
Biofach 2011: more than 15 Hungrian exhibitors at the tradeshow

More than 15 exhibitors will take part in next year's Biofach trade show in Nuernberg – Márta Némethy Hungary-based spokesperson of the tradeshow announced. Here are the details of the...

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More harvested Aszú than it was expected

The Tokaj Trading House bought threefold of the expected quantity, thanks to favorable Autumn weather. According to Kiss István, CEO of the Tokaj Trading House; this year’s vine harvest is...

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Pálinka festival to be cancelled this year

There will not be Pálinka festival under the arcades of the Ministry of Rural Development this year. According to the Tuesday communication of the Ministry of Rural Development, that was...

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In September euro zone’s retail weakened further

The euro zone retail sales despite an expected slight growth, began to decline in September, which shows the vulnerability of household demand. According to the datas of Eurostat; retail sales...

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Russian ban on frozen chicken

From the 1st of January 2011, Russia will introduce a comprehensive ban on producing and marketing of frozen poultry meat – announced Gennady Onyiscsenko leader of the consumer protection supervision...

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Magazine: Retailers are fighting for those with a low income

Dollar (Dollar General, Family Dollar and Dollar Tree) stores’ popularity is growing and recently Wal-Mart and brand manufacturers also started focusing on shoppers with a low income. Previously Wal-Mart refused...

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What you can eat today… about healthy lifestyle programs

In the autumn several market research companies published data and results from the domain of healthy eating. Nielsen revealed that Hungarians find healthy food products too expensive. Ipsos found that...

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Milk Marketing Board: Auchan and Tesco sold milk under the milk purchase price

The Milk Marketing Board turned to the Central Agricultural Office, because they suspect, that Auchan and Tesco sell milk under the milk purchase price, while it is well known that...

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Domino is preparing to open one thousand pizza stores in Germany

The U.S. pizza chain, Domino is preparing to open one thousand pizza stores in Germany in the forthcoming years. The first Domino pizza shop will be opened in Berlin this...

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We are attached to Hungarian companies, and the favourite brand is Pöttyös Túró Rudi

The repuation of a company is largely defined by the emotional proximity customers experience. The two traditionally Hungarian companies we feel close to are MOL and Richter – recent survey...

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Celebration and worries at the Europe's Day In Commerce

Europe's Day In Commerce has been organized for the 6th time in Budapest on 3rd November this year. The event was organized by VOSZ and the Hungarian facility of Eurocommerce,...

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Pick, Gyulai, Herendi – The best Hungarian brands

In many countries of the world the Superbrands awards are handed over each year, to recognise the finest brands. This year, the national jury paid attention to the Hungarian products,...

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The pig breeders on the edge of bankruptcy

The pig industry faces a bad year, so the state should intervene – said Sákán Antal president of the Association of Pig Breeders. Without interference from state, pig stocks can...

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OECD expects a slow recovery

OECD expects a 1.5 to 2.0 percent increase for the economy of the euro area in 2011 and a 1.75 to 2.25 percent for the United States. In its June...

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The Szegedi paprika received EU protection

The European Commission, put the Szegedi paprika on the”protected area of origin of products” (appellations d'origine protégées, AOP) list – was announced in Brussels on Wednesday. The “szegedi fűszerpaprika-őrlemény” was...

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Two hundred thousand people visited the Corvin during a week

Thanks to the customer services, as well as the family-friendly operating philosophy of the Corvin Shopping Center, more than two hundred thousand people visited the new complex in the last...

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Hong Kong International Wine and Spirits Fair

The 3rd Hong Kong International Wine and Spirits Fair will be held between the 4th and the 6th of November 2010. At the same time, the Hong Kong Optical Fair,...

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Increasing industrial orders in the U.S.A.

The new industrial orders in the United States, increased by 2.1 percent by 8.8 billion dollars, to 421 billion USD in September. Expectations were about a more modest, 1,3 percent...

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Aufwind Schmack to start test operation of biogas plant in April

The Hungarian-based unit of Germany's Aufwind Neue Energien plans to start test operation of a HUF 3.9 billion biogas plant it is building in Szarvas in April, Aufwind Schmack announced....

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Ground, roasted passion

In September Tchibo reintroduced its Tchibo Exclusive products, which are now made using a new recipe, from 100-percent arabica beans. Andreas Christmann, Tchibo’s international procurement director was present at the...

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The future haunts

GINNT EXPO, the Global Innovation Technologies Expo was held in the Syma hall from 15 until 17 September. GS1 Magyarország Zrt. organised the event for the second time in Hungary....

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Annual meeting

POPAI Hungary Association held its annual meeting on 9 September. The board’s report was accepted unanimously and everyone remained in their positions. POPAI Hungary decided to send a delegation to...

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New times and a new world (Part 1)

The number of participants at the joint Business Days conference of Trade magazin and Lánchíd Club, held at the end of September each year, is growing from year to year....

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What you can eat today…

In the autumn several market research companies published data and results from the domain of healthy eating. Nielsen revealed that Hungarians find healthy food products too expensive. Ipsos found that...

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On four wheels for Hungarian food production

Coop Rally was organised for the fifth time, and the 84 cars travelled around the central and northern part of Transdanubia from 16 until 18 September, to tell people about...

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Agricultural prices soared during the summer

The production price level of agricultural products augmented by 12.8 percent in July 2010, compared with July 2009. Vegetable products became 20.5 percent more expensive, while livestock and products of...

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Drugstores’ market position became more stable

The annual market of household chemicals and cosmetics exceeds the value of HUF 300 billion. According to Nielsen, these products’ retail sales did not change this January-August, compared with the...

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Decrease in the prices of food products

In August KSH reported a monthly consumer price decrease of 0.6 percent. Compared with August 2009, prices rose by 3.7 percent. In the first eight months prices were 5.2 percent...

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We still consciously pick the place of our shopping

According to a study titled ‘Retail analyses 2010, the first six months’, made by GfK Hungária, in the first quarter of 2010 a positive trend characterised households’ spending on food...

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Ipsos launched a validated online research system

Ipsos Zrt. launched a new online research service, called Validated Online Opinions (VOV in Hungarian). VOV is a research panel recruited from the users of networking website iWiW, which has...

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