
In the past seven years, retail sales in the euro area fell the most in December

In December, retail sales in the euro area have fallen with the largest extent in the euro area of the past seven and a half years, according to a statement...

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Romanian retail sales grew by 5.4 percent last year

Last year, the volume of Romanian retail sales increased by 5.4 percent, compared to the previous year – the Romanian National Statistical Institute announced on Tuesday. According to the seasonally...

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American agriculture suffers from Arctic cold

The Arctic inflow of icy air has forced slaughterhouses and grain processors in the United States to temporarily shut down. The temperature in the Midwest region has fallen to such...

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Magazine: A pack of chewing gum and a box of marijuana, please!

According to a Bloomberg report, published by Convenience Store News in August, sales in the marijuana segment of FMCG products can reach USD 50 billion by 2026. In the USA...

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The new livestock law to come

It is expected that the new Animal Breeding Act will be adopted in the spring, which will enable Hungarian breeding organizations to defend their positions against their multinational competitors in...

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Retail sales increased by six percent in 2018

In December last year, retail trade turnover was 3.7 percent, according to the raw data, while calendar effect adjusted it was 4.1 percent higher than a year before. At the...

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The agricultural output exceeded 2,700 billion HUF

The key issue for the development of Hungarian agriculture is to increase production, which can be achieved by improving competitiveness and efficiency – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said on...

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There may be a shortage of domestic seed in case of some arable crops

The Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Product Council (VSZT) warns of the risk of domestic seed shortages in case of spring barley and oats, due to the declining crop area....

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MNB: corporate lending accelerated in 2018

According to the data of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB), corporate loan demand picked up last year. At the end of December, the debt of non-financial corporations against domestic...

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The government will spend 150 billion HUF on the Hungarian Village Program this year

This year, more and more central budget resources will be spent on settlement development in Hungary, of which 150 billion HUF will be spent on the Hungarian Village program –...

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Retail sales in the Czech Republic increased by 4.8 percent last year

Compared to last year, retail sales in the Czech Republic increased by 4.8 percent – the Czech Statistical Office (CSÚ) announced on Tuesday in Prague. A year before, in 2017,...

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Economic sentiment is on a four-year low in the euro area, according to ifo’s survey

The economic sentiment for the first quarter in the euro area fell to a four-year low, according to an analysis by the University of Munich’s Ifo Institute for Economic Research...

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Magazine: Organic connections

The Hungarian Cosmetics and Household Chemicals Association (KOZMOS) is 25 years old in 2018. On 24-25 October they organised their annual conference in Visegrád. General secretary István Murányi opened the...

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VAT reduction on milk resulted in cheaper milk

As a result of the VAT reduction on milk, fresh milk is now 4-5 percent cheaper than before. The VAT reduction of the UHT and ESL milk in January this...

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Raiffeisen expects 3.4 percent growth this year

This year, the economy may grow by 3.4 percent in Hungary, but in 2020-2021, the economy is expected to grow by only 2-3 percent – RaIffeisen Bank told MTI in...

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Producers have to adapt to the new challenges of fish farming

The new challenges for fish farming have to be adapted by the European Union and Hungary, and besides the economic benefits, the development of fish farming in Hungary would result...

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Imports increased

In November last year, the value of exports calculated in euro increased by 4.5 percent, while the value of imports calculated in euro increased by 7.3 percent – according to...

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Chinese imports increase customs revenue significantly

Due to the arrival of Chinese goods to Hungary, the customs procedures performed by the National Tax and Customs Board (NAV) have increased significantly, and the amount of customs revenue...

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The sentiment of American consumers are above expectations

Compared to December, the US consumer sentiment weakened, but were above expectations in January – according to the regular monthly survey of the University of Michigan. The January consumer sentiment...

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Swine fever was detected in Sepsiszentgyörgy

About sixty pigs are to be killed in the Őrkő district of Sepsiszentgyörgy, where the appearance of African swine fever (ASP) was confirmed at the end of last week –...

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There is a great need for a shop assistants across Europe

There have never been such great need for shop assistants in the European Union member states – wrote. According to EURES, the European Job Mobility Portal, 75,000 shop assistants...

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Five easy practices by Gijs van Wulfen to be more innovative

Innovation is one big struggle. Not being able to change habits within the organization. Being creative at the wrong moment. Frustrated by budget cuts. Confronted with a lack of entrepreuneurship....

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First Global Women’s Network at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2019

On 8 February 2019, exactly one month before International Women’s Day becomes a new public holiday in Berlin, the first Global Women’s Network will take place at FRUIT LOGISTICA at...

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According to the OECD, further reforms will contribute to a stronger and more inclusive Hungarian economic performance

Due to the high employment level, the Hungarian economy is in the middle of a strong recovery, which also increases wages, consumer confidence and domestic demand. According to the new...

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The KSH conducts a trial census in agriculture in February

The Central Statistical Office (KSH) is conducting a full agricultural census in the summer of 2020 (Agrárcenzus 2020). The agency is conducting a trial test between 1 and 28 February...

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The rate of childhood obesity stopped in Hungary

Due to various legislative changes and professional cooperation, the proportion of overweight people among Hungarian children was halted – the Minister of State, responsible for Health told at a professional...

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SMEs are calculating with stable financial results

Companies are calculating with stable 8 percent revenue growth, but with a slightly more modest, 4 percent profit growth this year. According to the latest data of the K&H SME...

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MLBKT: the purchasing manager index declined in January

The seasonally adjusted January value of the Purchasing Manager Index (BMI) was 54.0 points after the 54.3 points of December – the Hungarian Logistics, Purchasing and Inventory Company (MTPL) announced...

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More than 50,000 visitors are expected to the 26th FeHoVa

The largest arms, angling and hunting exhibition (FeHoVa) of the Carpathian Basin will be hosted by Hungexpo at the Budapest Fair Center between 7 and 10 February. Three hundred exhibitors...

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The pace of consumer price increases in the euro area slowed further in January

In January, the pace of consumer price increases in the euro area slowed further, moving away from the European Central Bank’s 2 percent target. According to preliminary data released by...

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