2018 export period, Ukraine exported 40.9 thousand tons of apples, 3.2 times more than in the same period of last year, the latter being only 12.8 thousand tonnes...

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Less grains to be harvested in the Czech Republic this year than last year

About 7.5 percent less, 6.345 million tons of grain to be harvested in the Czech Republic this year. The forecast of the Czech Statistical Office announced on Monday that the...

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The growth of the Gross Domestic Product slowed down in Europe

The performance of economic growth in the second quarter in the euro area has been slower than in the first quarter – according to Eurostat’s preliminary estimate. At Eurostat’s first...

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The growth rate of air freight and passenger traffic has declined in the first half of the year

The growth of air freight and passenger traffic has slowed in the first half of the year. In passenger kilometres the growth was 7 percent, compared to a 8.3 percent...

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MKIK: improving business expectations

The business expectations of compnies improved in the first half of the year – Parragh László, Chairman of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) said on Wednesday at...

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FruitVeb: it is expected that 700-750 thousand tons of apples to be grown this year

Hungarian producers expect to harvest 700-750 thousand tons of apples this year, which is 20-30 percent more than the previous year’s harvest – Domján Erika, managing director of the FruitVeb...

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AM: the support of the cattle sector remains after 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) wants to maintain production-related subsidies, market programs and national subsidies for the cattle sector after 2020 – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry...

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A campaign was launched to prevent African swine fever

In August, official veterinarians visit small farms and provide information on disease control. The campaign serves to reduce African swine fever – Bognár Lajos, Deputy Minister of State of the...

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Myths about boxed fruit juices

In the summer heat, proper fluid supply is important; dieticians recommend. Is it true that boxed fruit juices with a longer shelf-life are at least as healthy as we do...

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Surpluses in June rose above analysts’ expectations

In June, the second-highest foreign trade surplus of all time surprised the analysts, but did not shake their conviction that import and export growth will accelerate further this year as...

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The wine weeks events series in Balatonfüred have started

The wine weeks events series in Balatonfüred have been opened, and a wide range of gastronomic offerings and cultural programs await visitors in the lakeside town on 2 September. Kis...

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AM: Agriculture needs to be prepared for the challenges of climate change

Hungarian agriculture needs to be prepared for the challenges of climate change – Farkas Sándor, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) said on Friday in Hajdúböszörmény...

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Drought reduced German grain yields

The German Raiffeisen Alliance summed up the harvest results and lowered the expected yields of maize again – wrote. Germans have not reached such bad results since 1994. This...

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Ministry of Agriculture: this year 450 thousand tons of grapes is expected

This year, 450,000 tons of grapes is expected, which is similar to last year’s amount. Quality is excellent, so it can be an excellent vintage – Feldman Zsolt, Minister of...

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KSH: foreign trade surpluses in June broke a two-year record

In June, the value of exports in euros increased by 8.9 percent, while the value of imports in euro increased by 8.4 percent, compared to a year before. The foreign...

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Agricultural Chamber: pear yields will be 15 percent more this year

According to the preliminary data, pear yields will be 15 percent more ie 38 thousand tonnes this year. The quality seems to be good – the National Chamber of Agriculture...

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The Hungarian POPAI Awards have started again

Until 1 September you can apply for the a POPAI Hungary Association’s contest for the ninth time. The applications will be exhibited in Tapolca between September 25-28 on the 4th...

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The cakes and breads of the country can be tasted in the Hungarian Tastes Street

The cake of Hungary, the Komáromi kisleány (Little Girl of Komárom) and the Sugar-Free Cake of the Country, the Három kívánság (Three Wishes) and the three winners of the St....

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A melon day to be held in Ópusztaszer

A melon day to be held on Saturday in the Ópusztaszer National Historical Memorial Park. The guests can taste the fruit and will not miss the melon eating competition from...

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Some vegetables and fruits help to protect the skin during sunbathing

Colorful vegetables and fruits help to protect the skin from the damaging effects of sunbathing – Bálint Márta, Head of Department of Health Sciences at Semmelweis University told M1 news...

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Harvest can start very early in the Tokaj wine region

Harvesting of the traditional grape varieties in Tokaj-Hegyalja can be started much earlier than usual, – Molnár Péter, president of the Wine Council of the Tokaj Wine Region told MTI...

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KSH: consumer prices increased by 3.4 percent

Consumer prices were 3.4 percent higher on average in July than in the previous year and 0.3 percent on average in June – according to the Central Statistical Office (KSH)....

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The European vegetable sector is in a huge crisis

According to the European Association of Vegetable and Fruits Producers (PROFEL), farmers have not experienced a similar crisis over the past 40 years. The drought continued in July, so yields...

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Nébih found only one serious mistake in the vanilla ice creams

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found marking deficiencies in boxed vanilla ice creams, but food control fines were imposed only in one case. According to a brochure published...

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Conscious shopping can reduce the use of nylon bags

The European Union (EU) seeks to eliminate disposable nylon bags in the Member States and substitute them with environmentally friendly forms of packaging. To reach this goal, in addition to...

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Price increase on the European milk market

A rise in prices can be experienced on the European dairy market for the first time since November last year – wrote. The purchase price of milk increased to...

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More than the third of companies change their strategy due to the minimum wage and the guaranteed minimum wage

37 percent of the companies modify their business strategy as a result of the rise in the minimum wage and the guaranteed minimum wage – the Hungarian Institute of Economics...

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Harvest began earlier in the Szekszárd wine region

Harvesting in the Szekszárd wine region started about 1.5 – 2 weeks earlier. Producers expect better than average vintage both in quantity and quality and higher buying-in prices – the...

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Beer production is affected by the raging heat

Even the beer market is affected by the heat on our continent. In the northern European production areas, the malting barley plantations have dried up because of all the hotness...

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