
St. James's Day in Sümeg in honor of mature wine and hunting

Mature wine and hunting is celebrated on Saturday in Sümeg: on the the eighth St. James day guests are awaited with wild stew cooking competition, the march of the wine...

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Test costumers in online shops

The price comparison page tested 117 Hungarian webshops recently with secret test costumers. At the end of the research, despite the strict criterias encouraging results have born: almost 89...

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This year, Hungary will need wine imports

The spring frosts caused large destruction almost everywhere in the orchards. Only the wine-growers can hope in a good yield, but the 22 wine regions are not uniformly observed in...

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EBRD: Hungarian recession could be over 1 percent

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) forecasts a larger than expected recession for Hungary this year. According to the bank's latest forecast for the region the whole region's...

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Magazine: Discount stores are pushing forward on the grill product market

Last year grill sausage sales were given a boost – but let’s not forget that this happened after a considerable decline in previous years. This sales decline was so big...

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MOSZ: the dairy sector is in difficult situation due to the extreme heat

The extremely warm weather of the recent weeks brought a difficult situation to the dairy industry. Due to the heat, domestic milk production decreased by daily one million liter –...

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The MSZP urges to reduce the VAT on food

The MSZP urges to reduce the VAT on food as soon as possible, after the Romanian government announced to plan the introduction of a 9 percent VAT on agricultural food...

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Hungarian companies are lagging behind in new applications

Only a portion of the latest IT trends reaches Hungary. A few of the innovations that are being used by the companies of the Western countries, are used by Hungarian...

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Tobacco industry investors are concerned due to the excise tax increase

According to the Association of Hungarian Tobacco Industry Investors, the Tuesday submitted proposal in connection with the tobacco excise tax increase is risky in many ways, and may bring negative...

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Online shopping: a question of trust?

Only a few places allow payment by ATM cards, and the product range is not always up-to-date everywhere, but most webshops are rather reliable when it comes to delivery, and...

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Hipercom: Trends on promotional leaflets market – less, but longer leaflets in 2012

The research, which is based on Hipercom Monitoring database shows the changement of trends on promotional leaflet market. It compares the first semesters of year 2011 and year 2012. Two...

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Cheese can reduce the risk of diabetes

Scientists say the chances of developing type two diabetes could be 12 percent lower for cheese lovers. The authors of the study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition...

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The wine of the South Transdanubian region became Balatonboglári and Szekszárdi wines

The Podmaniczky winery’s 2011 vintage Balatonboglári Rhine riesling and the Wekler Cellar’s 2008 Cabernet Franc wine was chosen as the best wines of the South-Transdanubian region on Wednesday. Szabó Géza,...

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Poisonous infant formula on the shelves again in China

Carcinogens were found in more than 30 tons of Chinese infant formula in China. The production was suspended, the product recall and the investigation began, the producer apologized – the...

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More and more spas in Hungary

Three bath facilities in Nyíregyháza- Sóstógyógyfürdő were classified as spas: the park bath the pools and the bathhouse of the holiday resort can use the designation from now. Kovács Ferenc...

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Experts expect a half percent decline in retail this year

Experts do not expect a deepening recession in retail trade, nor recovery. Forecast is an annual decline of 1.5 percent. According to the Tuesday report of the Central Statistical Office...

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The price per kilogram of eggs should be indicated from August

From August, prices should be indicated also in kilograms in the stores. The Poultry Product Council lobbied for the regulation, in order to repel against black economy. The economy minister’s...

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Consultation over the Hungarian product regulation

A consultation was held over the Hungarian product regulation that will come into force in September with the participation of traders and producers in the Ministry of Rural Development (VM)...

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The largest revenue remains at Mol, Tesco is at the forefront

Mol continues to lead the list of the 100 largest Hungarian companies. Only smaller changes have occurred in the first 10 places. Compared to last year's ranking only minor rearrangements...

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NÉBIH tested ice creams

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) tested ice creams in June and July. The experts found no glaring irregularities – NÉBIH informed MTI on Tuesday. The Authority reminded that...

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Vegetables are produced in Borsfa for local public catering and for sale in the Start Job Program

In the scope of the Start Job Program vegetables are produced for local public catering and for sale in Borsfa and in three neighboring villages – Béndek József Lieutenant General...

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The Romanian government plans to introduce reduced VAT

The Romanian government plans to introduce a 9 percent reduced VAT to replace the current 24 percent VAT on food that comes from agriculture, from the 1st of January from...

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Quarantine due to bee sickness

A quarantine has been ordered in Gödöllő and in the surrounding villages due to bee sickness for bees, bee related products, and for certain objects the bees have come into...

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GKI-Erste economic sentiment index hardly increased in July

GKI-Erste economic sentiment index hardly increased in July compared to this year's low point Following its fall in May, GKI-Erste economic sentiment index adjusted for seasonal effects slightly increased in...

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Budai Gyula: no competition proceedings under way in melon case

No competition proceedings are under way currently in Hungary – said Budai Gyula, Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) on Monday in Budapest. Budai Gyula reminded that...

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QR-code payments have started

Mobile payments seem to be starting up in Hungary. Until now, more than 30 thousand users have downloaded and installed the applications to smartphones. The system can increase significantly with...

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New Criminal Code: no mercy for the distributors of fake products

The new Criminal Code, prospects severe punishment for those who market poor quality products or falsely certifies the compliance of the product. In addition those who mislead the consumers have...

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Kedves gave more than 130 thousand liters of milk

The government earmarked almost seven billion HUF as the advance payment of the special milk support. Its payment will begin on October 16 – said Fazekas Sándor Rural Development Minister...

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GVH’s decision in suspected melon cartel case is expected after the authority gains informations

The Competition Authority’s (GVH) decision in suspected melon cartel case is expected after the authority gains informations – GVH told MTI on Monday. According to the communication, the authority was...

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The sunflower honey yield will be less than expected in Szabolcs County

The sunflower honey yield will be less than expected in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, where the weather made totally impossible the acacia honey collection during the spring – the regional adviser of...

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