
PÁDÁR KATA a Business Days 2018-on


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KSH prices increased by 3.8 percent in October

In October, consumer prices were on average 3.8 percent higher than the previous year’s 3.6 percent increase. Prices on average increased by 0.5 percent, compared to September – the Central...

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Nébih found deficiencies in three out of twenty-two tested mayonnaise products

Twenty-two mayonnaises were examined by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih), the controlled products were adequate for food safety, but marking deficiencies were found in case of three products,...

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The foundation stone of the Etele plaza was laid in Budapest

The foundation stone of the Etele Plaza, worth 300 million euros (nearly 100 billion forints), was laid in Budapest – the Futureal Group told MTI in a statement. MTI photo:...

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Hungarian, Polish, Czech and Slovak organizations support fair trade

The Conscious Consumers’ Association (TVE) has launched a regional project with its Polish, Czech and Slovak partners for the promotion of Fairtrade, with the support of the International Visegrad Fund....

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The Hungarian seed sector remains in the forefront of the world with innovations

Hungarian seed production is operating at a high level, with great efficiency and innovatively, this advantage must be preserved for the next quarter century – was said at the 25-year...

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The first local Food Bank in Hungary was established in Hajdú-Bihar county

The Hungarian Food Banking Association has been operating in Hungary for 13 years. In 2018 a new chapter has begun in the life of the Association: on 8 November, the...

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MEKLER ANITA at Business Days 2018


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(HU) Trade marketing utcáról utcára – Trade marketing klubülés 2018. november 15.

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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KSH: retail sales increased by 5.4 percent

Calendar effect adjusted retail sales increased by 5.4 percent in September, while the raw data became 4.4 percent, compared to the previous year. In the first three quarters of the...

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The Agricultural Marketing Center promotes Hungarian foods in China with Agricultural Pavilion and Show Kitchen

The Hungarian County Pavilion at the Chinese International Import Expo in Shanghai was opened with the participation of the delegation of the Hungarian Government and Prime Minister Orbán Viktor on...

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TVs and mobile phones can be Black Friday’s most popular products

It is expected that TVs and mobile phones will be the most sought products at this year’s Black Friday promotions – origo wrote after Világgazdaság. Várkonyi Balázs, the co-founder and...

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AM: the quality of Hungarian wine is at European level

Hungarian wine is a high quality product at European level, and the government wants Hungarian wine-making companies to better compete with their Western counterparts – the Deputy Minister of State...

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MNB: households in September took more loans than the value of their fresh deposits

In September this year, households took loans in a value of 37 billion HUF, while placed 13 billion HUF deposits at domestic financial institutions. In the first nine months of...

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(HU) A szőlő aranyszínű sárgaság fertőzése miatt növény-egészségügyi zárlatot rendeltek el Pécsen

Because of the infection of the golden yellow jaundice of grapes, plant healthcare closure was ordered in Pécs The Baranya County Government Office (BAMKH) ordered the phytosanitary closure, due to...

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The rise of consumer prices in the euro area accelerated to nearly six-year high

In October, the pace of the rise in consumer prices in the euro area accelerated close to the six-year high and exceeded the European Central Bank’s target of close to...

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Vegetable prices can run away

The prices of root vegetables may grow by up to 40-50 percent and onion prices with about 30 to 40 percent in the next period – the president of the...

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Hungarian poultry can be exported to China again

China has lifted the veto against avian influenza in Hungary, which is good news for all Hungarian poultry breeders, as it will be possible to export to China – Nagy...

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Agricultural Marketing Center promotes Hungarian Foods with premium products in China

The Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC) promotes Hungarian food at the China International Import Expo in Shanghai with a show kitchen and a 90-square-meter agricultural pavilion. At the expo, the attending...

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European Day of Commerce: COOP staff members were awarded

On the occasion of the European Day of Trade, the workers of the COOP Economic Group received a high degree of professional recognition on Tuesday. The professional event organized for...

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ITM: the rate of infringements decreased in e-commerce

Consumer protection audits over the past few years have reduced the proportion of infringements experienced in e-commerce from 54 percent to 15 percent – the Ministry of Innovation and Technology...

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Fifteen exhibitors at the Chocolate Festival in Szolnok

The products of fifteen exhibitors are available to the visitors at the 7th Szolnok National Chocolate Festival, which will be held on 17 and 18 November. Molnár Lajos, managing director...

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Grape restructuring aid can be applied again

Grape restructuring aid can be requested again until the end of November. In addition to the relocation and cultivation of vineyards, from the year of this year it is possible...

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The country’s largest young entrepreneur event to come

From 12 to 16 November, the Young Entrepreneurs Week will be held in Budapest and in nine rural cities. At Hungary’s business show, beside others, billionaire performers and an automated...

Read more companies spend 5738 forints on average to find the right worker

In Hungary, the companies spend on average 5738 for a well trained and experienced employee, while in 2012 this amount was only 278 forints – according to the survey of...

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The economic mood index of ifo in the euro area is on a two-year low

The euro zone economic mood index of the Munich Institute for Economics decreased to the nadir of the past two years for the fourth quarter. The fourth quarter economic mood...

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KOZÁK ÁKOS at Business Days 2018


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Magazine: It isn’t enough to win, the prize should also be retained – but how?

The Superbrands programme has been rewarding the best brands for 14 years, but there are only a few of these that are able to win the prize year after year....

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FÁBIÁN ÁGNES at Business Days 2018


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Other meat companies can export to Singapore

It was agreed with Singapore that in addition to the 18 meat companies that already have an export license, five more companies can export to the Asian country – Szijjártó...

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