
PayPal: The majority of Hungarians buy for only a maximum of 35 thousand forints from abroad

55 percent of Hungarian consumers who are purchasing online spend under 35 thousand HUF annually from abroad – shows the recent survey of the PayPal international payment provider. Beside Hungary,...

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Hungarian customers like new products by trustworthy brands

Nearly two-thirds of Hungarian consumers like to purchase new products if those are assigned to a well-known, trustworthy brand in a shop. Every second Hungarian customer likes the fact that...

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Cofidis Credit Monitor: Most Hungarians need credit

Four out of five Hungarians have taken up some credit, the majority still repay some kind of bank loans – shows the research of Cofidis Credit Monitor. According to the...

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The NAV imposed 90 million HUF worth fines at Christmas

In the scope of the Christmas control action, tax inspectors imposed almost 90 million HUF worth fines, 22 shops were closed for 12 days and one store can not accept...

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Economic sentiment in Germany is on a multi-year peak

Euro zone’s and Germany's economic sentiment indicator has improved more significantly than expected in January – the ZEW economic research institute announced on Tuesday. In January Euro zone’s economic sentiment...

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Rieslings of thirty wineries in Csopak

The Olaszrizling szerintünk (Riesling wines in our opinion) festival will be held for the third time on Friday and Saturday in Csopak. The wine festival will be open for the...

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Food donations from the Hungarian Red Cross and from the Hungarian Food Bank Association

About twenty-five thousand families in need will receive non-perishable food packages in 52 settlements of Heves county in January, thanks to the Hungarian Red Cross and the Hungarian Food Bank...

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Bocuse d'Or: Széll Tamás is ready for the competition

Széll Tamás assesses his skills with the teams of twenty-four nations at the prestigious Bocuse d'Or cooking competition, that will take place in Lyon on 30 January. Széll Tamás spoke...

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KSH: the yield of major crops decreased significantly in 2012

In 2012, yield of all the major autumn harvested crops decreased compared to the previous year – the Central Statistical Office announced on Monday. Only 4744 thousand tons of maize...

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Encouraging snow forecast

Due to the bad weather of last year, 25 percent less grain grown on a 2 percent larger area, compared to the previous year –  the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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Deutsche Bank: we are not responsible for the increase of food prices

In October, the Berlin-based Foodwatch named Deutsche Bank and other financial institutions as partly responsible for the hunger in the poorest countries, because they consider that food price increases are...

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Many people do not like the new Chamber of Agriculture

While the Chamber of Agriculture prepares for its elections that will take part February, the New National Chamber of Agriculture prepares for its formation on 28 March, more and more...

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Children collected more than 30 tons of beverage cartons

Kindergarten and school children have collected more than 30 tons of beverage cartons in the scope of the nationwide collection program of the Beverage Carton Environmental Association (IKSZ) began in...

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GKI: Consumer expectations improved a lot in January

GKI-Erste economic confidence index almost reached its last year’s peak in January. The rise has been going on for four months.   More...

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Summit of Agricultural Ministers in Berlin – Problems of developing and developed countries

Nestlé is willing to duplicate its revenue based on coffee-sales in the next ten years. In order to achieve this goal, they are planning to invest 500 million dollars, president...

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Danube regional co-operation for GMO-free soybean cultivation

An international cooperation begins in the Danube region for the reduction of genetically modified-free (GMO-free) soy – Czerván György, Minister of State at the Rural Development Ministry responsible for agri...

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MKIK: EU funds should be directed to the economy

The Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) agrees with the government endeavor to rotate a significant part of the EU funds to the economy in the 2014 -2020 period...

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Hay Group: One-fifth of the companies will freeze the wages this year

One-fifth of the companies will freeze the wages in 2013, the other companies are waiting, but those who plan wage increase would increase salaries lesser extend than inflation – shows...

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Ball of Hungarian Wines for the eighth time

Jókai Anna writer is the patronage of the 8th Ball of Hungarian Wines. At the ball, domestic wines and dishes prepared from ingredients from Hungarian producers will await the guests...

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Two in five flexi-work to avoid commute

New research commissioned by Regus, the world’s largest provider of flexible workplaces, suggests that many employers are finally freeing staff from the daily commute, with two in five professionals (39%)...

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Grüne Woche in Berlin from Friday – with 12 Hungarian exhibitors

Ministers of Agriculture from more than eighty countries were participating at the global forum of food and agriculture in Berlin on Friday and on Saturday. Leading agri- politicians of five...

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VM: food price boom is not expected in Hungary

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) considers those analyst opinions unfounded that predicts more brutal than ever food price boom in Hungary. According to the communication of the Ministry, in...

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GfK: we spend more on coffee, but consume less

Because of the significant price increases consumers' buying habits slightly changed in the coffee category. Coffee is a popular drink: nine out of ten households in Hungary bought coffee in...

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The equipments in domestic retail stores are obsolete

According to the latest studies, about half of the IT equipments should be changed soon at the   Hungarian commercial enterprises. The experts experience that the companies use their devices for...

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Fazekas: the EU agricultural policy’s reform is expected to be delayed

The Common Agricultural Policy’s (CAP) reform is expected to be delayed, so 2014 can be a transitional year in the EU agricultural funding – Rural Development Minister Fazekas Sándor said...

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Mazars: intergovernmental tax treaties will change

Many domestic businesses will be affected by the fact that the Hungarian government modified intergovernmental tax treaties with several countries such as the USA and Germany, and a number of...

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New export opportunities for Hungarian products

“Food exports have fallen over the past decades, but pork, poultry and fish have the required animal health certificates and we have now succeeded in regaining our market positions”, said...

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K&H: domestic enterprises are uncertain

There is a considerable uncertainty among the businesses, because in the last year’s K&H SME confidence index is characterized by a continuous fluctuation. After the improvement of the previous quarter,...

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NGM: 60 thousand people checked in to the new taxes

According to the processed datas, the itemized tax (kata) of the small business was chosen by about 51 thousand people, the small-business tax (kiva) was chosen by almost 10 thousand...

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The range of the national tobacco shops can be expanded with new products

The Nemzeti Dohánykereskedelmi Nonprofit Zrt. (National Tobacco Trade Non-profit Ltd.) suggests that tobacco shops to be able to sell newspapers, mineral water, coffee, energy drinks and soft drinks. The Nemzeti...

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