
The world's strongest economy marches out of the crisis

The U.S. Chicago purchasing index in January jumped to 68.8 points instead of the expected 65 points, which is a high value have not seen since July 1988. The production...

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German retail to reach pre-crisis level this year

In Germany, retail sales in 2010 increased by such an extent, have not seen in six years, but pre-crisis levels will be reached only in this year – shows the...

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No food crisis in Romania

Romania's is about to import 400,000 to 500,000 tonnes of wheat this season – the Deputy Minister of Agriculture pointed out. According to Adrian Ră­du­lescu, out of last year's harvest,...

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There is plenty of feed available in Hungary

Sufficient amount of cereal feed is available in Hungary, in order to satisfy all feeding needs – says the Ministry of Rural Development. EU is not struggling with the lack...

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Rural development: a stricter administration system to be set up

Hungarian National Rural Network faced a radical change in the past couple of months. According to chief secretary of the association, no money will be distributed from no on without...

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It's worth getting more information on EU-facilities

A new workshop is about to be launched this year, on 7th February. The event will take place not only in Budapest, but also in Miskolc, Győr, Szeged, Székesfehérvár, Pécs,...

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In December industrial producer prices rose by 8.1 percent

As a result of the domestic and export price changes, industrial producer prices, did not change in December 2010, compared to the previous month, but compared to a year earlier...

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The poultry prices may increase, the dioxin-scandal affected the pig industry badly

According to experts; because of the high feed prices, the price of poultry may became more expensive. Due to the cheap pork imports from Germany, there will be no increases...

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Bakers will raise prices

The bread is still considered the cheapest food, but its consumption decreased. “It's clear that people do not waste, just buy as much bread as they surely eat” – explained....

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More and more cities like the idea of the local currency

Perkovátz Tamás, Chairman of the Board of Ha-Mi Összefogunk (If we will Unite) indicated that in the forthcoming weeks he will conult over this issue in Debrecen, in Pécs, in...

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Online trading has gathered pace even in the beginning of the year

January is a dead season in the traditional retail, but the online sector, however, produced a great year start: According to online traders; January turnover is 15-20 percent stronger than...

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Inflation accelerates in the euro zone

Inflation continued to accelerate in the euro zone – reports Eurostat. In January, the 12-month consumer price index value rose from 2.2 percent to 2.4 percent, so Jean-Claude Trichet, President...

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The offensive of the cheap Chinese products to be reduced?

It is not necessary to strengthen China's currency, due to the trade balance, because China’s exports increase will decline to 10 percent this year and its surplus will be reduced...

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Let’s solve the egg code!

The everyday shopper often stands helpless in front of the supermarket egg shelves. The packaging and the eggs of various codes to indicate the size, location and origin tartásmódot. The...

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Alimentaria&Horexpo Lisboa to have more international exhibitors and visitors

With just two months to go before Alimentaria&Horexpo Lisboa, the show releases additional details on the offerings to be presented at the new project, which brings together the food and...

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Ipsos: unemployment and poverty are major threats

A major analysis of world public opinion was released today by Ipsos— one of the world’s largest market and opinion research companies. The report, titled “Ipsos Global @dvisory: The Economic...

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Customer sentiment deteroriating in the USA

Rising gasoline prices beat down U.S. consumer sentiment in early January, overshadowing an improved job outlook and passage of temporary federal tax breaks, a survey released on Friday showed. A...

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Half of the Hungarian pig breeders may close

In one year, half of the Hungarian pigs may disappear. Today it looks like that half of the pig breederies have to be closed, because they are unable to meet...

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According to analysts, unemployment rate will decline this year, but remains above 10 percent

This year, on an annual average unemployment rate may decrease to 10.3 – 10.5 percent in Hungary – say the analysts, adding that the slight increase in the rate in...

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The reforms of the near future will eliminate the need of crisis taxes from 2013

The government's reforms will make it possible to avoid the unnecessary crisis taxes after 2012 – told Cséfalvay Zoltán, strategic state secretary of the Ministry of National Economy on a...

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The Minister seeks regular dialogue with the multinationals

The government is committed in creating stable and predictable economic and regulatory environment – confirmed Fellegi Tamás, Minister for National Development, at the General Assembly of the Association of International...

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Beer consumption declines for the fourth year in Germany

In Germany, a continous decline occurred on the beer market that is lasting for four years now. According to the datas of the German statistical office;  in 2010, 98.3 million...

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More and more import melon in the stores

Eight years ago, Hungary was the world's fourth largest melon exporter but since then foreign sales have fallen into one-third. Hungary loses the foreign markets of the Hungarian melon continuously...

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Decreasing import duties: the EU would put an end to the banana war

The EU is the world's largest banana importer, only producing one-tenth of its needs from banana. The African and the Caribbean banana exporters fighting hard with their Latin American competitors...

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GfK-Ipsos: more people listened to the radio in December

In the last month of the year, Hungarian citizens spent a great deal of their time listening to the radio, especially between 7 and 7 in the morning, and 2...

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Central Statistical Office : Hungary stands on the 65 percent of the EU average

The Central Statistical Office (KSH) has released the GDP data changes, calculated on the purchasing power parity in terms of the countries of the European Union (EU). The Central and...

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Hungarian Food Safety Authority will help prepare EU MENU

The Hungarian Food Safety Authority (MÉBiH) has won the competition of European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The main goal of the project is to help prepare the EU MENU data...

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Hungary’s food production may significantly increased

Hungary’s food production is exceeding the self-sufficiency by 20 percent currently, but this can be increased to 50 percent – said Gyaraky Zoltán, leader of the Food Processing Division at...

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The SME sector is moderately optimistic

The pessimism of the recent years begins to subside in the Hungarian micro, small and medium enterprise sector and a growing number of companies believe that their prospects will improve...

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Decreasing optimism in the euro area

The European Commission's preliminary economic sentiment indicator shows a declining confidence in the euro area from January: the index decreased to 106.5 points, below the analysts’ expectations. Analysts expected that...

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