
KSH: The decline in agricultural prices continued in January

Agricultural producer prices continued to decline in January by 13.4 percent, compared to a year earlier. In particular, the price of crop products declined by 19.6, the price of live...

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Analysts: foreign trade surplus exceeded the expectations

The foreign trade surplus in January exceeded the expectations – analysts told MTI on Wednesday. The analysts share different views about the extent of the surplus. According to the communication...

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The President of the European Wine Regions Assembly calls for the strengthening of the wine industry

The French President of the European Wine Regions Assembly (AREV) called the attention on the strengthening of the wine industry and on the better utilization of the potential in wine...

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The VM provides a support of about 150 million HUF to the paprika producers

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) provides an about 150 million HUF support to the spice paprika producers in 2014 – the ministry told MTI on Thursday. The spice paprika...

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Product warranty from 15 March

In the future the purchaser can enforce the warranty right against the manufacturer or the dealer, thanks to the new Civil Code, enters into force on 15 March. The new...

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The number of mini-breweries doubled in the Czech Republic

The number of mini-breweries doubled in the Czech Republic over the last three years. There are currently 215 mini breweries in the country – Jan Surán, President of the Czech-Moravian...

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Sopron has a new gamay wine

The gamay (kékfrankos) wine of the year is traditionally selected every year in Sopron. After the selection, the wine is not only promoted by the local government, but also given...

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Those who threw the cash registers to the forest can be sentenced for three years

The Police has opened an investigation because of the dozens of cash registers, that were thrown into the woods of the Mecsek. The culprit can be sentenced for up to...

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A record in the Hungarian agri exports

The Hungarian agricultural exports continued to grow last year, to 8.093 billion euros. It is 18 million euros (0.2 percent) higher than the level of 2012 – Czerván György, Minister...

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KSH: Industrial production increased strongly in January

According to seasonally and working-day adjusted datas, the volume of industrial production rose by 6.1 percent in January, compared to a year earlier, and was 3.1 percent higher than in...

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Red wines dominated the 13th Syngenta National Wine Competition

More than four hundred wines were entered to the 13th Syngenta National Wine Competition, from all wine regions of the country. It was said at the awards ceremony in Siófok,...

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Manpower: Hungarian employers are characterized by cautious optimism

Cautious optimism characterizes the Hungarian employers: According to the most recent survey of the Manpower labor market operator, in the second quarter of 2014, 15 percent of the employers expect...

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The Summa Artium Awards were distributed

Awards were handed over in the scope of the Maecenas Day in three categories among the businesses and individuals, who proved to be outstanding supporters of culture and arts. The...

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The Romanian miccs was saved

The Romanian food industry entrepreneurs are glad because the competent committee of the European Union has approved the traditional recipe of the traditional Roman meat product, known as miccs. The...

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14 works honoured at the Hungarian POPAI Awards

POS-POP tools competed for the fourth time last year in the organisation of POPAI Hungary Association. Entries were evaluated by the participants of the Business Days conference in Tapolca’s Hotel...

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Seven out of ten Hungarian shoppers appreciate if a retail chain rewards their loyalty with a loyalty programme

In Hungary 46 percent of consumers shop in stores that offer a loyalty programme to customers. Seven out of ten Hungarians prefer to do their shopping where their loyalty is...

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0.1 percent inflation rate in February, food prices remained unchanged

Consumer prices were 0.1 percent higher this February than in February 2012. Compared with the previous month, consumer prices increased by 0.1 percent – the Central Statistics Office (KSH) announced...

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The condition of the autumn-sown cereals is promising

The condition of the autumn-sown cereals is promising – Vancsura József, president of the National Association of Grain Producers (GOSZ) told MTI on Tuesday. He added, however, that in many...

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Kotányi grows pepper in Mórahalom again

The local government of Mórahalom and the Kotányi spice trade company and the Fűszermalom Kft. (Spice Mill Ltd.) have signed a cooperation agreement in order to boost paprika production in...

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Old cash registers were thrown into the woods

Old cash registers were found under the trees of the Mecseki Parkerdő, (Park Forest of Mecsek). The wrote that local tourists found the hazardous waste. The retailers must comission...

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The seventh Fair of Hungarian Flavours: Cheese Hungarians!

The seventh Fair of Hungarian Flavours will be held on 29-30 March in the “B” Hall of the Millenáris Center. This year the central theme of the fair will be...

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Hungarian-Austrian Wine Summit in Budapest

The representatives of six Hungarian and four Austrian wineries will exchange their experiences in connection with wine making wine marketing and wine tourism at the 1st Hungarian-Austrian Wine Summit in...

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Five things retailers can do to please customers

In the shops of the 21st century excellent service, good price-value ratio and efficient advertising are only necessary prerequisites of success but they don’t guarantee it. Customer opinion is much...

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SIRHA Budapest 2014: gives shape to the new trends

The SIRHA Budapest, Hungexpo’s new professional exhibition has opened its doors on 10 March 2014. The opening ceremony began with the welcoming words of Hermann Zsuzsanna, Trade magazin’s editor in...

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The Gourmet by SIRHA awards were handed over

The award ceremony of the Gourmet by SIRHA innovative competition took place after the opening of the SIRHA Budapest 2014. – To the Competition, announced for the first time, a...

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Fazekas: the consumption of foods produced in Hungary has increased

The consumption of foods produced in Hungary has increased significantly, from 70 to 75 percent – Fazekas Sándor Rural Development Minister for said on Monday in Budapest, at the opening...

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Hungarian exports may grow by 2 to 2.4 percent this year

The Hungarian exports will expand with 2 to 2.4 percent this year – the Minister of National Economy announced in Budapest on Monday, in the scope of a press conference....

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Reversed VAT against fraudsters

Twice as much tax is cheated in the European Union annually, as Hungary's total GDP. In Hungary, three hundred billion HUF more losses in the budget occurred in 2012, due...

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The price of corn is on a semi-annual peak

The price of corn increased to a six-month peak on Friday, after due to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict the demand for exported U.S. corn has significantly increased – Bloomberg writes. A...

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New support scheme to help sugar beet production

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) developed a support scheme to assist sugar beet production. The new support scheme provides the necessary budget for the conditions for the safe management...

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