IFF, Unilever and Dutch food scientists ally on plant-based flavor profiles

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2024. 01. 12. 09:46

International Flavors & Fragrances (IFF) has spearheaded a collaborative four-year research initiative with Unilever and Wageningen University & Research (WUR) in protein-flavor interactions to address flavor challenges in plant-based meat alternatives.

The project’s primary focus is exploring the ways flavors bind to protein molecules with the goal of recommending novel flavoring strategies that elevate the sensory experience of plant-based meat alternatives.

Plant proteins can create beany off-notes and lingering bitterness in plant-based meat alternatives. Manufacturers often mask these unfavorable attributes through a combination of flavors, but this can result in undesirable aroma characteristics.

Flavor refinement

Drawing upon IFF’s years of extensive research in protein purification and natural food flavoring, this project targets areas “within flavor compositions that hold the greatest promise for success.”

The move builds upon IFF’s latest expansion activities in flavor science, recently announcing plans to open its first dedicated food and beverage lab in the Gangnam neighborhood of Seoul, South Korea.

Meanwhile, using advanced analytical methods, WUR will study the protein flavor interactions.

Food Ingredients First

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