
No hurry to introduce card payment

Online checkout providers, such as shops, restaurants, do not have electronic payment options. This will be mandatory for all of them from 2021 onwards. Most of the 60,000 service providers...

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Meat eaters love vegan burgers

Demand for plant-based foods is growing at an unprecedented rate, with perhaps the most glaring development for “vega” burgers. Who consumes these products primarily, and how can we call the...

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A new training will start for herbalists at the Szent István University

Did you think that in addition to flavoring gingerbread, cloves are also great for sore throats? Did you know that thyme can smell like lemon? Have you ever heard that...

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Fidelity: Fiscal policy plays a key role

From the economic effects of Covid-19 to the astonishing fiscal and monetary responses, the markets had an extraordinary year in 2020, and these events will inevitably make their mark on...

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Domestic companies can reduce their burden with digital taxation

The introduction of digital taxation is considered a priority for next year by the leaders of Hungarian companies – it was revealed at EY’s online tax conference with the participation...

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Because of Brexit, companies need to review how they transfer personal data to the UK

The transitional period for the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union ended on 31 December. This will also have a significant impact on data protection from 1 January, with...

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Karácsony Gergely announced Budapest’s 2021 budget

Karácsony Gergely announced the consolidated budget of the capital’s local government for 2021, acting within the tasks and powers of the Metropolitan Assembly. The mayor is empowered by the emergency...

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World food prices rise for seventh month in a row in December

World food prices rose for the seventh consecutive month in December, led by dairy products and vegetable oils, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations reported today. The...

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In December, GKI’S economic sentiment index almost completely offset its November fall

GKI’s economic sentiment index rose sharply in December. It almost reached its October level again, which was much more favourable than the April low, but had been at a fairly...

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Angol cím teszt cikk

Angol szöveg – Kormányzati segítséget kérnek: bér- és járuléktámogatást valamint 5 százalékos áfát – olvasható a Angol szöveg Angol szöveg Angol szöveg Angol szöveg Angol szöveg Angol szöveg Angol...

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A significant part of the annual fish consumption can be attributed to Christmas

A significant part of Hungarian fish consumption traditionally falls during the Christmas period, according to expert estimates, fish producers sell about 40 percent of the total annual amount of fish...

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Kopint-Tárki expects a 6.6 percent GDP decline in the fourth quarter of this year

Due to the recurrence of the pandemic, Kopint-Tárki Zrt. Expects a 6.6 percent decline in gross domestic product (GDP) for the fourth quarter of this year in its latest business...

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Most young people are already opting for self-service checkouts this Christmas

The pandemic also rewrote this year’s Christmas preparations. Security came first in the purchases, the time spent in the stores decreased, and in parallel, this year’s shopping plans are more...

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The traffic monitoring website has also been extended to rural malls

In just a few days, the LocSight site, which aggregates shopping mall traffic, attracted tens of thousands of visitors. The developers of Helix Consulting and CBRE Hungary, in response to...

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We spend as much on gifts this year as we did last year despite the crisis

59 percent of domestic users will spend less than 40,000 forints and 41 percent more than 50,000 forints to buy Christmas presents this year. The vast majority of them spend...

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Hungarian Red Cross: disinfectant is one of the most useful gifts this Christmas

It is also worth supporting the Hungarian Red Cross with a disinfectant and a mask this Christmas, as this is one of the largest unexpected editions for the humanitarian organization...

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Magyar Posta: this year’s Christmas package season is stronger than before

This year’s Christmas package season is stronger than in previous years, the number of packages is significantly higher than a year ago – Magyar Posta told MTI. The announcement reminds...

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Not everything green that looks like – GVH helps with legitimate advertising

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) has published a so-called A “Green Marketing” brochure to support businesses in developing good advertising practices for environmental friendliness and sustainability. In recent years, there...

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Companies may be suspected of antitrust infringements even if they do not communicate with each other

Companies may be suspected of antitrust infringements even if they do not communicate with each other – was said at an online event organized by the Hungarian-French Chamber of Commerce...

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Laboratory results: The fiber content of poppy and walnut is remarkably high

We still don’t know everything about dietary fiber, although their beneficial physiological effect is almost immeasurably complex – Soltész Erzsébet dietitian says, who, together with an independent laboratory in Hungary,...

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Retail sales in the United States declined more significantly than expected in November

In the United States, retail sales declined more than expected in November on a monthly comparision. The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Census Bureau announced on Wednesday that the seasonally and...

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A year-end corporate gift can easily become a nightmare

A Christmas gift received from a company or a business partner can be a very serious complication. It’s just a seemingly simple question of what can be given and what...

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(HU) Ne csak a fenyőfa, legyen az egész karácsony zöld!

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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GKI expects a more moderate 6 percent decline in GDP this year

Based on favorable third-quarter data, the decline in the fourth quarter will reduce the rate from the previous 9 percent to 7 percent and the annual GDP decline from 7...

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From 1 January, information obligations for eggs will be stricter

Information obligations regarding eggs are being tightened – wrote based on the Wednesday issue of the Hungarian Gazette (Magyar Közlöny). The changes published are: From 1 January 2021, in...

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Hungarian households throw away more than half a million forints a year

Proper storage of foods that require refrigeration could save up to 600,000 forints a year, according to Samsung’s European research. • Research shows that appropriate refrigerated storage of certain foods,...

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Takarékbank: strong customer authentication extends online shopping by a few seconds

When shopping online with a credit card, all credit institutions must introduce strong customer authentication from 1 January 2021, in line with EU legislation – Takarékbank drew attention on Tuesday,...

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The role of online commerce data assets is being investigated by the competition authority

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) is launching a market analysis to explore how the data assets of online retailers are created and what role it plays in competition between online...

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Hungary’s tax system has become even more competitive

The competitiveness of the Hungarian tax system among OECD countries has further strengthened. In this year’s ranking of the Tax Competition, which evaluates the members of the international economic organization,...

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The largest sustainability event in Central Europe will be held in Budapest next year

The largest sustainability event in Central Europe will be held in Budapest next year, starting on November 29, at Hungexpo. Joó István, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign...

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