
In addition to NAK, the Czech, Polish and Slovak Chambers of Agriculture also support the citizens’ initiative

In addition to the NAK, the other three agricultural chambers of the Visegrad Four also support the European citizens’ initiative launched to preserve the values of the countryside. Nowadays, the...

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The pride of FrieslandCampina

This year, the Ice Cream of the Year was chosen for the 25th time in our country, and the quarter-century anniversary was particularly memorable for FrieslandCampina Hungária. In addition to...

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Take a strawberry… – Video of the day

There are places where a strawberry cake recipe starts like this: take 2-3 strawberries!...

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There will be a price stop at St. Stephen’s Day events

Guests visiting St. Stephen’s Day programs can buy the designated food and drinks at affordable prices at the event venues in Budapest this year as well – the organizers informed...

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(HU) A rendszerezésnek és a hitnek köszönhetem a sikert – Tomán Szabina

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PET Kupa: The middle section of the Tisza was cleared of more than 900 bags of waste

In the 70-kilometer section of the Közé-Tisza between Kisköre and Szolnok, the river was cleaned for days in the XI. Environmentalists of the Tisza PET Cup freed the river and...

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IKEA Teams Up With Tesco Ireland On Six New Pick-Up Sites

IKEA will add six new pick-up sites across Ireland by collaborating with Tesco Ireland as it aims to expand its collection service. The new sites, scheduled to open on 4...

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There are the most student workers in the field of tourism and hospitality

The interest in the summer student work program is huge, the number of participants exceeded 28 thousand 200 compared to the planned 26-27 thousand – emphasized Sándor Czomba, the Secretary...

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90 percent of the cherries have already been picked, the national average is more than last year

Among the fruits, cherry picking showed 90.7 percent readiness on July 16. The national average was 6.7 tons/hectare, 12.5 percent more than last year. The yield per hectare in the...

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Meat and dairy imitations of plant origin: stricter EU regulation is needed

Plant-based products imitating animal-derived foods must be significantly different in name from those of animal origin. In their description and advertisements, they cannot refer to the untruth that their nutritional content...

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The fair is open at Tesco from July 18

Price-capped flour, oil, eggs and UHT milk will be available without quantity restrictions in Tesco stores and online from July 18 – helping customers before the end of the price...

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NAK: The EU-Mercosur trade agreement is outdated and harmful

The trade agreement to be concluded with the Mercosur states could have serious consequences for the agriculture of the European Union – pointed out the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy...

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This year’s Symbol of Sustainability winners announced

Trade magazine has announced the fourth edition of its Symbol of Sustainability competition. From the entries received this year, 18 winners were selected in the 5 categories announced. For the...

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STRT is launching a unique startup program

On September 11, STRT (pronounced: start)’s newest startup program, Launchpad, is launched, which is aimed at early-stage businesses. 15 teams are expected to participate in the 3-month intensive, English-language incubation...

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The 2023 TrendReport is here, tuning in for this year’s BrandFestival!

The 2023 TrendReport has been published, you can start tuning in to this year’s BrandFestival! In June, trendLAB met twice to analyze the latest trends in the field of company...

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This summer as well, Nébih is restricting the start of long-distance live animal shipments

In accordance with the practice of recent years, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) will also limit the start of long-distance live animal shipments in non-air-conditioned vehicles in the...

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The Dutch authorities seized thousands of consumer tablets containing amphetamine

The Dutch Food Safety Authority (NVWA) seized eight thousand illegal diet pills, which were found to contain amphetamine compounds, considered a hard drug, during laboratory tests, the agency announced on...

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Unicorn Roast – Picture of the Day

A 14th-century cookbook by royal chef Geoffrey Fule, recently discovered in a British library, includes pictures illustrating how to make the unicorn....

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A vállalkozók mentális egészségéért aggódtak a miniszterek: fontos témák kerültek napirendre az OECD KKV Miniszteri Konferenciáján

The SME and Enterprise Ministers of the OECD countries gathered in Paris to discuss how they can help businesses become more crisis-resistant. The ministerial meeting, held for the first time...

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Seasonal food chain checks around Lake Balaton have started

Every year, Nébih coordinates three seasonal food chain inspections, stated Balatonlellén, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for the food industry and trade policy. Dr. Márton Nobilis...

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Coca-Cola’s 2023 COKE STUDIO™ summer music program is starting

Coca-Cola promises fans an unforgettable summer of music for 2023: through the COKE STUDIO™ music platform, they offer brand new, immersive musical experiences across Europe and beyond. With new tracks,...

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(HU) Idén 14. alkalommal rendezik meg a Magyar Ízek Utcáját

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The Öko Expo will be held again in Hajdúnánás

The Öko Expo will be held for the fourth time in the Kendereskert in Hajdúnánás, the event will be held on September 8-9 this year – the organizers announced at...

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Promising startup projects at István Széchenyi University

Beverage vending machine maintenance using software, an application recommending recipes based on the contents of the fridge, an online platform connecting micro-influenza agents with advertisers – these were the student...

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The Women’s Marketing Section of the Hungarian Marketing Association was established

On June 20, 2023, the Women’s Marketing Section of the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) was established. The new division of the professional organization, which has been doing dedicated work for...

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The BCSDH is announcing the Sustainable Future Award again this year

The current situation poses serious challenges to business actors. This should encourage us even more to act quickly, to transform our systems into more sustainable ones. The award for a...

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6.5 tons of waste were collected in IV. Tisza-tavi PET Cup by participants

In recent days, environmental activists once again sailed for three days on the section of Lake Tisza between Tiszafüred and Tiszanána-Dinnyéshát. A total of 200 participants of the 12 enthusiastic...

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The world’s most original inventions – Picture of the sun

We will listen to the counterarguments, but they will certainly not convince us of the usefulness of these items!...

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The resistance mechanisms of potato against bacterial wilt have been revealed

Mechanisms of resistance against potato wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum were discovered under the guidance of researchers from the Agricultural Institute of the ELKH Agricultural Research Center (ATK MGI). The...

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