
Carrefour has been selling organic food for 30 years

French retailer Carrefour is celebrating the 30th anniversary of its entry into the organic market: they have been selling organic products since 1992. As part of commemorating the anniversary, Carrefour...

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Imperial Brands sells its Russian branch

Imperial Brands – formerly known as Imperial Tobacco Group – will transfer its Russian business to Russia-based investors. The transaction is in line with the group’s previously announced intention to...

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A good season is forecasted

In early May it seemed that this year’s fruit harvest would be quite good, but it is a big question how the price rise wave that is sweeping across the...

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Changing world, changing consumers

According to a GfK study with approximately170 million households in 14 countries, FMCG volume sales will increase by 3% this year; expectation is that value sales will be 13% higher...

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“Smart” laundry detergent refill stations in Lidl stores

In partnership with Algramo, Lidl has decided to launch an automated, touchscreen, liquid refill station in stores, at part of a 6-month pilot project. Shoppers can buy four types of...

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Magazine: Ferrero Group is the new owner of Fulfil Nutrition

Ferrero has signed a definitive agreement to buy Irish vitamin and protein bar producer Fulfil Nutrition. The value of the transaction is estimated to be around EUR 150m. Based in...

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MNB director: inflation peaks in the autumn months

Inflation peaks in the autumn months and then slowly declines, returning to the central bank’s tolerance band at the end of 2023 and reaching the 3 percent target in the...

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AM: The application for support for small agricultural holdings was popular

One of the most successful calls of the Rural Development Program was the tender scheme for the support of small farms, which ended on 31 May and helps small farmers...

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KSH: Industrial producer prices rose by 32.3 percent on an annual basis

In May, industrial producer prices rose by 32.3 percent year-on-year and by 2.6 percent month-on-month. Domestic sales prices were 43.3 percent higher, and forint-denominated export prices rose 26.7 percent, the...

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K&H: Sustainability is important to companies, but they do little for it

In Hungary, the majority of company executives have already recognized that sustainability has a significant impact on the economy, which needs to be addressed, but far fewer are taking real...

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German retail sales declined in real terms on an annual basis

Retail sales in Germany were mixed in May, growing more than expected on a monthly basis, but declining more than expected on an annual basis. The German Federal Statistical Office...

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Unemployment in the euro area has fallen to a record low

Unemployment fell to a record high in the euro area in May, while it stagnated in the European Union. The EU’s statistical office, Eurostat, said on Thursday that the unemployment...

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(HU) Intrum: Gátolják a magyar cégek növekedését a nemfizető ügyfelek és a hiteltartozások

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Żabka Smart opens in Poznań

Polish retailer Żabka has introduced new technology in its Poznań store, which will improve how its franchisees operate. “Żabka Smart” communicates with shop assistants, performing a number of activities for...

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Nomad Foods and Innoget launch open innovation portal

Nomad Foods has teamed up with global innovation network Innoget, to launch an open innovation portal to accelerate food technology cooperation. The website will facilitate solutions for some of the...

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Magazine: Shoppers are buying more, but they do it less often

Csilla Czikora, NielsenIQ’s client service director responsible for manufacturer partners analysed the trends of 2021, and she also gave an overview of what happened in the first quarter of 2022....

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GKI: Forecast for 2022

GKI has revised its growth forecast. For 2022, it raised its GDP forecast to 3.5-4 per cent from 2.5-3 per cent previously, and lowered its GDP forecast for 2023 to...

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The new subsidized loan program starting in July will be popular

The Széchényi MAX program, which will be launched in July, will be a great help to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, as it will provide financing at a better interest...

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Horticulture will continue to be a major product line in the future

The horticultural shooting sector is facing significant development opportunities, including the domestic tomato shoot, where the good results achieved in terms of yield may increase with the new investments, Juhász...

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Ministry of Agriculture: the summer harvest began sooner

Harvesting has also started nationwide, and the extremely warm weather requires special attention from farmers, said Minister of Agriculture Nagy István in his statement. The head of the ministry pointed...

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German inflation slowed in June

In Germany, instead of the expected rise, inflation slowed in June year-on-year, according to the German federal statistical office Destatis. According to preliminary data from Destatis published on Wednesday, the...

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This year’s fish soup festival in Tiszacsege will be held on Saturday

Thousands are expected on the bank of the Tisza in Csege on Saturday, where the Tiszacsege fish soup festival will be held for the fourteenth time, the owner of the...

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Petition For EU to Include Plant-Based Milk in School Meals Gains 35,000 Signatures

A petition by ProVeg International urging the EU to include plant-based milk in school meals has exceeded 35,000 signatures. The campaign pushes for the integration of plant-based milk as a more climate-friendly...

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Co-op Britain to stop indicating “use by” dates on private label yogurts

Britain’s Co-operative Group plans to stop indicating the “use by” dates on private label yogurts to prevent food waste. The retailer plans to use “best before” dates instead, because they...

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Orkla Alternative Proteins invests in two start-ups

Orkla Alternative Proteins has invested in two start-ups, Change Foods and Arkeon, which use technology to produce cheese and proteins. Change Foods is a start-up established in 2019, they have...

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Diageo and PET Cup are improving the waste situation in the Tisza source region

Approx. 10,000 tonnes of waste arrive from Ukraine and Romania on the Tisza, mainly due to the lack of adequate waste management systems in the upstream countries. The Tisza PET...

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Heads of OECD and FAO emphasise the importance of peace and transforming our agrifood systems for guaranteeing access to food for the world’s poorest

The global agrifood sector faces fundamental challenges over the coming decade, particularly the need to feed an ever-increasing population in a sustainable manner, the impacts of the climate crisis and...

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Magazine: László Krisán: “Everyone has their share of responsibility in crisis management”

Our magazine asked László Krisán, the CEO of KAVOSZ Zrt. about the past year, the present situation and their plans for the future. – How did the different types of...

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The harvest will begin soon

Within a few days, the harvest will start in Hungary as well – wrote. This year, the world is ahead of the harvest season, with the Russian-Ukrainian war leading...

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