
Aluminium box return vending machines were set up

The test run of aluminium box return vending machines started, with support from the Association of Hungarian Brewers. This year 22 Hungarian-made return vending machines will be placed all over...

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French-Hungarian business meeting in Budapest

Early July the fair of French and Hungarian regions was organised once again, together with a meeting for French and Hungarian businessmen. The event took place in Sofitel, where the...

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The panic is over, but consumers are still cautious

The consumer confidence index moderately improved in the past three quarters in Hungary, but is still in the negative zone (we can speak of a positive mood above 100). In...

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Zoo visit for milk or juice carton boxes

Happy Box Days were organised by the Beverage Carton Environmental Association Foundation. 1,545 children visited the Budapest Zoo in exchange for 10 empty carton boxes per person. Nearly 20,000 boxes...

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Tappancs Szeged shared half of the donations they received

In May the Facebook members of the Pedigree Adoption Programme launched a campaign for improving the conditions at dog shelters: Mars Hungary offered to provide dog food and participants voted...

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The newest plaza opens in Siófok in 2011

The construction work is scheduled to be completed later this year, the handing over of the trade center may take place in December 2011. In relation to one of the...

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Successful Hoventa expo in 2010

Hoventa 2010 összefoglaló from Trade Magazin on Vimeo....

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German retail sales decreased further

In Germany, the decline of the September retail sales accelerated. After the 0.4 percent decline of August a 2.3 percent decline has occurred. Annual growth is 0.4 percent. On the...

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EU decision: more alcohol can be in the Hungarian wines

Brussels agreed that because of the bad weather, winemakers can increase the alcoholic degree of wines. A further nine countries, Germany, Slovenia, Austria, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Denmark, Slovakia, the...

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The impact of the pharmacy liberalization on consumers

According to the study of GKI-EKI Egészségügykutató Kft.; Because of the pharmacy liberalization, geographical and demographic constraints of the establishment of pharmacies have been terminated. The 19 percent increase in...

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A professional jury will select the online retailer of the year from 30 candidates

On the 21st of October 2010 the public vote for the Online Trader of the Year Award was ended, during which exactly 9,718 votes decided who will be among the...

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KSH: unemployment data proved to be better than expected

Unemployment data published by the Central Statistical Office (KSH): Hungary's average employment rate for July-September fell to 10.9%, while the number of employed rose to 3,823,000, KSH said in the...

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The GVH fined 16 grain processor for 2.3 billion HUF

Because of their participation in cartel, causing losses to Hungarian consumers, the Competition Authority (GVH) fined 16 grain processor for 2.3 billion HUF – announced the Competition Authority on Thursday....

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Improved economic sentiment in the euro area

The European Commission's overall economic sentiment indicator (ESI) is rising for the fifth month in October, increasing from 103.2 points to 104.1 points, compared to the previous month. The positive...

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The sugar demand of China and India will cause sugar price increases

Acccording to the British Czarnikow institution; The demand for sugar will sharply rise in the next twenty years, but the production is unable to follow the demand. Mainly due to...

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Online trade: Teszvesz and Vatera about to merge and, the two major Hungarian online auction portals are about to merge on 1st November this year. The two portals will switch to the name Kft, but...

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The Winegrower of the Year will be selected soon

The Winegrower of the Year will be selected within the compass of the sp-called Borest (Wine-evening) at the Wine Academy on 3rd December this year. This competition is the most...

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HUngarian wine-success at Dutch competition Proefschrift Wijnconcours

Merengő 2008 from Eger's St Andrea winery won the platinum award at the Amsterdam Proefschrift Wijnconcours, the biggest wine competition in the Netherlands, on October 10. This means that this...

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The consumer-friendly logo comes in two years

According to the Director-General of the The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH); the consumer-friendly logo system would be launched in two years. From the first of January next year, the...

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Customers stormed the Corvin: more than 30 thousand visitors on the first day

Hundreds were waiting in front of the gates of the Corvin Shopping Center, that is located on the Corvin Promenade. Hungary's newest shopping center, has successfully opened its doors to...

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45 percent of the employers are planning wage increase for next year

According to DGS Global Research; For 2011 45 percent of employers are planning an average 4.9 percent payment increase, while last year only 37 percent planned an average slightly larger,...

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65-70 thousand visitors are expected to the Sausage Festival of Békéscsaba

The region's largest professional and entertaining event, the Sausage Festival of Békéscsaba will be held between the 28th and 31st of October in Békéscsaba. The festival became one of the...

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Europeans do not have confidence in meat

According to a recently completed European research; Europeans do not trust in meat. The European Commission launches an investigation to find out what is the cause of the lack of...

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Wine marketing: one billion for the next year

The Agricultural Marketing Center will not be included into other professional organizations, still remain under the control of the Ministry of Agriculture, moreover the AMC will take over the tasks...

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Whole Europe suffers from the lack of potatoes

Hungary will have to import potatoes this year: Usually Hungary produces 600-700 thousand tons, this year’s harvest will be about 350 thousand tons. Due to the lack of potatoes, the...

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German criticism on the special tax

The Head of Foreign Economic Relations Department of the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) criticized Hungary for the special taxes on energy and telecommunications groups. Acccording...

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International interest in SIAL of Paris grew significantly

More than 500 exhibitors out of 5,700, coming from all over the world, exhibited organic products at SIAL-Paris 2010, the biannual leading food exhibition which ends today, October 22, in...

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FMCG-items to face a 3-5 percent growth next year

Sales volume of FMCG-items is about to reach a growth of over 5 percent in the next year – experts in Visegrád pointed out within the compass of the Retail...

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Food VAT will only increase in the case of 1-2 basic food

Czerván György the Secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development (VM), said that the ministry wanted to reduce the VAT of meat and bread, milk, sugar and cooking oil by...

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The crisis stopped the mood to shop online

According to the E-Shopping Report survey of KutatóCentrum; Over the past year, due to the stagnation and the decline in the number of transactions the online market has not expanded...

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