
The largest office lease transaction of 2014

According to the survey of Hays Hungary, Hungary’s property offer is still attractive destination for international service companies. In the first quarter of 2014 the largest office leasing transaction is...

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The most popular beers of the Football World Championship

The Big Lead gives a helping hand in beer drinking during the Soccer World Cup. The Big Lead is presenting the most popular, the most selling beer brands of all...

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Another Hungarian merchant houses were opened in Asia

The Hungarian National Trading House Ltd. (MNKH) opened a new representations in Laos on Tuesday, and in Vietnam Thursday. The company was founded in 2013 and now has 11 trading...

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Pork from the EU was labeled as Serbian

Serbian labeled pork from EU countries was transported to Russia, although Moscow banned pork meat to be imported from the EU at the beginning of the year, due to the...

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NAK and Hungarian Seed Association start cooperation

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the Hungarian Seed Association and Product Board (VSZT) drafted recommendations together, which they will submit to decision-makers. Both parties believe that the seed...

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The cereal sector faces opportunities and challenges

K&H and Agrár Európa Kft.’s latest Agriculture Club event concentrated on trends in the cereal market. István Tresó, the head of K&H’s agricultural sector development division told that the expansion...

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Bell ring opens trading at the Budapest Stock Exchange

Budapest Stock Exchange (BÉT) and NAK signed a cooperation agreement for the development of Hungary’s agriculture and produce market. On this occasion BÉT CEO Zsolt Katona and NAK president Balázs...

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Corporal trust returns to the region

The proportion of companies that expect a revenue growth has doubled in the region as well as in Hungary. The company executives of the Central and South Eastern European region...

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Budapest Bank: the Growth Loan Program can really accelerate

The Credit Growth Programme (NHP) of the central bank characterized the corporate credit market in the first half of 2014, despite the companies’ interest was a bit low in the...

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The Hungarian purchasing power is far below the EU average

Based on the consumption datas, a German household living twice as well as a Hungarian – turns out from Eurostat’s statistics. The real personal consumption is closely related to the...

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Cherry marketing problems in Szabolcs county

The Agricultural Chamber of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County turned for help to the Ministry of Agriculture Ministry, due to cherry marketing problems in the region selling – the president of the organization...

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The millerscones to be celebrated in Borsodnádasd

The millerscone, that is on the National Intangible Cultural Heritage list is promoted in Borsodnádasd at the seventh millersconefestival, that will be held on the last weekend in June. The...

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Vegetable protein found less in cereals

The increased carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere accelerates the development of the plants, but from grain – and thus also from the bakery products – important trace elements are...

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Magazine: It is (still?) Chinese to us

In the last few years Hungarian-Chinese economic relations have come to life. Today China has one of the fastest developing economies in the world, for instance China’s export performance already...

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Tomato, pepper: Hungarian instead of import

It is of key importance for Hungarian tomato and pepper growers to use reliable technology and produce constant good quality – better than their international competitors – if they want...

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NGM: We need to support the spread of the new payment methods

It is an important task is to ensure the framework for the new payment methods, because these methods of payment are low-cost, fast and adjust to consumer demand – Balogh...

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The SMEs are beyond the crisis

The majority of the domestic business believe that the economic crisis that erupted six years ago, has ended and they are looking forward. The former negative mood is replaced by...

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The President signed the Law on Advertising Tax

President Áder János President signed the law on advertising tax which was approved last Wednesday by the Parliament – the Parliament's website reveals. Under the legislation passed by the Parliament...

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Tokaj Nyitány: Wines of 15 wineries at the Tokaj Overture in the Ybl Palace

The visitors of this year’s Tokaj Overture (Tokaj Nyitány) can taste the wines of fifteen wineries of the Tokaj Renaissance Association. The event takes place on Friday, in the Ybl...

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Gross average wage: 229,800 forints

Compared with the same period a year earlier, gross wages grew 1.8 percent at enterprises employing at least 5 people, budgetary institutions and observed non-profit organisations. In January-March 2014 the...

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Grain reserves in the market

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute’s (AKI) market price information system (PÁIR) reveal that – expressed in live weight price – 5 percent more pigs were slaughtered in January-February...

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Consumer confidence is on the rise

Since Match and Profi went out of business last year, the number of major grocery retail chains fell to nine in 2013. However, this change didn’t have an influence on...

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Magazine: Yogurt brands: active communication

Last year yogurt sales declined, mainly because of lower fruit yogurt sales – as it is indicated by Nielsen data. Beáta Kiss, external corporate relations director of Danone Kft. told...

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The EU support devoted to the development of the Hungarian fish farming industry increases significantly

The freshwater fish production can expect a significant improvement over the next seven years. It is a great success of the Hungarian agricultural diplomacy that through the new Hungarian Fishery...

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KSH: transportation performance increased last year

The transportation performance measured in ton per km increased by 3.1 percent last year and exceeded 50 billion, but still remains 3 percent below the performance of 2007- the Hungary,...

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The Nébih checked the pickles

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih), tested pickles as the continuation of its series of quality checking test. From the 52 random tested products, in cases of 27 products...

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Chamber of Agriculture: Carpathian Basin may become a unified region in agriculture

The Carpathian Basin should become a unified region in agriculture – Győrffy Balázs, president of the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) told at a press conference following the two-day...

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The MAF Social Investment Award competition 2014 to be launched

The Hungarian companies can apply for the MAF Social Investment Award From June 2014. Nearly 100 domestic companies took part in the recognized professional competition of the Hungarian Donors Forum...

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IKSZ: the proportion of selectively collected beverage cartons has increased

The ratio of selectively collected beverage cartons is increasing from year to year in Hungary. Last year, their proportion amounted to 22 percent – according to the calculations of the...

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Super banana may improve health of millions in Africa

A genetically engineered super-enriched banana may improve the lives of millions of people in Africa will soon have its first human trial, which will test its effect on vitamin A...

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