
Burger King Austria now Asks Customers, ‘Regular or With Meat?’

Burger King Austria is continuing the chain’s introduction of plant-based menu items around the world with a new campaign to promote the burgers, which will be positioned as “the new normal” on...

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K&H: starting school may cost more than ever

Inflation also affects the start of school, parents have to expect higher expenses than before. Nationally, more than 17 percent of the expenses related to the opening of schools are...

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Tomatoes are getting incredibly expensive

In August, we are in full tomato season: it is no wonder that the popularity of homemade fresh produce, homemade tomato juice, tomato paste, and lecho is unbroken, since we...

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These are the best vegetable recipes in the heat

In the summer heat, the last thing we want is to sweat over the stove for hours and fight for the next day’s lunch, even if it is worth cooking...

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Nestlé retains position as world’s most valuable food brand

According to the world’s leading brand valuation consultancy, Brand Finance, Nestlé remains on top by a significant margin, with its brand value worth almost twice as much as the second...

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Aldi Ireland does not operate loyalty schemes or money-off vouchers anymore

A new study by Coyne Research, commissioned on behalf of Aldi Ireland, has revealed for the first time the true cost of current Irish supermarket loyalty schemes and money-off vouchers...

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The epidemic is finally over! Hungary can breathe a sigh of relief!

According to the relevant regulations of the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH), Hungary regained its freedom from bird flu. In view of the favorable development of the epidemiological situation,...

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South Africa v. European Union: the target is orange

South Africa appealed to the WTO against the mandatory cold treatment of fruit in the EU. A dispute broke out between the two parties because of the oranges, because oranges...

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While raspberries are becoming more and more popular abroad, their growing area is getting smaller and smaller here

According to KSH data, raspberries were grown on 1,500 hectares in Hungary at the turn of the millennium, and since then the cultivated area has been continuously decreasing. Serbia is...

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Farmers can count on the government even in drought

Hungarian farmers can count on the government just as they have until now, even during the historic drought, the Minister of Agriculture said on Thursday in Újszilvás, where he explained...

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Fidelity: Hungary will be less sensitive to pressure towards further devaluation of the forint

Inflation, central bank interest rates, energy prices – the countries of Central and Eastern Europe are reacting to the changes at a high pace, and the experts of Fidelity International...

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Dairy UK targets those questoning dairy consumption with consumer-facing campaign

Dairy UK is running a consumer-facing campaign that hopes will counter criticism over the sector’s environmental record. „Advocating for our sector is always going to be more effective than responding...

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Kastélyosdombó became the capital of Hungarian hops

A few hundred enthusiastic villages in Somogy county have become the “capital of Hungarian hops” in recent years. The settlement’s hop plantation supplies one of the leading Hungarian breweries with...

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About 1.8 million tons of food waste is produced in Hungary every year

One of the consequences of galloping food prices is that the value of food thrown in the trash can be much higher this year than it was a few years...

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The season had a rough start, but domestic sweet corn is still at the top of Europe

Most sweet corn in Europe is grown in Hungary. In order to preserve the competitiveness of the segment, the size of the irrigated areas and the proportion of varieties resistant...

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Retail chains are taking drastic measures to save money

Ever-increasing energy prices result in unexpected steps. Some European retailers are also reducing consumption, we show you how to save. With energy bills rising and the threat of a food...

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Ministry of Agriculture: autumn works should be planned according to the new rules

As of this fall, it will be possible to farm according to the new rules, in accordance with the growing EU green expectations, but within the framework of the agricultural...

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This is how our fish dishes will be tastier: the breeding of native Hungarian fish species has been perfected

The complex development of the breeding technology of three indigenous Hungarian fish species, carp, perch and catfish, was realized with a European Union grant of nearly one billion forints, project...

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The drought also caused great damage to fish production in ponds

The dry, droughty weather is causing more and more damage to fish production in domestic ponds as well. According to an expert from the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and...

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Retail survey: enrollment in school costs 20,000-30,000 HUF per child this year

On average, starting school costs HUF 20-30 thousand per child, but this amount can double, for example in the case of buying a new school bag – REGIO Játékkereskedelmi Kft....

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There is already a shortage of sugar in the shops

You can either not get sugar in Hungarian stores, or the stores limit the amount you can buy, Infostart reports. The expert highlighted the reasons. Hungary cannot produce enough sugar,...

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There is a big problem with Hungarian apples, we need to prepare for a serious shortage

Instead of the previous average yield of 5-600 thousand tons, apple growers in Hungary expect 350 thousand tons this year, which is a third less than last year. In addition...

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Instead of seasonal workers, “pick it yourself” days dominate the fruit market

The plum season is starting, and producers can pay up to HUF 200 a kilo if the buyer picks it from the tree. “Pick it yourself” days are becoming more...

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In July, inflationary pressure eased slightly in Germany

In July, according to expectations, the inflationary pressure in Germany eased slightly, according to the Wednesday report of the German Federal Statistical Office, Destatis. Inflation continues to be driven by...

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The increase in prices has slowed in the United States, but inflation is still close to the record

In the United States, consumer prices rose by 8.5 percent in July compared to a year earlier, the statistics office of the US Department of Labor announced. The figure is...

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Spain: Vegetable exports in May reached a historic sales record

The turnover of Spanish vegetable exports increased by 10.67% until May, reaching a historical record of 3.955 billion euros. Despite the increase in exports, the volume decreased by 3.43%, the...

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Repeated changes in the poultry meat and egg sectors, as well as in the reference prices for egg albumin

The Commission’s executive order (EU) 2022/1323 has been published on specific amendments to regulation 1484/95/EC in the poultry meat and egg sector, as well as the reference prices for egg...

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This year’s theme of Magyar Ízek Utcája is revolves around grain

True to the traditions of the Hungarian Bakers’ Association, it organized its Bread Competition for the eleventh time. The public was able to meet for the first time the first...

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Spain has testing a new solution for the safe transport of Ukrainian grain

Spain is testing the efficiency of Ukrainian grain transportation by rail with a 600-ton shipment of corn, which is scheduled to arrive in Barcelona from the Polish-Ukrainian border at the...

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Every third Estonian resident buys the cheapest options on the supermarket shelf

Every third Estonian resident buys the cheapest options on the supermarket shelf, a new study by Kantar Emor and the Estonian Food Industry Association shows. Estonian products are preferred if...

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