
Lower amount of wine in the cellars, compared to last year

This year it is expected that 800 thousand hectolitres less wine may transported to the wine cellars after the harvest, than in the last year – said Horváth Csaba, the...

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Shortage of meat in Ukraine

Ukraine did not succeed with its protectionist policy, shortage of meat occured in the market – announced the Ukrainian Minister of Agriculture. The country now need more imports than when...

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The Széchenyi Plan can help the SME sector

The lending conditions will be tightened in Hungary from the next year, because of the bank tax. However, SMEs will rely on the Széchenyi Plan – states the latest analysis...

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OKSZ: the government does not expect significant improvement in the economy

According to Vámos György, the Secretary General of the National Trade Association; the fact that the government counts on additional taxation even in 2014 indicates, that the cabinet re-evaluated the...

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Cappy taking part at the Children's World Exhibition with an adventure park

12th, 13th and 14th November will see the opening of a rather special exhibition for children, where the brand Cappy is going to launch a special adventure park, too. The...

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Forint loans are pushing forward

The number of problematic loan contracts is soaring by 30,000-40,000 every month, while the falling exchange rate of the forint put enterprises and households with a foreign exchange loan in...

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Hungarian FMCG-market still stagnating

In Hungary, the market of FMCG-products is still not blooming: we do not yet spend more on fast moving consumer goods than we did last year, whereas on the other...

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Demján needs Hungarian-owned hypermarkets

Hungarian-owned hypermarkets should be established, because the competition situation motives this – said Demján Sándor, the Executive Chairman of the National Association of Entrepreneurs (VOSZ) at the 15th Anniversary celebration...

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BNI about to launch another great event

Similarly to the previous years, BNI is about to organize an event with 450-550 participants, on 7th December at Lurdy House, Budapest. Started in January of 1985 by Ivan R....

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The European Union renews its trade

The European Commissions determinates six priorities for EU trade policy. Several recommendations have also Hungarian interests. The proposed strategy has three aims: stronger economic growth, more jobs and to increase...

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Five favorites for the Winemaker of the Year title

The first round of “Winemaker of the Year” competition completed on the 8th of November, and it was found out that who are the five winemakers, who received the most...

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The Germans will give shopping vouchers as Christmas present this year

In Europe's largest economy, shopping vouchers are on the first place on this year’s Christmas gift top list. Last year the Germans preferred to give books as a Christmas present....

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The majority of the products on the shelves of the retail chains are Hungarian food products

The Economics Department of Corvinus University carried out a survey, to estimate the proportion of Hungarian food products in domestic retail. Overall, in the tested categories the ratio of the...

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GKI Budapest Real Estate Market Index, 2002-2010

In October 2010 the GKI Budapest Real Estate Market Index was -23.3, which means significant improvement compared to the previous quarter. This data is higher by 11 points than the...

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The trade surplus continued to grow

According to analysts, polled by MTI; the September trade balance surplus was better than expected, and the year end surplus may reach 5.3 billion euros. According to the preliminary datas...

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Dutch and Danish pigs are flooding the Hungarian market

The purchase price of live pigs  decreased by fifteen percent in the last months. The customers do not perceive anything from the lower raw material price. But who swallows up...

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Unprecedented Alliance for Sustainable Development

Unprecedented social cooperation can be seen around the first Hungarian “Sustainability Summit” conference. So far, about 33 organizations, including the representatives of the nonprofit sector and variety of economic and...

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Date is set for ProWein 2012

ProWein 2012 will be held from 4 to 6 March in harmony with the internationally-relevant trade fair calendar. That way it is underlining its traditional status as an opening event...

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According to Demján; the Széchenyi Card has a great success

The Széchenyi Card is a great success. Via KA-VOSZ the product can reach the most part of the Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises – said Demján Sándor, Executive Chairman of...

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The big perfumery chain test

The International Service Check (ISC) international market research company tested 27 perfumery chains, including eight (DM, Perfumerie Fann, L'Occitane (en Provence), Marionnaud Parfumeries, Rossmann, Schlecker, Sephora, Yves Rocher) in international...

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The Association of Conscious Consumers tested Túró Rudis

The Association of Conscious Consumers tested one of the most popular domestic sweet, the Túró Rudi, on the basis of nutrition biology terms and packaging informations. A total of 19...

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Record growth is expected in the German economy

The exports of the German companies increased by two times faster, than expected in September, the trade balance surplus is almost on its two-year peak. In the previous two months,...

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Scandalous Lidl opening in Cyprus

Lidl expands:, the German discount chain last Thursday handed over seven stores in the Republic of Cyprus, and expected to open two more units this month. Analysts described the fast...

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Luxury item: new and limited, yet available in Hungary

Breitling is pleased to unveil its iconic Chronomat 01 watch in a limited edition of 2,000 pieces sculptured in steel and 200 pieces in rose gold. The Chronomat 01 joined...

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The Netherlands commits to using only sustainable palm oil by 2015

By the end of 2015, all palm oil used in The Netherlands will be sustainable, as certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). All palm oil suppliers and...

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The medieval abbey basement of Köröshegy is to let

Csaba Deckner decided to start the reconsruction-works of the abbey basement of Köröshegy three years ago. The picturesque, 100 m2 basement is to let now. PIctures and more information:

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‘It is ending precisely now…’ (Part 4)

This new, 6-part series by Trade magazin and GfK Hungária Market Research Institute focuses on price trends, pricing policies and consumer expectations in terms of price. Last time we examined...

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Scotch Whiskey export on its ten-year peak

Scotch Whiskey export broke its ten-year peak, largely due to the sales increase in the emerging countries. According to the datas of the Scottish Association of Whisky Manufacturers; between January...

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660 billion ‘’turnover’’ in the black market of food

If the government would repel the black market to one third, significantly more tax could income than the revenues from the crisis tax – states the National Trade Association (OKSZ)....

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Improving industrial production

In September, industrial production increased by 0.5 percent compared to the previous month, the annual improvement was 10.9 percent – the Central Statistical Office reported. The sector remains the driving...

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