Tag "kutatás"

What can companies do for workplace well-being?

Is workplace well-being just a good-sounding concept, or is it actually a means of retaining the workforce? The latest research by No Fluff Jobs looked for the answer to what...

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International research: job security is more important to young people than their salary

In recent years, it has become extremely important for employees to secure a job in the long term. This aspect is mostly an expectation for younger people, while for the...

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Free cereals can come

Mycotoxins produced by plant pathogenic fungi belonging to the genus Fusarium – including fumonisins (e.g. FB1), trichothecenes (e.g. T-2 toxin – T2, deoxynivalenol – DON) and zearalenone (ZEA) – pose...

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Great Hungarian tipping overview

With the conquest of digital payment and the service charge included in the bill, tipping is undergoing a transformation. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/6-7 According...

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Climate change will cause food prices to rise further

Significant changes are to be expected in Hungary’s agriculture in the next decade as a result of climate change. According to a recent study by the Potsdam Institute for Climate...

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Zewa: Couples don’t fight over the toilet seat

Using a smartphone is the most common activity while using the restroom, where men spend almost twice as much time as women. Toilet usage habits have already caused conflict for...

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Hungarians are spending less money on travel this year

Pénzcentrum conducted its annual Great Travel Survey again this year, to which more than 11,000 readers responded. The research highlighted that recreation and relaxation are important to Hungarians, but many...

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Recent research: almost half of Hungarians do not use sun protection cream, and moreover, they do not avoid the sun in the midday hours either

According to a recent, representative research, only 8 percent of the Hungarian population uses sun protection cream all year round, and 43 percent pay attention to it only in summer....

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K&H: carbon dioxide emissions do not decrease by themselves

In the absence of a sustainability strategy and concrete carbon footprint reduction plans, the majority of Hungarian companies are not yet prepared for the green transition, according to the research...

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This is how the Hungarian fans spent at the venues of the national team’s matches

The cities of the European Football Championship in Germany devoted significant financial resources to provide stadium visitors and football fans with unforgettable experiences during the tournament. This is proven by...

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Employer Brand Research 2024 – Global Report

The latest global report of the Randstad Employer Brand Research (EBR) 2024 provides a comprehensive overview of employees’ preferences and employers’ attractiveness worldwide. This research surveyed 172,000 respondents and over...

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EY: CEOs around the world are optimistic – growth can start

Compared to last year, managers are more optimistic about growth prospects, according to EY’s latest international survey of 1,200 CEOs and 300 institutional investors in 21 countries, including France, Germany,...

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Restaurant software – the minimum is not enough these days

Since the introduction of the NTAK data service, all but the smallest restaurants, brewpubs and catering establishments now have some kind of software. However, the free tool, which is often...

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According to the 19-29 year olds, inflation in May was 18 percent, compared to the actual figure of 4 percent

According to the K&H youth index, young people still perceive inflation to be much higher than the actual one. In the second quarter, an average increase in prices of 18...

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New research has highlighted the dangers of PFAS in food

A recent study has shown that certain foods may contain higher amounts of PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), which can pose serious health risks. The research found that people who...

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Thats why private labels are so popular

In recent weeks, the Pénzcentrum and the University of Debrecen have conducted a joint, large-scale survey to assess the opinion of domestic customers on commercial (private) branded and manufacturer branded...

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More and more thoughtful AI developments are taking place

Az innovációban élenjáró és a digitális átállást kiemelten kezelő cégeknél terjed leginkább a mesterséges intelligencia alkalmazása – derül ki a K&H innovációs index kutatás 2024 első félévi adataiból. Az AI...

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EY: More and more domestic companies are using artificial intelligence, the gap between companies is growing

Nearly two-thirds of domestic companies are already using or thinking about introducing artificial intelligence (AI), while 29 percent have not yet dealt with the field in any meaningful way –...

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Refreshing news straight from the consumers – reveals a representative survey by Márka

In the first quarter of 2024 Márka Üdítőgyártó Kft. conducted a representative survey. “The research objective was to get a more accurate picture of consumer habits, needs and preferences. We...

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Shall we learn to save food on Facebook?

According to the latest research by Munch, being a member of the Facebookcommunity with more than 165,000 members significantly increases the motivation for sustainability. This article is available for reading...

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Web stores already fit in our pockets, and we take advantage of that

The role of smartphones is becoming more and more prominent in online shopping every year – among other things, this was revealed by Reacty Digital’s comprehensive annual e-commerce survey, which...

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KPMG: Currently, every third company feels prepared for ESG-related regulations

According to the latest research from KPMG, approximately a third (29%) of companies feel they are ready for independent certification of their ESG disclosures, up from just 4% nine months...

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K&H: the digital transition of companies is slowing down

The not-so-rosy economic prospects and the lack of funding and tenders restrain companies’ desire to innovate.Thus, they focus primarily on improving their internal efficiency and better serving their customers. For...

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Hungarians are one of the most dedicated nations when it comes to soccer

47 percent of European football fans are willing to perform a series of rituals if it could help their favorite team win – according to a survey by Coca-Cola Zero...

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Comfort above all

Convenience products are prepared, semi-prepared or ready-to-cook foods that make cooking easier or simpler. NMS Hungary wanted to know how the consumption of convenience products has changed over the last...

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Threat or opportunity?

Commissioned by Bizalmi Kör and RSM Tax Advisory and Financial Services, a survey has been conducted by the Equilibrium Institute and Impetus Research on the worries and expectations of business...

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Recent research: Hungarians buy these household appliances

Hungarians are extremely price-sensitive when it comes to buying household appliances: they only buy new ones if the old one is broken, and the most important factors when buying are...

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AI Readiness – or how are companies doing with artificial intelligence?

The latest market research by System 32 IT Kft. sought to find out how “MI ready” a business is, i.e. to what extent the given organization is ready to use...

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Politicians also underestimate the number of people actively taking action against climate change

The majority of people around the world support the fight against climate change, but public opinion and politicians often underestimate the number of people who are actively engaged in it....

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Research: engineering, programming and medicine are considered the most attractive careers by university students

Students of STEM, i.e. science and technology courses, would most like to find a career in engineering, programming or medicine, according to a recent study. In addition to the above,...

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