
New monthly peak with 10.7 million bankcard transactions in December

SIA Central Europe achieved a new record in transactions in Hungary over the last year. In 2012, the hub of the SIA Group in Central Europe also focusing on card...

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Reward to the revealers of the false food and medicine products in China

Reward will be given to those who provide information on substandard quality food and pharmaceuticals in China. If the case is important the revealers can get up to 300 thousand...

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Chinese rich prefer French luxury brands

The wealthy Chinese people favors the French luxury brand – shows the research of the Hurun Research Institute. The organization in its regular annual report studied 551 millionaires with more...

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All premises were rented at the Budapest Airport

Budapest Airport’s (BA) all premises found tenants at the terminals – the Budapest Airport’s operating company told MTI on Wednesday. According to the communication, the last two tenants have brought...

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E-receipt in one third of US stores

Apple has been offering this option since 2005 and now one third of US stores do the same, including Gap or Macy’s where 12 percent of customers use this opportunity....

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KSH measured 5.7 percent inflation in 2012

In 2012, consumer prices rose by an average of 5.7 percent, compared to the previous year, and in December were 5.0 percent higher than a year earlier. Consumer prices remained...

Read more The news portal helps in the connecting of cashiers to NAV

The businesses will be informed from a new source about the connecting of cashiers to NAV. The recently launched news portal provides practical help to the businesses, beside the...

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HITA: SMEs can apply for 400 million HUF

The National Foreign Trade Office (HITA) extended the deadline of the trade development tender with one month. New deadline is 15 February 2013. The tender aims to increase the export...

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Hungarian beet producers will buy the former sugar factory

According to the informations of the Hajdú-bihari Napló, the former sugar factory in Kaba will be owned by Hungarians again. The owner the Eastern Sugár Zrt. has been trying to...

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U.S. retail sales expanded

Retail sales in the U.S increased by 0.5 percent last December instead of the expected 0.2 percent – the Ministry of Commerce announced. The bad news is that the atmosphere...

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A record surplus in the external trade of the Eurozone

íThe aggregate external trade surplus of the Eurozone countries reached a record surplus – shows Eurostat’s data published on Tuesday. According to the first estimate of Eurostat, Eurozone’s external trade...

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The strawberry and blueberry may reduce the risk of heart attacks in case of women

The consumption of strawberry and blueberry three times a week may reduce the risk of heart attacks in case of women by one-third – American and British researchers state in...

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A Ministerial Commissioner to Coordinate Preparations for the 2013 Budapest World Water Summit

In October 2013, Hungary will host an international conference on water with the participation of UN member nations and institutions, and all related economic and social players (The Budapest World...

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Ipsos: we look around many places, but do not really want to choose

It is one thing to look around, but real commitment means something different. On average, 44 percent of the respondents followed the various brands in social media – shows the...

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About 2.6 billion HUF support to increase the number of pigs

The government favors commodity production and food processing in the agricultural strategy; in order to increase the number of pigs a 2.6 billion HUF supportis available – Kardeván Endre, Minister...

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KSH: decrease in the growth of agri producer prices

Agricultural producer prices rose by 18.5 percent in November, compared to the level of a year earlier, after the 24.5 percent price increase of the previous month. The price of...

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The world produces four billion tons of food – half of this amount ends as garbage

Nowadays we produce roughly four billion tons of food each year. It is estimated that about 30 to 50 percent (from 1.2 to 2 billion tons) never make it to...

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The change of cash-registers may last until the end of the year

The requirements in connection with the cash-registers are still not fixed yet. The development, licensing, or testing of the right tool may last until the end of the year –...

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The expansion of biofuels is pushing up food prices

Europe and United States are encouraging the expansion of alternative fuels with laws in order to reduce dependence on oil. However, the plant-based fuel production can cause a drastic rise...

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The National Chamber of Agriculture elects a new leadership

The National official elections of the New National Chamber of Agriculture begins on the first of February. The county list should be submitted until 21 January at the official premises...

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Industrial production declined in the euro zone in November

In November, instead of a modest increase, industrial production declined in the euro zone and in the EU in November –  the European Union's statistical office, Eurostat announced on Monday....

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New market research database

Global market research company Euromonitor International announced today the launch of Passport: Cities, a database providing fully comparable data and in-depth analysis on 850 cities worldwide.Passport: Cities provides localized city...

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New EU-policy on additives

Food additives are substances added intentionally to foodstuffs to perform certain technological functions, for example to colour, to sweeten or to preserve. Food additives are defined in Community legislation as...

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The trip to the Bocuse d'Or finals is cheaper now

MVI is organizing a trip to the finals of Bocuse d’Or, where a Hungarian chef is competing with the international scene for the first time. The event will take place...

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Food retail turnover increased by 5 percent in value

Retail revenues increased by 5 percent, to about 1,370 billion HUF in the 90 food categories measured by Nielsen between  December 2011 and November 2012, compared to the previous year's...

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Humans produce 300 million tons of meat every year

The human kind’s “hunger for meat”has reached a record high level – a  German report states. According to the reports, the consumption rate of beef, pork and poultry meat products...

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The price of poultry products may increase by 10 percent in the spring

According to the informations of the Magyar Hírlap, an annual 40-50 million chickens are slaughtered illegally in Hungary. In March a 10 percent increase may occur in the price of...

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Beer and soft drink brands and retail chains are also in competition for the Sports Campaign Award of the Year

The Nemzeti Sport, the Ringier Kiadó and the Felix Promotion are organizing the Sportsman of the Year vote for the third time. In the Sports Campaign category, among the candidates...

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Several countries have joined to the action against the Four Paws

The European Fatty Liver Association is exploring the possibility of how to act together against the Four Paws. The organization's actions caused losses to consumers, so senseless animal protection must...

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Hungexpo – a larger than ever agricultural exhibition will be held in the Budapest Fair Centre

A larger than ever agricultural exhibition will be held between 30 January and 2 February in the Budapest Fair Center in the joint organization of Agromashexpo and Agrárgépshow exhibitions –...

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