
Supermarket chains in the fuel market

The petrol stations with names of the supermarket chains are interesting participants of the European and Hungarian fuel market. Some believe that, it would be a solution against the ever...

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March will bring higher prices

The price of grain, flour, sugar, fuel andbread will become more expensive in the next weeks. Varga László, president of the Hungarian Baker’s Association did not say exact number for...

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The Hungarian stand will presents more than 300 products at the Paris Exhibition

327 products of 47 Hungarian producers and manufacturers will be presented, between the 19th and 27th of February in Paris, at the International Agricultural Exhibition on the Hungarian stand –...

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The future belongs to the contactless cards

The bank card market is getting more lively: Visa and MasterCard both see the future in contactless cards. According to the annual report of Visa Europe; the volume of the...

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Fruit Logistica – More Hungarian products introduced

Good for consumers, easy for growers to manage and environmentally friendly. The new series of sweet-tasting and naturally scab-resistant apples from Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti – CIV, is the only Italian...

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Coface: level of circular indebtedness seem to have increased

According to a new statement by Coface Hungary, the level of circular indebtedness seem to have increased last year although the financial crisis has made companies less daring. Payment deadlines...

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The organic meat is not free from environmental risks

Hungarian organic food distributors expected prestige and revenue growth, from the dioxin scandal of Germany, despite a large German company’s checks warned  the domestic players of the industry that it...

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Significant assets in the foreign trade balance

According to the the first estimate; in last December the value of exports was 1634 billion HUF (5,890 million euros), while the value of exports was 1,508 billion HUF  (5,434...

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Strike and riots threaten one of the world's most important trade route

6000 Suez Canal operator started to stike today, demanding higher wages. The channel management stresses that the ship traffic is smooth, while the price of Brent oil rose above  100...

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German export close to record

German exports rose by 18.5 percent last year, compared to the 2009 crisis year, the trade balance surplus exceeded 150 billion euros. According to the statistical datas released on Wednesday;...

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New EU rules ahead on plastic food packaging

New EU rules for food contact in plastic packaging are on the horizon. A proposed regulation known as the Plastic Implementation Measure (PIM) has been approved by the EU’s Council...

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Ahold and Tesco battle in Czech Republic

Two of Europe’s biggest retailers, Ahold and Tesco, are battling to be the market leader in the Czech Republic. Each retailer currently holds about 20% of the market, according to...

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Different roles in the sales area – Nielsen workshop about category management

How can the performance of a category can be improved in store sales? Paris Galanis, Nielsen’s regional category manager consultant gave answers to this question at a 2-day workshop in...

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Budapest Calling

On 23-24 November 2010 Budapest Calling, the first Hungarian call centre trade fair took place, where 36 companies and organisations of the dynamically growing sector introduced themselves. Direct Marketing Association’s...

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Last year we introduced three campaigns each month, from the food, non-food and drink categories. This year we are going to feature two campaigns each month, one of them will...

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Does holiday season spending generate profits?

After a 6-percent growth in November, in the US Wall Street analysts expect a 3.4-percent average growth from leading retail chains for December. What investors would like to know is...

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POPAI Hungary Association held its first meeting on 20 January, where new members were introduced and the action plan for 2011 was finalised. Closer domestic and European relations and more...

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The bankruptcy wave is still here

In real economy the crisis is far from being over and a large number of companies are still expected to grow bankrupt. With 20,000-30,000 bankruptcies a year, Hungary is still...

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Fruit prices increased the most

Agricultural product prices significantly elevated in the past year. The production price level of agricultural products was 31 percent higher in November 2010 than a year earlier: vegetable product prices...

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The smart buyer’s main aim is to find the supply with the best price/value ratio. For the sake of the best offer the consumer is willing to collect information and...

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People’s attention span has become shorter in their stimulating environment. The sender of information only has a few seconds in which it must grab the consumers’ attention. Only those can...

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blind leading the blind

Consumers want to find new sources of information instead of those with expertise. Companies lose control over consumers and over the information flow. People turned their back on experts and...

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sustainable quality of life

After the recession consumers still want to sustain their standard of living. They reject obscure and vague promises, advantages and brands. Consumers set reachable purposes and look for more down-to-earth...

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Everybody wants to be younger, wants to look youthful and is ready to make sacrifices in order to achieve this. There is a whole shift concerning age groups: children grow...

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Packaging units shrank on the frozen product market

Due to last year’s unfavourable weather there is a product shortage on the market of frozen fruits and vegetables all over the world. Prices elevated on the domestic market too,...

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Consumers would like to do their bit and take their share of the work as active participants. Clubbing: groups of consumers form online communities for the sake of sharing profit...

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Society’s social control – that is how we can sum up this trend in short. Consumers are forming communities to force companies to become transparent and socially responsible. They use...

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We have just started recovering from the recession and a new kind of asceticism controls our attitude. Producers have to return to the basic competences and get rid of unnecessary...

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Out of rock bottom

Retail volume sales were down 2.7 percent in the first ten months of 2010. According to the latest data by KSH, the volume of sales in October was at the...

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Alcoholic beverage and tobacco product prices increased above the average

In 2010 consumer prices were up by 4.9 percent on average, compared with 2009. Prices of ‘other products’ were up the most, by 8.8 percent, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products...

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