
The Pet Food is the Most Popular Privat Label Product in Hungary

Accoring to Nielsen Research datas from 2007 costumers give every fifth forints for privat labeled food.  From the whole privat label food products 48% is sold in discounts, the international...

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Consumers like and seeing the digital billboards totally in the US

According to a study from Arbitron US, the digital billboards are getting high marks from consumers. The majority of digital billboard viewers found the new signs to be attractive, and...

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The surfeit on the workplace is the biggest stress factor

According to GfK LHS HealthCare newest research every 8 people of 10 Hungarians are living in stress, most of them try to relax with sport or walking. Only 3% of...

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Chocolate Feast by Szamos Marcipan

This time on the „Wonderful Chocolate” feast Bela Borbely dedicates his new book about bonbons.On the event at the Corinthia Grand Hotel Royal the professions and privat guests can enjoy...

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Because of the Polish Import the Eggs are Cheap in Hungary

The domestic farmers can't enforce the higher feed prises and the thriving labour cost.Enough eggs and ham wait the customers in the stores at Easter. Food industry warns costumers, better...

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16.5% More Food Sold in Slovakia

The consumer bought more premium products, the sale of biofoods grow.Last year the 10 biggest retail chains had a revenue over SK 100 billion, the food section rose with 16.5%,...

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Hungary manufacturing PMI fall 6 percentage

Following a leap in January, Hungary's purchasing manager index plummeted to 50.6 points in February.   The Hungarian Association of Logistics, Purchasing and Inventory Management (HALPIM), the publisher of the...

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Acting in concert against forgery can decrease the black economy

The new founded organisation's first assigment is to build a concentrated database. The Hungarian Corporation Against Forgery has a HUF 75 million budget for this year, members are six ministries,...

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To Shop via Internet is Trendy

According to Szonda Ipsos research 20% of Hungarian internet users buy something via internet in 2007.  Every fifth Hungarian adult visit one of the researched auction, on-line and price and...

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F&B Manufacturers from Singapore at International Food Fair in Czech Republic

A group of food manufacturers under the flagship of the Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) will be doing Singapore proud at the Salima International Food Fairs 2008 held in Brno, Czech...

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Coffee prises on 10 years top

Prises must be grow in Hungary too, Sara Lee started to increase in February, Tchibo only in summer. According to ACNielsen last year 26.7 million kilos coffee was sold in...

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From June only from Hungarian Fruits and only in Hungary can make Palinka

The Hungarian Parliament talk about Palinka Regulation in March. According to the new laws proceed can be started against who abuses with the Hungaricum's name.  The new regulation – starts...

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No tumult at cash desks

According to communique of Hungarian Trade Association customers and cashiers succesful resolved the first day of roundings. Gyorgy Vamos, president of the assotiation said, no fights, loud bickerings destroyed the...

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Britain preffers not the complete ban

Shops could be forced by law to charge for handing out plastic bags unless they agree to impose the fees voluntarily, the Prime Minister Gordon Brown warned in a hard-hitting...

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Administration of liquidation started at one of M.E.G.A Trade Companies

The company group's Dis Kereskedelemi Kft. was famous after relabeling action in 2006. As known at company's plant in Budaors more thousands kilos of food was relabeld in 2006. When...

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Economic growth in Hungary only in H2

According to a GKI 's forecast elaborated in co-operation with Erste Bank Hungary's economy will eventually get out of the slump it fell into in 2007. Following a huge downturn...

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The economic confidence in the euro zone sank to a two-year low

The economic sentiment indicator in the euro zone, which has been on a downward path since mid-2007, stood at 100.1 in February, down by 1.6 points from that in January....

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Hungary's industrial PPI accelerates to 3% m/m, 4.3% yr/yr in Jan

Hungary's industrial producer price inflation ticked up to 3.0% month on month in January from 0.4% in Dec 2007, and rose 4.3% year on year against an 1.6% growth in...

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(HU) A vevők szívesen elcsábulnak


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Brand campaign a priority

The Hungarian Brands Association organised its ninth campaign in February 2008. 10 popular brands – of Beiersdorf, EVM, Henkel, Kométa, Magyar Cukor, Procter&Gamble, Reckitt-Benckiser, Sara Lee Unilever – appeared on...

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Autumn reactions

The average consumer price of milk was up by 30 per cent in Germany in September last year compared to 2006. Consumers immediately responded by reducing their consumption, according to...

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More foreigners, staying for shorter periods

The number of nights spent at commercial places of accommodation by foreign and domestic guests only grew by 0.9 per cent in the January – November 2007 period, compared to...

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Pineapple from orange

The Winter Fruit Carneval is to be held for the first time between 27. January and 10. February in the Europark mall. Gigantic sculptures made from tropical fruits will be...

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Hair dye sales growing

Sales of hair dyes continue to expand. According to Nielsen data, sales exceeded HUF 6 billion in the November 2006–October 2007 period, with growth of 12 per cent. Consumer prices...

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Online shopping becoming more popular

According to a Nielsen survey conducted among Internet users in 48 countries, 82 per cent of Hungarian net users have purchased something using the Internet. Whereas the most popular items...

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Environmental competition

Tetra Pak Magyarország and WWF Magyarország launched an environmental competition for primary schools in February with the aim of increasing awareness about environmental issues. The final with the best five...

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Natural brunette is in, but blonde is still popular

The segment of hair dyes has been expanding for years. Natural colours are the present trend. Marketing budgets of sufficient size play an important role in the present expansion. Competition...

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Large supermarkets dominant in Switzerland

According to a Nielsen consumer survey, the Swiss visit supermarkets or hyper markets 17 times per month on average and are willing to travel relatively long distances in order to...

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Older people not too old to consume

Instead of cult of youth, or at least in addition to it, a cult of age is expected to be in the focus of future marketing by Ákos Kozák, managing...

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