Magazine: Gluten-free products are more common now

Tamás Czepanecz
brand manager
Nestlé Hungária
Tamás Czepanecz, brand manager of Nestlé Hungária Kft. informed our magazine that a little more than 1 percent of the Hungarian population are sensitive to gluten, but due to the new dietary trends there is great demand for gluten-free foods. The same is true for the market of cereal products: data from Nielsen reveals that sales of gluten-free products grew faster in the last 1 year than the average sales growth in the category. Mr Czepanecz added that more and more gluten-free products are introduced to the market, but there are still fewer available to shoppers than ‘normal’ products. Hypermarkets are important in sales, but discount supermarkets are pushing forward.

Balázs Mészáros
head of sales and
Balázs Mészáros, head of sales and marketing at Cerbona Élelmiszergyártó Kft. told Trade magazin that sales of the company’s gluten-free products had augmented by 40 percent last year. It is Cerbona’s mission to offer gluten-free products at affordable prices. Shoppers want products that are certified to be reliable – this is attested by the official gluten-free product symbol on the products, which is managed by the Hungarian Coeliac Society and the products that bear the marking must meet strict criteria. In 2017 Cerbona won the gluten-free product of the year prize.

Rita Novák
marketing manager
Ceres Zrt. is the market leader among Hungarian gluten-free baked goods manufacturers. Marketing manager Rita Novák told us that about three quarters of gluten-free product buyers are sensitive to gluten. The company’s sales increase by nearly 5-6 percent a year.

Gabriella Sándi
junior product manager
FCB Hungary
Gabriella Sándi, junior product manager of FCB Hungary Zrt. called our attention to the fact that in this product category quality is more important than price. Thanks to this, consumers are more loyal to brands in this category than in others. From Le Veneziane products 150g, 200g and 250 g sizes are the most popular in the pasta, biscuit and salty snack categories.

Rita Habuda-Salyámosy
marketing manager
Glatz Hungary
Rita Habuda-Salyámosy, marketing manager of Glatz Hungary Kft. opines that flour sensitivity is becoming a serious problem in Hungary. Sales of Emco mueslis and muesli bars and Top Taste products are growing fast. Products without added sugar are also increasingly popular, such as Wick cough drops and Brandt rusks.

Éva Gila
marketing manager
Gyulahús Kft.’s marketing manager Éva Gila spoke to our magazine about their spreads and liver patés, which are gluten- and lactose-free. In the case of sausages and salamis the law doesn’t allow indicating that the products are lactose- and gluten-free. The problem is that many consumers aren’t aware of the fact that these products don’t contain gluten and lactose, and some of them might be afraid to buy them.

Imre Forgács
sales director
Abonett Kft.’s sales director Imre Forgács told our magazine that Abonett products are characterised by an excellent price-value ratio, adding that shoppers are very loyal to the brand. Gluten-free and classic Abonett products are marketed at the same price. Products can be found in the stores of every sales channel and are available in more than 90 percent of the country.

Réka Takács
brand manager
Réka Takács, brand manager of Hunorganic Kft. introduced their Naturbit gluten-free products to us – they manufacture flour mixes, pastas and biscuits. The company’s experience is that the naturally gluten-free cereals open new horizons in the world of gluten-free eating. They developed the MIMEN product range in line with this trend.

Tamás Szilágyi
managing director
Tamás Szilágyi, managing director of Szimita-Trade Kft. talked to our magazine about their White Snack BIO products: these snacks are gluten-free, lactose-free and vegan. They are made from lentil and chickpea flour and vegetables, and they contain more fibres and less fat than traditional potato snacks.

Dénes Kiss
marketing manager
Dr. Oetker Magyarország
Dénes Kiss, marketing manager of Dr. Oetker Magyarország Élelmiszer Kft. analysed the success of their gluten-free Vitalis Porridge and said: shoppers are willing to pay more for gluten-free products.

Gábor Vaszkó
managing director
Civita Food
Gábor Vaszkó, managing director of Civita Food Kft. revealed that more gluten-free products are available in shops than before. He added that nowadays it isn’t enough for a pasta to be just gluten-free any more, shoppers also want it to be GMO-free, additive-free, and to have high fibre and protein content.
Within Nestlé Hungária Kft.’s gluten-free Nestlé Corn Flakes portfolio, sales of the plain version are the highest. In 2019 the company plans to improve the availability of its gluten-free products. In 2018 Cerbona Élelmiszergyártó Kft.’s gluten-free product range came out with 2 muesli and 2 muesli bar products. More new products will be launched in 2019. Ceres Zrt. narrowed down its gluten-free product selection last year. The company is very proud of its Gluta Free Gluten-free Hamburger Buns, Gluten-free Toast Slices and Gluten-free Multiseed Toast Slices – informed technology specialist Katalin Hári.
Abonett Kft.’s 100g Gluten-free Extruded Bread is the company’s best-selling product and 85 percent of the firm’s total sales are realised by products of this type. Their gluten-free products are AOECS-registered. From Dr. Oetker Magyarország Élelmiszer Kft.’s gluten-free products Dr. Oetker Vitalis Porridge and the new gluten-free Dr. Oetker Ristorante pizza are the most popular. From Hunorganic Kft.’s products demand is the biggest for the Naturbit Alfa-MIX universal flour mix. The company’s MIMEN products satisfy the needs of consumers who suffer from more types of allergies. Civita Food Kft.’s corn pasta is characterised by high fibre content and shoppers have already realised the product’s high nutritional value.
FCB Hungary Zrt.’s most popular gluten-free products are Le Veneziane pastas, especially fettuccine and spaghetti. In March 2019 the company put a gluten-free lasagne and a new cookie with chocolate bits on the market. Szimita-Trade Kft.’s latest innovation work focuses on using lesser-known cereal varieties. Their top product is the gluten-free corn flakes. Glatz Hungary Kft.’s new products are the gluten-free Emco protein bars, which are available in three flavours. Another new product is Wick Triple Action with added zinc and vitamin C. Gyulahús Kft. now offers more liver products than before: in the first quarter of 2019 they launched a liver paté made with grilled peppers. The new product is available from the deli counter and in 200g pre-packaged version. //
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