The Pantry Shelf Program of the Magyar Turizmus (MT) Zrt. promotes Hungarian foods

By: trademagazin Date: 2014. 12. 15. 11:10

The Pantry Shelf program, which is the new program of the Magyar Turizmus (MT) Zrt. is promoting Hungarian food products in Hungary and abroad – was announced in a press conference held on the occasion of the launch of the program in Budapest on Monday.

logo_magyar_turizmusFaragó Péter, Executive Director of the Magyar Turizmus (MT) Zrt. told that the project is designed to provide the access to high-quality Hungarian crafts and food products as well as Hungaricums for the foreign and domestic tourists. The program awaits small producers, farmers and small businesses to join. The Pantry Shelf program can open up new market opportunities for them.
One can find more details at the professional page of the Magyar Turizmus (MT) Zrt. (MTI)

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