
Hair care goes way beyond hygiene

Those days when washing hair was a simple hygiene and care routine are behind us, today it is a real beauty care practice. Zsófia Gózon-Karajz, L’Oréal Magyarország Kft.’s trade marketing...

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(HU) Ideje kikapcsolni: testi-lelki betegségeket előzhet meg a nyári digitális detox

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Magazine: One for the baby…and then more for the baby!

In comparison with 2020, the baby food market grew by more than 10% in 2021 – wet baby food sales were up 9% and dry baby food expanded by 13%...

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People fear inflation the most, globally

Ipsos’ What Worries the World survey tracks public opinion on the most important social and political issues across 27 countries today, drawing on over 10 years of data to place...

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Hot summer with ice cream

The ice cream market, which stagnated during the pandemic years, has barely recovered, and it already has to deal with another, even more complex crisis, pointed out the Association of...

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AM: despite the drought, the wheat harvest covers domestic needs

Despite the drought, the wheat harvest covers domestic needs, but much less is exported than before, said the state secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) responsible for agriculture and...

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KSH: consumer prices increased by 11.7 percent in June

In June, consumer prices exceeded a year earlier by an average of 11.7 percent. In the past year, the prices of food and durable consumer goods have risen the most,...

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FruitVeb: high-quality melons to be produced domestically this year

Although the unusual heat slightly reduces the yield, thanks to the sunny weather, the melons produced in the country promise to be excellent – read the summary published on the...

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The new Pécs market hall has opened

The new market hall in Pécs, built with 3.8 billion HUF, opened its doors to customers on Friday, the municipality informed MTI. In their announcement, they wrote: in the one-story,...

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Microplastics have also been found in the meat, milk and blood of farm animals

For the first time, microplastic contamination was found in beef and pork, milk, and the blood of cows and pigs, The Guardian wrote on Friday based on Dutch research. In...

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Henkel has successfully closed the acquisition of Shiseido’s Professional hair business in Asia-Pacific

Henkel has successfully closed the acquisition of Shiseido’s Professional hair business in Asia-Pacific. With this acquisition, Henkel becomes a leading player in the hair professional business in the region. By...

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Huge mid-year wage increase at ALDI: wage competition explodes, Lidl, Spar in a difficult situation

ALDI Hungary decided on an extraordinary mid-year wage increase. The company’s goal is to maintain the real value of its employees’ wages in addition to rising inflation, and therefore, after...

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GKI: large companies are more environmentally conscious than smaller ones

Large companies pay more attention to sustainability than smaller ones, but differences in environmental awareness can also be seen based on the activity – GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. told MTI on...

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The drought is causing serious damage in Békés County

In Békés County, the drought is wreaking havoc on field crops. In the Orosháza and Fábiánsebestyén regions, the corn and sunflower stocks are in a worrying state, there are places...

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Central and Eastern Europe is losing its economic momentum due to the Russian-Ukrainian war

The war in Ukraine and global inflation are eating away at the resilience of Central and Eastern European economies, according to the summer forecast published on Wednesday by the Vienna-based...

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In autumn, another big wave of food price increases is expected in Hungary

Domestic animal breeding enterprises have found themselves in a critical situation, because the drastic cost increases have pushed even the most efficient farmers to the brink of unprofitability – emphasizes...

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The national officials of the National Chamber of Agriculture were elected

On July 7, 2022, the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) held its national constituent meeting of delegates, where the national officials were elected. The delegates confirmed the current president,...

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Industrial production increased by 9.4% in May

Exceeding expectations, industrial production increased by 9.4% in May, while adjusted for the effect of working days, production increased by 3.4%, as there were two more working days in May....

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KSH: the turnover of retail stores increased by 11.1 percent in May

According to the raw data, the volume of retail trade in May was 12.0 percent, and adjusted for the calendar effect, it exceeded the year before by 11.1 percent, the...

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Analysts: changes in shopping habits can be seen from the retail data

Household consumption may have peaked in May, the population has already used up most of the first quarter’s state benefits and is starting to transform the shopping habits in line...

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Retail turnover increased in the euro area and stagnated in the EU in May on a monthly basis

Retail sales increased in May in the euro zone and stagnated in the European Union in a monthly comparison. The statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, announced on Wednesday...

Read more the expanding sales of agricultural machinery indicates improved efficiency

The efficiency of production is improved by the fact that farmers in Hungary bought much more tractors than last year in the first half of the year – told...

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More than one million untaxed cigarettes and potency-enhancing pills were seized by the tax inspectors

The tax inspectors found more than one million untaxed cigarettes, lots of Elf Bar, Heets, cut tobacco, potency-enhancing pills and drug-suspicious substances during a large-scale operation in the capital, the...

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K&H: The optimism of the SME sector is slowly running out

The expectations of SMEs for the next year decreased further based on the results of the second quarter of the K&H SME Confidence Index 2022. The indicator currently stands at...

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This year’s melon season promises to be good

The 2022 melon season officially starts this week. Although domestically grown cantaloupe can be found on the shelves for a month now, the picking of wild cantaloupe and cantaloupe really...

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You can also see how difficult this season is on the autumn rye seed

The expected average yield of autumn ears of corn intended for seed shows an extremely large deviation in each part of the country, but is everywhere below the average. There...

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Regional types of vanilla are crucial to developing flavorful concepts and NPD, say suppliers

Vanilla extracts continue to have a strong hold on the F&B industry as one of the most requested and price volatile ingredients globally. As such, supply chains for vanilla stretch...

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The public finances may lose billions in tax revenue – the shortage of drivers is severe

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The Ministry of Agriculture supports producers with all possible means in mitigating drought damage

By the end of June, the size of the areas affected by the drought damage notification exceeded 300,000 hectares, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced on his social media page....

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Mineral water is washing the category’s boundaries away

András Palkó, marketing director of Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország informed our magazine that mineral water value sales were up a moderate 2% in retail in 2021; volume sales dropped 1.8% from...

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