
Successful Young Franchise Partner of the Year

Miha&Miha Nyelvstúdió Kft. joined the Katedra Language School Network in September 2011. Sarolta Miha acquired the franchise rights for Nagykanizsa and if compared with the turnover of the first 4...

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Franchise Partner of the Year

In 2004 Zita Penczné Bölcskei took over the management of the then centrally operated Diego store in Baja. She ran the store with great success for 5 years before becoming...

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Online Media and Web Award

Katedra Language School’s history goes back more than 20 years and the network launched a new website in 2013. The new web page meets the highest requirements of our age...

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Marketing Award

BENU Pharmacies is Hungary’s biggest pharmacy chain more than 140 units. They were the first to use uniform product presentation methods already used widely in other retail channels, for instance...

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Innovative Franchise Network of the Year

Duna House and Otthon Centrum, Hungary’s two biggest real estate agency networks started a completely new type of cooperation on 1 May 2013. The two networks have 200 offices and...

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Most Dynamically Developing Franchise Network of the Year

Borháló Borkereskedés (Wine Network) started out in 2013 and opened 26 wine shops already in the first year. The network operates in Budapest and in 7 counties and its mission...

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Master Franchise Network of the Year

Hertz Car Rental entered the Hungarian market in 1978. After the political transformation a German businessman took over the master franchise and formed Mercur Rent a Car Kft. He opened...

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Franchise Network of the Year

McDonald’s opened its first Hungarian restaurant 25 years ago and now the network consists of 96 units, more than half of which are operated by franchisees. McDonald’ served nearly 1...

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The year’s best

Every year the Hungarian Franchise Association honours the best networks and franchise partners of the domestic franchise sector. This year the award ceremony took place on 23 January 2014 in...

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Top 10 consumer trends in 2014 – according to Euromonitor International

1. Impulse purchases become the main trend. In 2014 shoppers will be looking for instant satisfaction, so they will often buy something first and think about whether they need it...

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Halal food is more and more popular

‘One Halal – One Certification – We create values’, the second international halal conference was also featured in Anuga’s programme. Retailers, food manufacturers, religious officials and scientists all participated to...

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ANUGA 2013 – Let’s save everything we can (Part 3)

‘One Halal – One Certification – We create values’, the second international halal conference was also featured in Anuga’s programme. Retailers, food manufacturers, religious officials and scientists all participated to...

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MagyarBrands winner consumer brands in 2013

168 óra Abonett Ajka Kristály Alexandra Alföldi Porcelán Alpok-Aqua Amodent Anna Grand Hotel Aranyfácán Aranynektár Auguszt Cukrászda Baba Balaton szelet BankRáció.hu Bárdi Autó BATZ BÁV Béres Bétex Borsodi Bortársaság Budapesti...

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With more conciousness

Dr János Serényi, Értéktrend Consulting, President of the MagyarBrands programme: ‘ Who are the best?’ – the jury asked themselves, when panel members started evaluating the 900 entries of the...

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Value and quality standard

In 2010 experts in the Superbrands Hungary Council decided to launch the MagyarBrands programme to honour those brands with a Hungarian connection which could earn prestige for Hungarian enterprises –...

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Measured characteristics

Tradition: it measures how long the brand has been present in the Hungarian market. Management: it examines the proportion of Hungarian citizens in the top management of the brand owner...

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Stable value sales in grocery retail

Grocery retail sales in the 90 categories audited by Nielsen didn’t change in the December 2012-November 2013 period in comparison with the previous one. Sales were realised in the value...

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Analysts: retail sales may expand further this year

According to the experts of the Erste Bank and the TakarékBank, due to the low inflation and rising real wages, the expansion of retail sales can continue this year. On...

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KSH: January retail sales rose by 3.9 percent

The calendar-adjusted volume of retail sales increased by 3.9 percent in January 2014, compared to the same period of the last year – the first flash estimate of the Central...

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VM: Hungarian food companies will debut in Tokyo

Hungary will be represented at the FOODEX 2014 agricultural raw materials, food and exhibition between 3 to 7 March with an independent national stand involving 13 Hungarian food companies –...

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Hungarian food industrial success in the Middle East

Hungarian enterprises are representing themselves at one of the world's leading food industry show the Gulfood in Dubai for the third time. The Hungarian presence is organized by the HITA...

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The cash register exchange may last for a half year

The cash register exchange may last until September, although more than 50 thousand cash registers are operating in the network – Napi Gazdaság wrote. The pace of the connection is...

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Retail sales increased in the EU

Retail sales increased in the European Union (EU) in January 2014, compared to December 2013. Retail sales in the EU28 increased by 0.9 percent, while in the Euro Zone that...

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(HU) Future Store “A” pavilon 204. stand – SIRHA Budapest 2014 standlátogatás

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Walking the green path into the future with the usual zeal

Aquarius-Aqua Kft.’s last investment cost more than HUF 313.5 million and its results were a new production hall and new jobs. Aquarius-Aqua Kft. was established in 1991 and it is...

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2014: a transitional year in funding

The main driving force behind development in the food sector is the various subsidies offered by the European Union and the national budget. Until 2020 Hungary will receive EUR 8.8...

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The amount spent on advertising increased slightly last year

The advertising market grew, but only slightly last year. The market of advertisings amounted to 175.4 billion HUF, surpassing the previous year’s datas with about 0.6 percent, – was said...

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The NAV checks the entrepreneurs who have terminated the operation of their businesses

The Customs and Tax Authority (NAV) has begun to check tens of thousands of businesses that did not claim online cash registers on the ground that they terminate their operation...

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The Hungarian Food Codex was expanded with several new directives

The Hungarian Food Codex was expanded with several new directives. A new regulation was born in connection with artisan products and spice paprika grists. The new directive will also provide...

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What is shoppers’ choice?

People’s hair style expresses their personality, therefore the hair care category is not only functional but emotional as well – says Anna Gábos, hair and oral care category manager with...

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