
Shopping tourism in Hungary shows a mixed picture

The shopping-tourism in the counties near the border showed a mixed picture over the past few weeks. The foreigners and Hungarians mainly go shopping to the other side of the...

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Winery training at the college of Eger

Eger’s well-known wineries developed e-learning winery materials for the Eszterházy Károly College in Eger with the support of the New Széchenyi Plan – informs the media referee of the institution....

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More food is needed, with sustainable and environment-friendly solutions

Bajai Ernő's report from Grüne Woche tradeshow New players have joined the focus of the food world market. Since the demand is growing, China and Brazil entered the market as...

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The Alimentaria Hub, at the heart of innovation, trends and knowledge

Alimentaria, the Food and Drinks Exhibition, is more than an international marketplace, it is an emporium of dialogue, exchange, information and knowledge on the trends and challenges of the food...

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Meat Processors afraid of Hungarian meat market collapse

Due to the loss of the meat processors many companies can get into bankruptcy, the Hungarian meat market can even collapse – said Fazekas József, head of the Kelet-magyarországi Húsosok...

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Wages increased higher than expected a slowdown can come this year

Earnings increased higher than expected in November, but according to analysts; the growth dynamics will slow down this year, while the big question is, how will the employment develop. The...

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KSH: the quantity of harvested maize and sunflower increased significantly last year

Last year, the cereal yield was 1 million 493 thousand tonnes more than in the previous year, a total of 13.8 million tons of grain has grown – reports the...

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The European Commission will review the planting rights

The European Commission will establish a high-level advisory group in order to revise the system of the vineyard replanting rights to – announced Dacian Ciolos, Agriculture Commissioner in Berlin at...

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Czech authorities banned Polish eggs, due to animal welfare reasons

The Czech health authorities have banned the marketing of 420 thousand Polish eggs. In Prague, the Ministry of Agriculture spokesman said that the eggs came from farms that do not...

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Grüne Woche in Berlin: report from the venue

Ernő Bajai's report from the venue The greatest food trade show of the world Berlin-based Grüne Woche is opening its gates on Friday morning. “We expect 400 thousand visitors as...

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The consumer protection authority introduces the national consumer product basket

After the positive list of businesses, the National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) supports the dissemination of quality-conscious consumption with the introduction of national consumer goods basket – told Pintér István,...

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The number of new legal jobs significantly increased in last December

In last December, more than 10 thousand employers announced almost 33 thousand new jobs in Hungary, so compared to Novemberm, the number of new legal jobs increased by 11.1, compared...

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The IMF changed its world economic growth forecast

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has reduced this year and next year's world economic growth forecast referring to the negative effects of the eurozone’s debt crisis,. According to the IMF...

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Malt production stopped in Nagykanizsa

Malt production has stopped in Nagykanizsa on the ruins of the Kanizsa Brewery ruins – writes the Zalai Hírlap. Three years ago the representatives of the Fidesz were talking about...

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The FOODAPEST and the UKBA join forces on HUNGEXPO

HUNGEXPO’s two food trade fair the FOODAPEST and the UKBA will occur together between the 5th and 8th of February. The FOODAPEST and the UKBA prepares with new programs, 21st...

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The Festival of Tokaj wines will have different program this year

Instead of Pentecost, the Festival of Tokaj wines awaits its visitors on the first weekend of June (June 1 to 3 2012) – informs the organizers. Another change that the...

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A Pálinka distilerry will be established in Somlóvásárhely

A Pálinka distilerry will be established in Somlóvásárhely with a nearly 800 million HUF investment. The facility is scheduled to be handed over in May this year – informed the...

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The honorary citizens of Szekszárd will be the winemakers of the year

The Assembly of Szekszárd awards honorary citizenship title to those winemakers of Szekszárd who won the winemakers of the year from theHungarian Wine Academy. Three winemakers will receive the title...

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Magazine: Average price was up five percent

The chaotic economic environment made European consumers more reserved. In the third quarter less food and household chemicals and cosmetics were sold in Hungary and in other 12 developed European...

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Email Print JPMorgan Chase reports fourth-quarter 2011 earnings

JPMorgan Chase reported net income of $3.7 billion for the fourth quarter of 2011, compared with $4.8 billion for the fourth quarter of 2010. Earnings per share were $0.90 for...

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Corruption in public procurement and in general in Hungary

GKI conducted a survey about corruption penetration and perception of corruption in the Hungarian economy.  This study summariee the most important result and formulated proposals to the Public Procurement Council,...

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Hungarikum-law in order to protect national values

The Government since its establishment gives priority to protecting Hungarian values. The Hungarikum Act adopted by the Government also serves this goal – said Giró-Szász András government spokesman at a...

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The price of sugar can increases further this year

The price of sugar spectacularly increased last year, the trend could continue this year. Experts in Somogy county predict 10 to 15 percent increase for 2012. Temporary supply difficulties, capped...

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Improved business sentiment in Germany

According to the Tuesday published datas of the ZEW economic research institute; business sentiment in Germany has improved in January. After a steady decline, the next half-year forward-looking expectations index...

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The Competition Authority fined consumer groups

The Competition Authority fined three consumers groups for a total of six million forints for providing misleading informations to consumers – the GVH announced on Wednesday. The competition authority fined...

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2012: a new chance for family businesses

As the seasons change and family business leaders measure and evaluate 2011 against what lies ahead, it is natural for them to want more and better information. The economy seems...

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Support for goat keepers

The Magyar Agrárkamara (Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture) grants support to the she-goat keepers. The amount of the support is 3,000 HUF per goat. The applications should be sent by mail...

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Magazine: Non-food: manufacturer brands became more muscular

We can observe different trends in the retail sales of individual household chemical and cosmetics categories. For instance, from the 60 categories audited by Nielsen, body lotion and toilet cleaner...

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A high number of entries at the regional pálinka competition

A total of 346 pálinka entries arrived from seven counties (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hajdú-Bihar, Heves, Nógrád, Pest, Jász-Nagykun Szolnok, and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg), to the 3rd Regional Pálinka Competition of Onga received but entries...

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The Chinese-Hungarian Business Council was etablished

The Chinese-Hungarian Business Council(KÜIT) held its inaugural meeting in Budapest on Tuesday. The council’s Hungarian co-chairman is Csányi Sándor, the co-chairman of and the president and CEO of OTP Bank,...

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