
KSH: retail sales increased by six percent last year

Retail sales grew by six percent in 2019, according to both raw and calendar-effect adjusted data, after the 6.7 percent of the previous year – the Central Statistical Office announced...

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Nielsen: we spent 2.5 trillion HUF in retail in 2019

Hungarians spent nearly 2,500 billion forints in 17,000 business units in 2019, which is a 7 percent increase, compared to the 2018 total annual sales. Sales volume increased by about...

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We can be successful with excellent domestic ingredients

It is important for us that the top performances of Hungarian gastronomy make everyday life more beautiful. Neither quality gastronomy, nor successful food industry can be imagined without high-quality, healthy...

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MNB: household debt increased by 15.6 percent in 2019

Households’ loans increased by 957 billion HUF from last year’s 338 billion HUF to 7,107 billion HUF at the end of last year. It is 15.6 percent higher than a...

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More than two hundred furmins at the Furmint February Grand Tasting

The visitors of the 11th Furmint February Grand Tasting can meet with one of the most important white grape varieties of the Carpathian Basin at the Hungarian Agricultural Museum on...

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Retail sales in the euro area declined unexpectedly

In December last year, retail trade volumes in the euro area fell more than expected. It is the largest decline since March 2008, and did not reach the expected growth...

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Consumer price growth in Germany accelerated in January

Consumer prices in Germany rose at an accelerating pace in January, bringing inflation closer to the European Central Bank’s target, but the numbers are still not convincing enough for the...

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Is the planet approaching “peak fish”? Not so fast, study says

Global fish production will continue to expand over the next decade even though the amount of fish being captured in the wild has levelled off and aquaculture’s previously explosive growth...

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Magazine: International Food and HoReCa trade show

Sirha Budapest is the most important regional event for the representatives of the food, baking and confectionery industry, the HoReCa sector, and the world of packaging and gastronomy. Last time...

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(HU) Átadták a Sirha Budapest Innovációs díjakat

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AM: Hungary received 360 billion HUF in support of the food industry development between 2014 and 2020

The Hungarian food industry received more than 360 billion HUF in support between 2014 and 2020, and the next seven-year development plan of the agricultural ministry will pave the way...

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Three quarters of the households do not feel financially stronger despite real wage growth

In a survey sent to MTI on Tuesday, GKI notes that between 2014 and 2019, nominal earnings increased by more than 60 percent and real earnings by almost 50 percent....

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Sustainability is also rewarded at the Bocuse d’Or Budapest Finals

The Hungarian final of the Bocuse d’Or Cooking Competition will take place on 5 February, where it will be decided who among the six finalists will represent our country in...

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All detergents tested by ITM were compliant

All 19 detergents that have undergone consumer protection testing by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology’s (ITM) chemical laboratory have met the specifications. According to an ITM announcement published on...

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Sufficient quantities of spring cereal seed this year

The Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Product Board announces a net price of 105 thousand HUF for spring barley and spring oats II grade reproductive seeds. According to the organization,...

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The Fény Street Market is in trouble

The 2nd District Municipality gathers the opinions of the locals on the Internet and in public forums on what the fate of the Fény Street Market should be –

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The donut festival in Nagykanizsa to be expanded to three days

The donut festival in Nagykanizsa to be expanded to three days and Zalakaros will also host programs as a new venue for the Nagykanizsa National Carnival Donut Festival, which attracts...

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GDPR: more fines, but there are still few well-prepared organizations

The total amount of GDPR fines imposed on companies operating in Hungary exceeded 140 million forints. Most companies violate the principle of personal data processing, which has been penalized 58...

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US economic growth rate was lower than 3 percent last year

The Trump administration did not reach the 3 percent growthtarget for the US economy last year as corporate investment declined even more amid trade tensions. The Department of Commerce’s statistical...

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E-commerce in Romania increased by 22 percent last year

E-commerce in Romania grew 22 percent last year to 4.3 billion euros, according to a report published on Tuesday. It is estimated that last year Romanians made an average of...

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(HU) A fejes káposzta lett a kötelező zöldséghozzávaló a Bocuse döntőn

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Magazin: We shouldn’t turn our backs on plastics

According to Miklós Nagy, secretary general of the Hungarian Association of Packaging and Materials Handling (CSAOSZ), lots of negative information has been circulating in the media about packaging, especially plastic...

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(HU) Benvenuti al Sud! Dél-Olaszország ízei a SIRHA Budapest-en

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According to GKI, the economy may grow by 3-3.5 percent this year

The Hungarian economy expanded last year at around 5 percent, one of the fastest in the European Union. Overall, the October-November data do not yet indicate a slowdown, but the...

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Analysts: earnings outperformed expectations

Earnings surpassed expectations last November, according to analysts interviewed by MTI, and this year is likely to be above 9 percent. Horváth András, senior analyst at the Savings Bank, emphasized...

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Food producer prices have risen well above the average

In December last year, industrial producer prices increased by 2.4 percent year-on-year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Monday. Domestic sales prices increased on average by 3.3 percent,...

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The Purchasing Manager Index decreased in January

The seasonally adjusted January Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) became 52.5. It is lower than the 53.9 of December and it is the fifteenth highest since January 1995, the Hungarian Logistics,...

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German retail trade union urges constitutional amendment due to Sunday closing rules

The German constitutional law needs to be amended because of the regulation on Sunday store closure – the head of the Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE) told on a Friday. While online...

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The EU offers duty-free trade to Britain

The EU offers London an agreement on trade free of duty and quotas. This could be the central pillar of the partnership between the Union and Britain, quoted EU’s...

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