
Az MI újrakeveri a kereskedelem pakliját

Az idén 30 éves Laurel szervezésében immár tizedik alkalommal gyűltek össze a hazai kiskereskedelmi szektor jeles képviselői, hogy közösen megtalálják a legjobb válaszokat napjaink kihívásaira. Ebben a házigazda retail-IT vállalat...

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GKI: Do we need 500,000 guest workers?

In a previous speech, the Prime Minister identified bringing 500,000 guest workers to Hungary as a real need. This was established by the parliament with various laws, which made it...

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Five good tips to support sustainable agriculture

Representatives and supporters of the organic movement celebrate the Day of Organic Farming with events and educational campaigns across Europe. In Hungary, the Ecological Agricultural Research Institute (ÖMKi) once again calls...

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FAO: the UN World Food Day challenge is here

Water is food, development, energy and life. Yet nowadays, too many people lack it, while others take the availability of water for sure. Therefore, the central theme of World Food...

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Corporate digitization is not a matter of technology, but of openness

Today, it is no longer a question that the achievements of digitization – such as artificial intelligence – fundamentally change work processes in most areas, so companies have to react...

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(HU) Rendhagyó vitafórumokkal érkezik a JVSZ 12. Makro Konferenciája új, EXKLUZÍV formátumban

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Premium cheese wins a gold medal at the “Bocuse D’Or of cheeses”.

Vászolyi Sajtmanufaktúra won a gold medal at the prestigious Mondial du Fromage competition, which was judged by French and international experts. This is the second time that the cheese workshop...

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This weekend, the increasingly popular World Cleanup Day will take place in our country – DSV has also prepared for the occasion

World Cleanup Day is a global environmental protection event held every year on the third Saturday of September, i.e. on September 16 this year. Its goal is to bring people...

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Az élelmiszeripar előtt álló legfontosabb kihívások: hatékonyság, versenyképesség, marketing

Melyek az élelmiszeripar előtt álló legfontosabb kihívások a Kárpát-medencében? Milyen támogatásokra számíthat az élelmiszeripar az új uniós fejlesztéspolitikai időszakban? A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/8-9. lapszámában olvasható. Többek között ezekre a...

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Hungarian wine is the best-known top product of the Hungarian food industry

Hungarian wine is the best-known top product of the Hungarian food industry – emphasized the Secretary of State responsible for the food industry and trade policy of the Ministry of...

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Before a strategic partnership, Hungary and Israel in the field of agriculture

Minister of Agriculture István Nagy discussed irrigation development, educational and scientific partnership, and long-term agricultural cooperation with Avi Dichter, head of Israel’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The head...

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Megvannak az idei Fenntarthatóság Szimbóluma verseny nyertesei

A Trade magazin negyedszerre hirdette meg a Fenntarthatóság Szimbóluma pályázatot. A versenyre érkezett nevezésekből idén 18 pályázó nyerte el a díjat a meghirdetett öt kategóriában. Idén először a Magyar Marketing Szövetség Zöld Tagozatának...

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(HU) Az internet kitörli az életünkből az intimitást – új FutureTalks podcast

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The digitization competition in the automotive industry is intensifying

The global vehicle industry is going through one of the most difficult periods in its history: although the total value of the industry is around 3 trillion dollars, the energy...

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János Áder: we don’t consume a third of the food produced

The futurist food entrepreneur Júlia Dalmadi, who is pursuing a no-waste mission, introduced herself in the podcast of former president János Áder entitled Blue Planet, published on Monday, which can...

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Animal keepers and veterinarians, attention! Support can be applied for carrying out resistance tests

From January 1, 2023, it became possible to implement resistance tests with financial support. The support applies to sampling, laboratory bacteriological testing and sensitivity testing for food-producing animals of small animal...

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MTÜ: traffic similar to last year is expected at Lake Balaton in September

More than 425,000 reservations were received for accommodation in the Balaton tourist area for September. More than half of the bookings were registered in the four most popular settlements, Hévíz,...

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The number of champagne wineries in Hungary has tripled

The number of wineries producing champagne tripled in 5 years and last year already exceeded 120 wineries, thanks to the growing consumer demand for special, high-quality champagnes and the bureaucratic...

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Visitors to the Downtown Beer Festival can meet quality craft beers

The Belvárosi Sörfesztivál awaits visitors with more than 250 types of beer, the craft specialties of the best Hungarian brews and masterpieces of international brands for six days, between August...

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The Managers’ Association and BOM have entered into a strategic partnership with the Hungarian Sportért Foundation and are launching a joint scholarship mentoring program

At the annual Future Manager Summer Party of the Managers’ Association, István Kapitány, president of the Managers’ Association, and Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy, chairman of the board of trustees of the BOM...

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In August, the GKI economic index rose to a five-month high

According to a survey conducted by the GKI Gazdaságkutató – with the support of the EU – Hungarian residential and business expectations improved noticeably in August, so the GKI economic...

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Márton Nagy: the population must feel that they can consume

The government’s goal is to protect the investment-based, export-oriented economy, to protect consumers against high energy prices, to deal with the difficulties of the credit market and to stimulate consumption...

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New autumn, new hopes

Although we usually say “new year, new hopes”, I don’t think anybody wants to wait until January with making changes. Anyone who knows me well knows that I always like...

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The 32nd Budapest Wine Festival is coming – with the support of SPAR

For more than 30 years, it has become almost natural for many of us to say goodbye to summer in a dignified way, in the framework of an unforgettable party....

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We need them: Companies and patrons for art!

For the fifth time, actors from the business and artistic worlds can show how they think about their collaborations, how innovation, value preservation and sustainable operation can occur when the...

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(HU) Balatoni József tanár a legújabb FutureTalks podcastban

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MOME organizes a conference on the materials of the future

Innovations related to materials development will be presented at the Future Materials conference of the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts (MOME) between September 28 and 29 in Budapest. Internationally recognized experts...

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August 20 – Sourdough bread won the Saint Stephen’s Day bread competition

Heim Endre won this year’s St. Stephen’s Day bread competition of the Hungarian Bakers’ Association with his sourdough bread, and the young talent of Heim Sütöde in Dunabogdány tricked Marcsi...

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An exhibition titled Our Pride, the Hungarikum has opened in Vajdahunyadvár

A temporary exhibition titled Our Pride, the Hungarians opened on Thursday at the Hungarian Agricultural Museum in Vajdahunyadvár in Budapest. Minister of Agriculture István Nagy emphasized at the opening: by...

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An above-average grape harvest is expected in Mecsekalja

The bunches are full, the berries are larger than average, the yield is above average in the vineyard of the Viticulture and Wine Research Institute of the University of Pécs...

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