
This is how global apple and grape production will develop in 2020-21

According to a report issued by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), world apple production will decrease by 4 percent in 2020-21, while global grape production will remain at the...

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Consumer sentiment in the United States deteriorated slightly in January

Consumer sentiment in the United States deteriorated slightly in January, according to a standard monthly survey by the University of Michigan. According to preliminary data released on Friday, the value...

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The Netflix influence on sales of related products

Data now show that a streaming TV series can have an impact on product sales. Researchers are finding correlations between Netflix shows and U.S. sales of products related to their...

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The Chinese economy grew by 2.3 percent in 2020

The Chinese economy grew 2.3 percent in 2020 after the country’s economy recovered at an accelerating pace from the downturn recorded in the first quarter following a domestic curb of...

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Fidelity: Rope Dance

For most of 2020, asset prices were well ahead of revenue expectations, thanks to significant fiscal and monetary measures taken to mitigate the economic damage caused by Covid-19. On the...

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Let’s talk about tequila!

There are two tequila categories: the distillate made of 100-percent blue agave and the mixto – the alcohol content of the latter is provided by minimum 51 percent blue agave...

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We buy more over the weekend

The 19-hour store closure has also reshaped our shopping habits by going shopping more on Saturdays and Sundays. No wonder. And for New Year’s Eve, we didn’t buy more than...

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AM is constantly creating irrigation communities

The number of irrigation communities is constantly expanding: by the end of last year, 25 people had been recognized for their operation, the Ministry of Agriculture (MoD) told MTI. With...

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This is how vegetables grown in the garden improve children’s health!

Home-grown vegetables and fruits have many positive effects on our lives and health. This is also supported by a recently published research. Research from the University of East Anglia (UEA)...

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MNB: Rising tobacco prices boosted core inflation last December

The contribution of demand-sensitive products and fuels to inflation rose in December last year, offset by a decline in the contribution of food to inflation, so that overall inflation remained...

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Consumer protection: 2,947 hits

In the year 2020, the consumer protection system was quietly combed – wrote. From March last year, the consumer protection authority became a government office instead of a district...

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Digitization and reorganization can solve market uncertainties in many cases

More than 2,300 entrepreneurs and business leaders around the world have spoken about how to deal with the crisis in the wake of the pandemic. Those who remained stable or...

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PM: The provision of electronic payment facilities will increase the competitiveness of businesses

Starting from this year, companies operating online cash registers are required to provide customers with the option of electronic payment and its continued availability. Developments through regulation could be a...

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It turned out how much cash was in circulation in December 2020

The average stock of cash in circulation increased in the last month of the year, according to a statement presenting the preliminary balance sheet of the central bank – origo,...

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We can expect a car buying seizure this year

Many would abandon public transport in the long run due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to an international survey of EY 3300 involving consumers. The automotive industry must also be...

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Retail sales declined in December in the United States

Retail and hospitality sales declined in December in the United States for the third consecutive month. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, severe restrictions kept consumers away from restaurants and shops...

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Stella Artois experiences

Anheuser-Busch InBev’s well-known Stella Artois brand didn’t leave its homebound consumers alone in 2020 in the US. They cheered up the people stuck at home with several ideas and programs....

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The digital euro would arrive in five years

The digital euro must be a reality within five years – Origo quotes Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank. Sufficient time should be allowed to be introduced it...

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(HU) Így sikerült a briteknek a Brexit-megállapodás

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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KSH: consumer prices increased by 2.7 percent in December and by 3.3 percent on average in 2020

In December last year, consumer prices were on average 2.7 percent higher than a year before and 0.3 percent higher than the previous month; In 2020, prices increased by an...

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The Hungarian champagne won a gold medal

Out of 479 items from 19 countries, the Hungaria Rosé Extra Dry champagne won a gold medal at the Effervescents du Monde world competition in the Burgundy wine region –...

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The euro exchange rate affects rents

The pursuit of security will be dominant in 2021 for commercial property tenants. One or two old forms of interior design are coming back, and the majority of tenants are...

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Bird flu has appeared in Bács-Kiskun county

The laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has also confirmed the presence of the bird flu virus in another area, in Bács-Kiskun county, the eradication of the...

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According to the European Food Safety Authority, the larvae of the flour beetle is fit for human consumption

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which operates under the auspices of the European Union, said on Wednesday that foods made from the larvae of the flour beetle (Tenebrio molitor)...

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Mysterious advertisements and sport events

Sports fan consumers are looking forward to sport events in 2021. American football is becoming internationally popular, so the February 7. Super Bowl is attracting millions of Americans and followers...

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Fitch: the EU recovery fund will significantly accelerate the recovery of the Central European EU economies

The European Union’s recovery fund, especially next year, is expected to significantly accelerate the recovery of EU economies in Central and Eastern Europe from the shock of the coronavirus pandemic,...

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Chinese exports expanded in excess of expectations in December

Exceeding expectations, Chinese exports expanded in December after growing for the seventh month in a row, partly due to Chinese manufacturers being placed in an advantageous position over their foreign...

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University of Debrecen: A2 milk is the biggest innovation in the dairy industry in recent years

According to researchers at the University of Debrecen (DE), A2 milk is the biggest innovation in the dairy industry in recent years, as it causes fewer digestive complaints than marketed...

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This year’s harvest depends on this

Grain growers welcome the snow in Transdanubia – wrote. They say if the crops are covered with snow for a few weeks in the second half of January or...

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