
Wine industry aces to meet in Villány

Recognized winemakers and experts, who were awarded with the “Winemaker of the Year” title will meet in Villány on Wednesday for the first time. Ferenc Vilmos, event organizer told that...

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Rising retail sales, consumer confidence reached its three-year peak in the United States

The U.S. consumer confidence index in February jumped to heights have not seen for 3 years, increasing to 70.4 points, from the 64.8 points of January. This is the highest...

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FruitVeb and the Ministry of Agriculture against the greengrocer maffia

The price increase of the vegetables was due to the poor harvests and in addition the trickery greengrocer maffia, but it seems that the gardeners and the government finally joined...

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GKI: business confidence is on top, consumer confidence decreases

The business expectations were similarly favorable ten years ago, in early 2001 as in February 2011. Consumers remain relatively optimistic, but their expectations decline for the fourth month. In the...

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The supermarket chains seek to comply with the consumer protection rules more than the SMEs

The National Consumer Protection Authority carried out its large-scale control between the 1st of March and the 15th of December 2010. The Regional Inspectorate of NFH also participated in the...

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Hungarian wines had great success at the gastronomic festival In Washington

The  prominent representatives of the Hungarian wineries had huge success with their excellent wines. The guests waited patiently in lines to taste the famous Hungarian wines. The main motivation of...

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Oversupply is expected from sugar

The global sugar production next year may exceed the demand – for the first time in 4 years – if the “normal weather conditions” will return in the world's largest...

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Red and dessert wines did well in the competition of MTA

The experts of the MTA (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) have chosen the best wines of 2010, from 140 samples – reports The category winners are: High-category white wine: Mátraalja...

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AMC supports family farms, small- and medium-sized enterprises

Agicultural Marketing Centre (AMC) published an announcment for small and medium sized enterprises and family farms, to appear in various trade shows, exhibitions and other events linked to the Hungarian...

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International Paris Agricultural Show opened with Hungarian exhibitors

The Paris Agriculture show has opened at the Porte de Versailles exhibition hall – but French President Nicolas Sarkozy has risked the wrath of France’s powerful farming lobby by failing...

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Financial lessons for primary school student

The forst turn of K&H' latest competition titled Vigyázz, Kész, Pénz! is over now: more than 150 entries have arrived from all over the country, and over 600 students tested...

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The Meat Guild wants alliance

The Meat Guild, that contains domestic small-and medium-sized businesses want to take advantage of their existing capacity surplus, and offered cooperation to the producers and traders, thus increasing the supply...

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The rise in producer prices did not solve the problems of agriculture

Despite the increase of the agricultural producer price level by one-third, the companies of the sector do not appear optimistic, the number of newly established companies declined by 10 percent...

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Employment and real wages increased in 2010

Last year, at businesses employing at least 5 people and at the budgetary institutions, an average of 2 million 702 thousand people was working, 1.5 percent higher than in 2009...

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The Hungarian wine prepares to conquer the U.S.A.

The Hungarian wine can achieve success with excellent quality and well-organized marketing in the United States – states the participants of the “The Situation of Hungarian wine in the U.S....

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Contaminated milk appeared again in China

China warned the producers of the dairy products, that checks will begin again, because melamine and other contaminated materials have been found. The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture, indicated the government's...

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Improving consumer confidence in the euro area

Consumer confidence improved in February in the euro area. This indicates that concerns over the debts of the region have declined. According to the preliminary estimate of the European Commission;...

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ProWein 2011: International Experts gear up for the Summit Meeting of the Industry

All signs are pointing to success. The current state of registrations for ProWein, the trade fair that brings together the international wine and spirits sector from 27 to 29 March...

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More than 13 billion HUF spent on pills against cold

Medicines available without perscriptions against cold have closed with a turnover over 13 billion HUF. Most of these sales took place between September and December, Nielsen market research company pointed...

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The seven main stress factors of commuting

Commuters have identified the seven deadly sins of commuting that cause them the most stress on the way to work, and undermine their productivity and job satisfaction. In a new...

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Men have a better time at their workplace than women

Two-thirds of Hungarian employees are not considering a change of workplace, however not all of them are satisfied with their job situation – a survey by KutatóCEntrum and MASMI Hungary...

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A 10-15 percent decrease of the environmental product fee around the corner

The current environmental product fee might see as much as a 10-15 percent decrease, if the Parliament approves of the new regulations concerning the subject matter. The new text of...

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The National Association of Food Proccessors opposes the hamburger tax

No economic or health reasons are behind the introduction of the special tax on food – states the communication of the National Association of Food Proccessors. The Association do not...

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Competitiveness of the region are sereghajtói

According to the Wednesday published analysis of the Ministry of National Economy; in the last 10 years first slowed, then stopped the country’s catching up to the EU average. In...

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School milk program: the disadvantaged communities will receive higher support

Changes occurred in the regulation of the school milk program: the school milk support is now more accurately reflects on the negative situation of a region – informs the Rural...

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Most FMCG-ads come from the market of beverages

Most papers and flyers with special offers are distributed by doiscont stores (359, in fact), in the scond place we have hypermarkets with a total of 298 special offer-papers. The...

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Hungary could provide 17 million people with food

Hungary could provide at least 17 million people with food, since environmental factors and the high level of expertise offers a wide range of opportunities – this was the major...

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Hamburger tax to come

The government introduces the “hamburger tax” – stressed Cséfalvay Zoltán Secretary of State of the Ministry of National Economy to Hír TV. He did not tell yet which products will...

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The increase in prices slowed in January

After a long time, inflation caused a positive surprise, slowing down in January. Consumer prices were 4 percent higher, compared to the first month of 2010 – reports the Central...

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World Bank: global food prices threaten the political and social stability

According to Robert Zoellick, leader of the World Bank; global food prices reached a “dangerous level” and this would complicate the already fragile political and social relations in the Middle...

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