
GKI's economic sentiment index reached its four-and-a-half-year high in October

GKI's economic sentiment index adjusted for seasonal effects continued to increase in November. The nearly continuous rise started one and a half years ago and the index has not been...

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Advertising tools which can change their clothes

SignExpo and DIGITALEXPO were held at the same time and place as GINNT EXPO, in the SYMA Sport and Event Centre on 15-17 September. SignExpo was first organised in 2004...

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The energy- and sport drinks factor a saw a rise of 13 billion HUF

Energy- and sport drinks are still incredibly popular, more than 11 billlion HUF was spent on this sector within December 2009 and September 2010. This is 11 percent more than...

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Unprecedented wine shortage may occur in Hungary

Almost all the major wine-grower organizations joined the protest, which denounced the agricultural government's decision, that only the ministry can delegate members to the organization, that decides over the community...

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The PSZÁF recommends a ban on consumer groups

If the competent ministry agrees with the Financial Supervisory Authority's proposal, to impose a ban on consumer groups the business-like organizating of the consumer groups will be banned in mid-2011....

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U.S. economy accelerated

The revised datas show that in the third quarter U.S. economy increased by 2.5 percent (based on annualized quarterly basis), which exceeds the previous estimations of 2 percent and the...

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Euro zone’s consumer confidence is on its three-year peak

Despite the Irish and the Greek crisis, increasingly strong consumer confidence can be seen in the eurozone. According to the datas of the European Commission published on Monday; the index...

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Russia markets 13 million tons of wheat

Until June 2011, Russia will sell more than half, about 13 million tonnes of its grain reserves, thus reducing the price of wheat – reports, after Vedmosztyi, Russian economy...

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Slimexpo: a new event focused on healthy diet and beauty

Nearly half of Hungary's adult population is obese or overweight. This problem leads to several illnesses, for example diabetics, muscle pains and hypertony. This is why a brand new event...

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Companies are still waiting

According to a survey by Coface Hungary, from the companies asked nearly 40 percent saw their sales revenues decline by more than 10 percent in 2009. Another 10 percent of...

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Tens strength coffee: prohibited over forty

A New York cafe created tens strength coffee; one could say: ten in one. It is a real caffeine concentrate. It’s serving is prohibited over 40, because it is dangerous...

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New forms of advertisement: product placements are coming!

After the effects of the recession and a long period of stagnation, the advertisement market is recovering slowly, and in fact new forms of advertisements – for example product placements...

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Hungarian companies participate at business forum in China

Representatives from more than a twelve Hungarian companies and organizations met with Chinese counterparts at a business forum in Chongqing on Monday, deputy state secretary at the National Economy Ministry...

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Postal prices might rise over 10% for some products from January

Hungarian postal company Magyar Posta might raise their prices more than 10% for some services from January 2011, although the average increase is not to exceed the rate of inflation...

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Hungarians will spend 34,000 HUF on Christmas gifts

According to Árukereső.hu’s survey; This year, an average of 33,800 HUF is planned to spend on Christmas gifts. 79 percent of the Hungarian Internet users inquiries on the web, before...

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Net earnings nearly increased by three percent

Real wages – beside the 5.1 percent rise in consumer prices – rose by 2.9 percent in January-September, mainly due to changes in the rules of the personal income tax...

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OECD: The growth of developed countries to slow down

In the OECD, containing 33 developed countries, GDP growth forecast for next year modified to 2.3 percent from the former 2.8. The organization's experts expect a 2.5 percent growth for...

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If New York is the standard, then the store rentals in Váci street are almost for free

In the American and Asian continent, the retail space rents have increased in Europe a decrease can be observed. New York continues to be the most expensive. For a square...

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Actions against the swindlers of the food industry

The major agri-trade associations initiated a cooperation at the Customs and Finance Authority (VP), in order to fight against the increasing value-added tax and othar tax cheats – published the...

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Wonderful Cofee tradeshow will happen next year, too

The first Wonderful Coffee tradeshow proved to be a great success last year, with its more than fifty exhibitors. The event will open its gates in 2011, again. There are...

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Seasonal candies: Hungarian still prefer high quality chocolate

In 2009, in spite of the recession,Hungarian customers payed more attention to quality when it comes to seasonal candies than ever before: they purchased twice as much candies made quality...

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A rich Christmas is expected in Germany

The Germans spend a total of 76.9 billion euros on Christmas gifts in November and December this year, 2.5 percent more than last year. According to the HDE retail association;...

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Interview with Lászkó Kovács, president of MVI – video

As we have pointed out before, the board members of the MVI (Association of Hungarian Caterers) have been elected on Monday, 15th November. President Tamás Háber, who has been in...

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Product creditors are optimistic before Christmas

Similar or slightly stronger than last year’s product credit season is expected. Product crediting is beyond the nadir – says Balog Gábor, Head of Department at Cetelem Bank's marketing department....

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Bakers want more from the chains

Bakeries believe, it is necessary to increase the transfer price of bread, because their costs have risen again – told Werli József, Secretary General of the Hungarian Bakers Association to...

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The lack of credit inhibits the growth of world trade

The lack of credit can be a significant impediment of the expansion of global trade, and hits especially the poor countries – said the Chief Executive of the World Trade...

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China blames the U.S.A. for the 62 percent vegetable price increase

The Chinese consumers blame the United States, because food and other consumer good prices recently increased in the country. According to official datas, in the first ten days of November...

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Economy is regaining strength, but international confidence is melting

According to a forecast by GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. and Erste Bank, economic growth in Hungary will be around 1 percent this year. In the 2nd quarter the Hungarian economy bettered...

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The social expectation puts more Hungarian products on the store shelves

The products of the Hungarian agriculture are still not on the “right shelf” in the major commercial chains – shows the research of the Corvinus University. Although slightly more than...

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Sink hygenie: 30-40 percent reduction of expenses

Reducing environmental impact is essential to a sustainable future. Kimberly Clark recognizes the solution requires us to consider more than just what the product is made with. That's the company...

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