
Dietary: fiber intake strengthens the immune system

At the time of the pandemic, it is extremely important to support our immune system with a healthy diet and proper fiber consumption – the dietitian Somogyi Kovács Anita called...

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This year, the donut festival in Nagykanizsa will take place online, but with the possibility to buy

In line with the coronavirus pandemic, the 13th Carnival Donut Festival programs will be held online. The donut baking competition will be held and those interested will be able to...

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IMF Improved this year’s world economic growth forecast

World economic growth could pick up in the second half of the year, thanks to stimulus fiscal and central bank monetary measures and the launch of mass vaccinations, according to...

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Business sentiment in Germany deteriorated in January

As a result of the severe situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, business sentiment in Germany deteriorated more than expected in January, according to a survey by the ifo economic...

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Walmart positions itself as key COVID-19 vaccine provider for rural America

Walmart expects to be able to administer between 10 million and 13 million COVID-19 shots per month at its more than 5,000 in-store pharmacies in the United States and Puerto...

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A new record in freight transport

A special freight train has departed from the southern Chinese province of Guangdong to Russia, origo wrote. The cargo arrives in Moscow in just 15 days, reducing delivery time by...

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PepsiCo plans to become a zero emission company by 2040

PepsiCo Inc seeks to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across its supply chain by 2040. The makers of Doritos chips and Tropicana juice said: first they will cut greenhouse gas...

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CSR Hungary Summit: COVID has created the opportunity for a new beginning

The 2-day CSR Hungary Summit was organised online at the end of last year. On the first day participants discussed many COVID-related issues. Júlia Takács, founder and managing director of...

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Metro AG is the new owner of Davigel Spain

Metro AG has announced the takeover of food service distribution company Davigel Spain – for an undisclosed fee. Davigel Spain supplies more than 4,000 partners in Spain, mainly on the Balearic and...

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Asda is testing a vegan butcher counter

Asda has teamed up with vegan concept creator Kbox Global, to test a supermarket vegan butcher counter for this year’s ‘Veganuary’. In Asda’s Watford store a counter named Veelicious was built,...

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SPAR Austria continues to reduce sugar content of products

SPAR Austria’s sugar reduction scheme – which was launched in 2019 – will continue in 2021. Since 2020 11,454 tons of sugar has been removed by SPAR’s partners in the initiative. SPAR Austria has cut...

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Waitrose: Seaweed will be the superfood of 2021

Waitrose & Partners believes that seaweed is the must-have ingredient of 2021, as sales of the product grew by 23 percent last year if compared to 2019; sales were 71 percent...

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Nomad Foods buys Findus Switzerland

Nomad Foods has bought Findus Switzerland from Froneri International Ltd, together with certain intellectual property from an affiliate of Nestlé S.A., for a price of approximately EUR 110 million. Findus...

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Hungarian bank card acceptance is among the fastest developing in Europe

According to the latest data from Mastercard, the number of card payment terminals increased by 20 percent in Hungary in 2020. Mastercard launched its Doppio infrastructure development programme in the...

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Barilla acquires British fresh pasta maker Pasta Evangelists

Via its BLU1877 business Barilla has acquired a majority share in Britain’s Pasta Evangelists, reentering the fresh pasta market and boosting its digital offering. The two companies did not disclose...

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The future of the supply chain: Cobots, drones and artificial intelligence cameras

The Deloitte Technology Trends 2021 study has revealed: in the near future members of the supply chain will focus on sharing data, and the whole product chain will become visible...

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Digitalisation: Hesitant companies

According to a global survey conducted by EY with the participation of 1,001decision-makers, 62 percent of executives think they should completely transform the way their company works within 2 years,...

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Visa innovations for improving smart payment solutions

Visa Inc. has announced the launch of new artificial intelligence (AI) based services, called VisaNet+AI. This service offers a solution for banks, retailers and consumers to manage certain types of...

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Príma campaign with #buyhungarian face masks

In January Príma implemented a special promotion campaign: they gave Príma face masks to those shoppers who purchased three products with the Hungarian Product trademark at the same time online....

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Hungarian workers calculate with lasting changes

As the global job market is transforming because of the pandemic, job safety has become more important than ever before. According to the Randstad Workmonitor – a report prepared in...

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PLMA News in brief

Aldi UK is adding 12 ready-to-cook meals to its low-calorie Slimwell range. Lidl is trialling a new store format in Belgium. The arrangement and the premium decoration differentiate the 1,500m²...

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In focus: the United Kingdom

Young British consumers like to shop in discount supermarkets Aldi and Lidl make up for 67 percent of the UK’s discounter market and they represent 13 percent of British FMCG...

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Successful Foam White Christmas at SPAR

According to Eszter Benedek, managing director of Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft., their promotion campaign with SPAR was a big success last December. All Hungarian Product trademark bearing products available in...

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New digital solutions for e-commerce challenges

Fintech company ZEN has teamed up with Mastercard to launch financial solutions that make it possible for consumers, freelancers and entrepreneurs to manage their finances easily and to make contactless...

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Higher cereal crop prices in January than a year earlier

Data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reveals that Hungary’s poultry meat export dropped 13 percent to 147 thousand tons, while import grew by 3 percent to 55 thousand tons...

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Production costs up nearly 20 percent in the dairy sector

A recent survey by the Milk Interbranch Organisation and Dairy Board conducted among members has found: in the dairy sector production costs increased by 15-18 percent in one year. The Dairy...

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Private label hand hygiene products at OMV filling stations

In January OMV launched its own hygiene product range, which is available at every OMV filling station: the products clean and protect users’ hands without water. The pleasant-smelling and refreshing...

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Mars campaign for gender equality

Mars has launched a new global crowdsourcing campaign, called #HereToBeHeard to improve the positions of women in every field of life – including race, age, sexuality, religion and ability –...

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Great success: Hungary has become one of the EU’s biggest isoglucose producers

Hungary is one of the biggest corn-based isoglucose producers in Europe, as 40 percent of the EU’s annual isoglucose production, 500,000 tons are made in Hungary – almost 70 percent...

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XIXO pulls PET bottle packaging from full product category

From 1 February HELL ENERGY Magyarország Kft. packages XIXO carbonated soft drinks in 100-percent and infinitely recyclable aluminium cans only. This means that the company stops using the PET bottle...

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