
The hotels of Pécs expect high season

Although some of the hotel constructions connected to the 2010 Cultural Capital programs were not realized in Pécs, the existing and the newly-opened hotels are expecting an excellent season. The...

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Cafeteria – a surprising result of a survey

The www.cafeteriatrend.hu site and its professional partners surveyed employers, employees, service providers over the regulations of cafeteria in April 2010. The result was surprising: the 25 percent tax would not...

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Customers invade the new Nordsee

An unexpected interest and customers invade occured at the Nordsee restaurant in the Váci street, on the weekend. Surprisingly, the Budapest residents invaded the Nordsee restaurant for delicacies such as...

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The season at the Lake Balaton starts earlier

The tourism entrepreneurs and professionals of the Lake Balaton would be satisfied, if the datas of 2008 would be repeated this year. Last year, the Hungarians spent 2.5 million domestic...

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The hotel giants are expanding

The world's three biggest hotel companies, the Four Seasons Hotels, the Starwood Hotels & ResortsWorldwide, and the Marriott would expand in Europe – reports Bloomberg. According to Bloomberg; the Four...

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Open Cellar Days again

This year, in the Year of Festivals, the Association of Open Cellars, the Bacchus Arts Studio, the Hungarian National Tourist Office and the Hungarian wine regions wineries are joining forces...

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The campaign for Pécs conntinues in Austria

According to the survey of the Austrian Gallup institute; the 4 percent of Austrians traveling abroad this year, planning to visit Pécs. The Hungarian Tourism Zrt., having an integrated campaign...

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Cafeteria should not be buried

According to Nexon’s cafeteria survey, asking 20 thousand people; in 2010, compared to last year, the gross value of cafeteria benefits nearly increased by 15 percent, however, the ratio of...

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Queen sacrifice

In this series we introduce original ideas that may help to make a restaurant more opular. Part three is dedicated entirely to the ’bring your own bottle – BYOB’ concept....

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Dolce vita

The world spends more than USD 40 billion on chocolate in a year – one third of this is spent in the United States. Still, chocolate is the cheapest ‘luxury...

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Harmony of beer and chocolate

Those who are knowledgeable about beer are aware that their taste is close to that of chocolates. Stouts, porters and other dark beers go well with nearly all types of...

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Red and black

The espresso made from rooibos tea leaves won plenty of prizes in the past three years. This socalled red espresso is made by brewing the leaves in an espresso machine....

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We are on the map

Eric Asimov, the wine columnist of New York Times recently praised the Tokaj Wine Region in one of his articles. He tried to convince readers that excellent dry wines were...

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Facing the challenge in New York – part 7

From July Roland Oláh, formerly the chef of Café Erté, tries his luck in the USA. He regularly reports to our magazine: ‘On Monday I go to DB Moderne Bistro...

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Bottle courier programme started in Budapest

So far 222 restaurants joined ÖKO-Pannon Kft.’s programme, which tries to solve the problems of selective bottle collection in restaurants. Raiker Kft. collects the empty bottles free of charge. In...

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How about a round of beer pong?

Beer pong is slowly achieving cult status in the bars of the United States. It has everything a high-spirited company enjoys in a bar: beer, competition, variety and ‘manly struggle’....

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A win-win situation

More and more people are devoted to protecting our environment for future generations. ÖKOPannon Kft. and Raiker Kft. launched a programme called Bottle Courier, which tries to solve the problems...

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Take a seat!

The ‘value’ of different restaurant tables is not the same for guests. Spanish restaurant chain Wagaboo’s uses a special online table booking system. Potential guests simply type in the necessary...

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A derby of traditional favourites?

An Internet voting by 77,000 users revealed that Hungary’s most popular dish is Újházy Chicken Soup. In a one-month survey that started on Greedy Thursday, it even proved more popular...

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Our drinks accompanied with cheese

At http://cheesecupid.com you can select the perfect drinks (and not only wines) to accompany the most popular cheese varieties. The system also works the other way round – those who...

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The bartender of the future…

…this is how Péter Morafcsik, vice president of the Hungarian Bartender Union called Máté Csatlós. The young barman, who works in Ibiza, won the fifth De Kuyper bartender competition for...

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They long for warmness!

Hot meals grown cold and cold drinks gone warm can spoil the joy of eating and drinking. An Iowa company, Roccia Bollente manufactures a product named Dining Stones. These are...

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’Only one can stay’

Heston Blumenthal, one of the world’s most famous chefs announced his ‘A stage at Heston Blumenthal’s’ competition. The Fat Duck Team and the Hungarian Bocuse ’Or Academy will select the...

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Based on their own recipe

A German enterprise called Chocri started out as a small confectionery and in two years it became famous across the Atlantic too. The company sells chocolate that is flavoured and...

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Double influence

István Kiripolszki, the sous-chef of Kogart in Budapest entered both category ‘A’ chef competitions. Q: Did you try to demonstrate something by this? A: Not at all, I just wanted...

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Beer-friendly work clothing

An English creative agency created the world’s smartest and cheapest ‘work clothing’. The T-shirts imitate the clothing worn at Bavarian beer festivals and most probably generate positive feelings in beer...

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New style in the Viharsarok

Csaba Palotai worked in several famous European restaurants and recently ran the kitchen of Pierrot. In March, he signed to Pipacs restaurant in Békéscsaba. Q: Why did you leave prestigious...

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Faithful followers of the system

There is one field in catering that definitely develops faster then the others: restaurant IT systems. It is not new information that the Hungarian market is really price sensitive, therefore...

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Representing different interests

This February Burger King’s American franchise partners gave voice to their discontent when the ‘centre’ launched a double cheeseburger promotion campaign: in their opinion by selling at the 1 Dollar...

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(HU) Ropogtassunk fagylaltot!

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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