
Romania is on top of the EU’s inflation ranking

In November 2010 in the EU-27 consumer prices were 2.3 percent higher on average, compared to prices in November 2009. The biggest price increase was measured in Romania (7.7 percent)...

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Sharp increase in the turnover of Polish shops

According to a quick estimate by Eurostat, the volume of retail sales grew in October 2010: by 1.8 percent both in the EU-27 and in the eurozone, compared to the...

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Export drove industrial prices up

Domestic industrial sales prices were 1.2 percent higher in November 2010 than in the previous month. If compared with November 2009, they were 10.8 percent higher. Industrial export sales prices...

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The majority of the population expects a rise in prices

As opposed to earlier increase, the Consumer Confidence Index fell by 18 points in the last quarter of 2010, similarly to the Consumer Expectation Index that plummeted by 34 points...

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Retail turnover may expand by two percent this year

According to a forecast by GKI, the Hungarian economy is about to leave the crisis behind. Unfortunately, in order to formally meet the 2010-2011 budget deficit target Hungarian economic policy...

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Production expanded in the food industry too

Compared with November 2009, industrial production rose by 15 percent in November 2010. Production was 11 percent higher in the first eleven months of 2010 than a year before. According...

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More than two million card holders in the SuperShop Programme

SuperShop Loyalty Programme is 10 years old and celebrates with more than 12 billion points and 2 million cards issued. We talked to managing director Norbert Hovanyecz. T. M.: –...

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Branded Goods Association: serving brands and quality for 15 years

BGA’s 15th anniversary meeting took place in the famous Lotz room of the Párizsi Department Store on Andrássy Boulevard, on 15 December 2010. In his opening speech President Tamás Ács...

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Diversified cleaning product distribution across households

In the first 10 months of 2010 83 percent of Hungarian families bought some kind of product from the household cleaning product category. However, the importance of individual segments showed...

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The position of chemical product stores became stronger

In general we can say that the market of cleaning products contracted last January-October. The only exception was disposable paper towel, sales of which increased by 11 percent in terms...

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Branded rabbits and eggs dominate this year’s Easter too

If we examine data by Nielsen, we can see that the market of Easter seasonal products does surprisingly well in terms of value. The economic crisis seems to discard low...

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The market expanded

The latest trends in food consumption had a favourable effect on the frozen vegetable market. Nielsen measures turnover in four retail chains of key importance. In the October 2009-September 2010...

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Rolling eggs

The dioxin scandal in Germany upgraded Hungarian brands. This new food scare came in handy for Hungarian farmers and food processing companies as this is the umpteenth case that a...

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Industrial production unexpectedly declined

Nearly a 12 percent drop occurred in the volume of the industrial production in December, compared to November. It was a negative surprise for the analysts. According to the Tuesday...

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The bakers of Somogy raises their prices: Bread price will increase above 300 HUF

A kilogram of white bread may be more expensive than 300 HUF. The majority of the bakers of Somogy will raise their prices by 20-30 percent. During the summer harvest,...

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The more Hungarian suppliers the multis will use, the greater support they will receive

The Ministry of National Economy breaks the typical practice of the previous governments, that supported several international companies on a much higher proportion compared to the average of the region...

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214 billion HUF of meat products: increase in value and quantity

Retail sales of meat products increased by 3 percent in value, 4 percent in quantity last year, as compared to the previous year. The annual market size is about 214...

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Be careful at price reductions

The National Consumer Protection Authority raises consumer awareness of prudent behavior in case of price reductions. It can be observed that in this case, some traders use various tricks to...

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YouTube has the largest mobile broadband traffic

According to Allott Communications; YouTube led the total mobile data traffic in the second half of 2010. According to the recent global survey of mobile broadband traffic; in the second...

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Russia exports caviar into the EU again

Almost after a nine year break Russia exports caviar into the European Union again: the Russian fishery authorities allowed the export of 150 kilograms of black caviar. The initial volume...

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AVGHA is now equivalent of banks

Starting from January this year, the Rural Credit Guarantee Foundation (AVHGA)is going to serve rural small-and medium-sized enterprises, as if it was a bank – Anikó Ulrich, Executive Director of...

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Wine fair: FLAVOURS and WINES 2011

HUNGEXPO has rather strong reasons to shake up the winemarket with a new marketing forum. It takes place at the HUNGEXPO Budapesti Városközpont, on 18-20th November. The plan is to...

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Retail channels in focus: 51-200 m²

From the nearly 20,000 food stores 6,426 belong to the 51-200 m² group and most of them are part of a retail chain. The number of stores in this group...

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Favourable trends in Central and Eastern Europe

(HU) ...

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FUN 2010: Former Unilever Network

This was the third year that former and present Unilever managers regularly met within the framework of FUN – Former Unilever Network. This year’s meeting, where the focus was on...

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With the passing of years, it is important to preserve the health of our bones. The new Danone Densia yoghurt can help in this because one cup contains 50% of...

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The party is on

…Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you… says the New Testament. But when will we really live in peace? – we may ask. Smart people say that...

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Russian experts audited the Hungarian agri-food export

Fazekas Sándor, Rural Development Minister and Kardeván Endre, Secretary of State responsible for food chain supervision and agri administration negotiated on Monday in Moscow with Nikolai Vlasov, the chief veterinarian...

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Ottó Légli was awared Wine-grower of 2010

“I believe in a natural connectedness to the area where we live and work, and the positive effect this has on our work!” – Ottó Légli pointed out on 3rd...

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A turnaround may come in the retail property market

The latest commercial market report of Colliers International shows that after the crisis years of  2008 and 2009, the Hungarian retail real estate market stabilized in 2010, as the operators...

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