
Atradius: A bankruptcy wave threatens the transportation sector

This year a record number of liquidation and forced cancellation proceedings were initated against the freight forwarding companies in Hungary – the latest analysis of Atradius Credit Insurance company reveals....

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Wolf Kati and other famous stars at the One Drop World Day

In honor of World Diabetes Day, the One Drop One Drop Foundation organizes the One Drop World Day on November 16th for the ninth time. At the free health day...

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Hungary at one of the world's most prestigious tourism fair

The Magyar Turizmus (MT) Zrt. is taking part again at the World Travel Market (WTM) fair from 3 to 6 November in London with a spectacular booth. The communication of...

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We want to move abroad only theoretically

The, the Hungarian partner of the Decoding Global Talent Research of the Boston Consuting Group and The Network asked 5144 persons to examine the willingness to move abroad in...

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Martin-day event in teh Vajdahunyadvár

The Vajdahunyadvár hosts the second Martin-day Hungaricum Feast, last from Friday to Sunday, where goose dishes, folk music will await the guests. In addition the Hungarian Agricultural Museum invites the...

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A Japanese Whisky became the world's best whisky

A Japanese single malt whisky was named the world's best for the first time by a prestigious guide released Monday, which failed to place a Scotch in its top ranking....

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2013 was the year of data theft

In 2013 there were more data thefts and other cyber crimes committed thane ever before – reports One of the biggest data theft victims was US retail chain Target:...

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Association of Shopping Centers: the Sunday closure of the shops would have serious consequences

According to the Hungarian Association of Shopping Centers (MBSZ) the Sunday closure of the shops would have severe, because it would result in layoffs and wage reduction – the organization...

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GKI: the flowers of deterioration

According to the forecast of the GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt., from autumn 2014 a negative turn begins in the economy: the growth will gradually slow down. The country's foreign policy judgment...

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Agriculture performs well in 2014

Agriculture, despite the high base in 2014 is expected to contribute positively to the country's GDP growth – Czerván György the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM)...

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Strengthening local communities: more EU funds for rural development

In the following years more EU resources will be allocated to increase the attractiveness of rural life. The Hungarian National Rural Network (HNRN), which supports the implementation of hundreds of...

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The MLBKT measured the best Purchasing Managers' Index of the past seven years in October

The seasonally adjusted value of the purchasing managers' index increased to 54.9 points in October, and became 2.2 points higher than in September. The index of October is the best...

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St. Martin's Day goose feast in the Village Museum of Sóstó

The Village Museum of Sóstó awaits its guest on 8 November for a St. Martin's Day goose feast and the celebration of the new wine. Kisgyörgy Tamás of the open-air...

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Cold or flu? Survive the critical period!

In October and November we are all more likely to catch the seasonal diseases. The unpleasant symptoms of cold and flu are well know by everyone anyone. You should get...

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Online shoppers prefer pick-up points

The first pick-up points were created in 2010 as an ‘extension’ of Hungary’s e-commerce market and by today they have become the most popular way of delivering goods purchased online...

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Simple redefines shopping with mobile phone

After one year of developing and testing, OTP Mobil’s Simple smartphone app debuted at Budapest’s Sziget Festival. The free app, which can already be downloaded from both Google Play and...

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Expanding prepaid card market

Data by the Mercator Advisory Group shows that the sum spent on prepaid cards tripled in the 2008-2012 period and reached USD 76.7 billion. The consulting firm’s forecast is that...

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KSH: the monthly consumption expenditure of the households has increased

The monthly household consumption expenditure per capita increased by about 3.5 percent in the first half of this year, in an annual comparision amounted to 66.5 thousand HUF – the...

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Hungary's consumer confidence index remained stable in the third quarter

The Nielsen Consumer Confidence Index reached the record level of the latest period in Hungary, standing on 56 points in the third quarter, as well as during the second quarterly...

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Sunday opening hours on the agenda again

The KDNP consider it an appropriate solution if only the shops of family businesses would be open on the last day of the week. The KDNP told MTI on Friday...

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The Ministry of National Economy initiated the withdrawal of the Internet tax

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) has initiated the withdrawal of the tax extension proposal on telecommunications – the ministry told MTI on Friday. Prime Minister Orbán Viktor on Friday...

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Foreign trade surplus was 279 million euros in August

In August, the value of export calculated in euros decreased by 4.0 percent while import calculated in euros decreased by 0.6 percent compared to the same period last year. The...

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Polish apples invading France

Among other things, due to the Russian ban on imports from the EU Poland sells apples in France, in large quantities where the price of the fruit was 10 percent...

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The quality of the 2014 vintage depends on winemakers

This year winemakers need to do their best, because grape quality is rather poor and it will be their task to make good wine from what they have in the...

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Sopron makes Hungary’s first new wine

Wine Marketing Workshop Non-profit Kft. announced that the season’s first wine was made in the Sopron wine region. Taschner Winery’s Irsai Olivér was authorised first by the National Food Chain...

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Magazine: Ice Cream Night

Two ambitious confectioners, Balázs Ipacs and Péter Róth already came up with the idea of ‘The day of artisan ice cream in Hungary’. Their new project, Ice Cream Night is...

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The FM has supported the Mangalitsa breeders with several hundred million forints

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) supported the Mangalitsa breeders with several hundred million HUF until 2014, from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development funds, and provided some 130 million...

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Last year horticulture gave 15.8 percent of teh agricultural output

The horticultural sector gave 15.8 percent of the Hungarian agricultural output last year, while within plant production it gave 26.9 percent. Feldman Zsolt Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry...

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A record corn crop is expected in Tolna county

The highest average of the last six years, 8-9 tons per hectares corn crop is expected in Tolna county, but the harvest is behind schedule due to significant rainfall in...

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The economic sentiment of the EU and the euro zone improved

Economic sentiment improved in October in the EU28 and the euro zone as well – according to the Thursday statement of the European Commission (EC) . The economic sentiment indicator...

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