
Kedves gave more than 130 thousand liters of milk

The government earmarked almost seven billion HUF as the advance payment of the special milk support. Its payment will begin on October 16 – said Fazekas Sándor Rural Development Minister...

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GVH’s decision in suspected melon cartel case is expected after the authority gains informations

The Competition Authority’s (GVH) decision in suspected melon cartel case is expected after the authority gains informations – GVH told MTI on Monday. According to the communication, the authority was...

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The sunflower honey yield will be less than expected in Szabolcs County

The sunflower honey yield will be less than expected in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, where the weather made totally impossible the acacia honey collection during the spring – the regional adviser of...

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Trade with China increased significantly

Last year, the economic cooperation between China and Hungary increased to its twenty-threefold and was a total of 9.2 billion USD. Food trade was only 34 million USD, which shows...

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Increase in world trade turnover

According to the Monday released datas of the Dutch CPB economic analysis center, world trade turnover increased in May. The volume of commercial transactions in the world rose by 2.5...

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Pig population can decrease further

The pork industry is in crisis again. Due to their losses, the farmers are forced to reduce the number of their animals or forced to eliminate jobs and close their...

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Food security alert system by eu proves to be successful

The three-day European union Food And Give Food Short Warn Technique (RASFF) Work Getting Together With began on Beijing within the 6th. For European Money Health and Utilization Generally Wellbeing...

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Nielsen: the sales of household chemical goods and cosmetics increased in value, reduced in volume

Retail reached about 150 billion HUF sales revenues from household chemical goods and cosmetics in the first half of the year, compared to January-June 2011. This represents a one percent...

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Grain prices at record level due to the U.S. drought

Drought rages in North America, has not seen for several decades so the farmers and traders are also concerned that there will not be enough exportable grain. Several foregone sales...

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The FruitVeB would simplify the application system

The Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation and Product Board (FruitVeB) would simplify the system of tendering and would make it more transparent for the next EU budget period. The...

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The 120-year old pálpusztai cheese is applying for the Hungaricum title

The pálpusztai cheese celebrates its 120th birthday this year. The old cheese specialty can still compete with the world-famous Dutch and French products on the domestic market. The “odor” feature...

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The European food safety alert is effective

The report of the European Commission highlights that thanks to the EU food and feed safety alert system (RASFF) a number of food safety risks were resolved or eased –...

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Meteorite flavored wine

Thanks to Ian Hutcheon, owner of the observatory Centro Astronomico Tagua Tagua, in Chile, you might one day see “meteorite” join these enological flavors. The Englishman, who also owns a...

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Magazine: Hungary’s negotiations on financial assistance discussed at the Business Dinner

On 26 April the topic of Trade magazine and Chain Bridge Club’s Business Dinner event was the expected outcome of Hungary’s negotiations with the EU and the IMF on precautionary...

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Debrecen hosts Hungarian-Iranian business forum

More than 15 companies were presented at a Hungarian-Iranian business forum in Debrecen (E Hungary). The forum was part of preparations for the arrival of a bigger delegation, including representatives...

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The Hungarian government adopted the Hungarian Product Regulation

The government adopted the Hungarian Product Regulation on Wednesday – announced Fazekas Sándor, Rural Development Minister in Thursday morning's 180 perc show of MR1 Kossuth Radio. The Minister summarized the...

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The number of Internet users increasing slower than before

In Hungary, 62 percent of the population aged 15-69, almost 4.6 million people uses the internet at least monthly. Although Internet penetration has not stopped, the pace slowed down considerably,...

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KSH: average gross wage was 220,700 in the first five months

In the first five months of 2012 the gross average wages increased by 4.4 percent, the net average wages without taking the family allowances into account rose by 1.7 percent...

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Magazine: Consumer demand targets quality paper products

The household paper market is stable, with a small restructuring taking place. Experts agree that the crisis is not over yet, consumers are price-conscious and promotion-sensitive. According to Judit Tóth,...

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QR-code payments before a break-through in Hungary

Until the end of next year the number of buyers who are able to pay with QR code can reach the critical threshold of about 200 thousand smart phone users....

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Fifty-two winemakers of five countries present their wines at this year's Kürti Wine Festival this weekend

The event is taking place in the cellars of Kürt (Strekov) village on Saturday and Sunday. Exhibitors will arrive from Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovenia, so the visitors...

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Gastronomic and local values festival in Nyíregyháza

The festival promoting the gastronomy of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county and the local products of the region, on 21 and 22 July in Nyíregyháza-Sóstógyógyfürdő under the Guilds, Counties, People title. This festival...

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OKSZ: trade’s position can improve

The most important elements of the job protection action plan is expected to contribute those sectors that have diverse employment structure, such as the trade – told the National Trade...

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Melon Market: cooperation with the trading companies

To reach success in the Hungarian agriculture, including the watermelon sector cooperation is essential – emphasized Fazekas Sándor Rural Development Minister on Wednesday in Budapest, at the opening event of...

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HENT: every seventh Hungarian bought fake products in the past year

In the past year, 14 percent of the population purchased fake products at least once, while in the previous year this figure was 13 percent – the National Board Against...

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NÉBIH: most of the wheat, barley and canola has been harvested

Most of the wheat, barley and canola has been harvested. Harvest is completed on 81 percent of the arable land of the three plants on more than 1.4 million acres...

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Magazine: Western trends in Hungarian grill product counters

Grill product importer Landhof Hungária Kft. is also working on bringing international innovations to Hungary. Key account manager Péter Gnám told us that demand for new products is growing. This...

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Extreme pizzas are popular

The health authorities of Zurich banned pizzas that contain spider,- scorpion, and snake poisons. Poisonous pizzas only contain non-lethal, only a small dose of poison. “My poisonous pizzas were very...

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More than Two-thirds of global consumers surveyed changed spending habits to save money

Global consumer confidence declined three index points to 91 in Q2 2012, and is up two index points from the same period the previous year (Q2 2011), according to global...

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GfK: sports events can increase the beer and snacks sales

The major sport events can increase the sales of beer and snacks, but the general economic situation and the weather significantly affect the turnover as well. According to the household...

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