
Hungarian cherries are promoted around the Lake Balaton and in Bács-Kiskun county

For the promotion of the Hungarian sour cherry, the Fruitmarketing Kft. is making a free tasting action that takes place from Tuesday to Thursday on the southern shores of Lake...

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The domestic large corporate sector has a stable outlook

Cautious optimism and stability characterize the outlook of the domestic large companies this year – according to K & H’s first quarter growth index. The indicator of one-year expectations of...

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900,000 forints for 7 Minutes – The Great Wine Test has been launched

The wine consumption habits of the domestic Internet users were measured for the fourth time: the wine test of the country has begun. This time, people who have completed the...

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KSH: revenues in the infocommunication sector increased by 7.8 percent in the first quarter

Companies in the information and communication sector generated sales of 776 billion HUF in the first quarter of this year, 7.8 percent more, compared to the previous year – according...

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Deloitte: the corporate acquisition market has fallen in the region, and stagnated in Hungary last year

In contrast to global developments, the number of acquisitions in Eastern and Central Europe declined in 2018, so the stagnation in the Hungarian market is a positive result in a...

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Magazine: Shoppers don’t economise on the health and comfort of babies

Izabella Kowalska, junior category manager of Essity Hungary Kft. told our magazine that both value and volume sales had increased in the baby wipe market. Her experience is that among...

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Morocco will be the partner country at the 79th OMÉK

There will be a trade day, a product innovation contest and the partner country will be Morocco at the 79th National Agriculture and Food Exhibition (OMÉK), which will take place...

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‘Operational excellence, great to work with and great to work for’

VPK Packaging Group is one of the biggest packaging manufacturers in the world, with 65 factories in 20 countries and its headquarters in Belgium. VPK Packaging Salonta is a member of...

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Wandering in Tolna and Baranya

Trade magazine has been invited to a press trip in Tolna and Baranya counties. The first stop in the tour was Donautica Hotel and Restaurant in Fadd-Dombori that opened in...

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Food price index remains unchanged

The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations has reported that in June the price index of the most important produce sold in international trade was 0.3 percent...

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A large quantity of wine was produced last year

According to French market analyst Tallage, this summer farmers will harvest 143 million tons of wheat in the EU. As for corn, the yield is expected to be around 63.4...

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Record speed in the first quarter

In the first quarter of 2019 the Hungarian economy defied expectations and didn’t slow down; on the contrary, it accelerated to reach a record speed. Thanks to this, GKI modified...

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Above-average food price increase in May

Consumer prices were 3.9 percent higher in May 2019 than in May 2018. Food prices jumped 5.6 percent. Seasonal product prices (potatoes, fresh fruits and vegetables) grew by 15.2 percent....

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April produced an 8.5-percent growth in retail sales

In April 2019 like-for-like retail volume sales grew by 8.5 percent; adjusted for calendar effects, the sales growth was 7.1 percent – reported the Central Statistical Office (KSH). Food and...

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The Hungarian purchasing power growth rate was generally higher than the European average

Back in 2006 the per capita purchasing power of Hungarian consumers was EUR 5,462, which grew to EUR 6,654 by 2018 – informs a GfK study. This sum is about...

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Big weekly shop: more people do it online

Online FMCG sales increased by approximately 20 percent and reached the annual value of HUF 41 billion – informed eMAG. This growth rate was the fastest in the net HUF...

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Ecommerce Hungary to introduce a trademark

Seeking to motivate the e-commerce sector for a fair market conduct and to increase consumer trust, Ecommerce Hungary plans to introduce a trademark system, called Ecommerce Hungary Trustmark. The programme...

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Two thirds of Hungarians are looking forward to new innovations in banking services

Mastercard commissioned TNS Kantar with conducting an 11-market survey on Digital Banking, which revealed that 6 from 7 people use a digital banking service at least once a month, and...

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Nearly 5.4 million online shoppers in Hungary

An eNET online survey conducted in April 2019 found that 91 percent of Hungarian internet users, 5.4 million people, already bought something online minimum once in the last 12 months....

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Export success requires patience and perseverance

The Törley Sparkling Wine Cellar was the venue of the Agóra conference titled ‘Sales without Borders’, organised by KNK PR & Média for the Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. Participants were discussing...

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(HU) KERÜLJÖN A CSR ÉLVONALÁBA! – Pályázzon a CSR Hungary Díjra!

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Digital – in the summer too

The last POPAI meeting before the summer break took place at the Unilever Hungary headquarters on 20 June. Customer marketing leader Tibor Veress was the host, and he gave an insight...

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An opportunity missed

Which is the place where the most decisions are made in a fashion store? In the fitting room! The website Inside Retail Asia published survey results in connection with this topic....

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Századvég: economic growth may even reach 5 percent

The Századvég Economic Research Co. has improved its growth expectations, and in favorable cases it is also not excluded that it will approach or even reach the 5 percent growth...

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The melon season starts with a smaller domestic supply

A larger amount of domestic melons are expected to be marketed from 1 July. The watermelon harvest can begin at the end of the week, early next week, so a...

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The agricultural chambers of the Visegrád countries want a simpler common agricultural policy

At the serial meeting of the Agrarian Chambers of the Visegrád Countries, the leaders of the organizations, made clear requests again on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)...

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(HU) Tolnától-Baranyáig


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Another ten companies are joining the Priority Export Partner Program

A further ten Hungarian companies join the priority export partnership program (kepp), in which nine companies are already involved – Szijjártó Péter, Minister of Foreign Affairs said on Monday at...

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Digital revolution in the warehouses

Zsuzsanna Niklós, sales, tender and marketing director of Schenker Kft. told Trade magazin that in line with increasing market and partner demand, they keep widening the range of dry and refrigerated...

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Nébih tightens the conditions of animal transportation due to the extreme heat

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) has banned the transport of animals in vehicles without air conditioning, and, due to the extraordinary heat forecast, prohibits the re-launch of long-term consignments of...

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