
(HU) Kulináris különlegességeket kutatnak a MATE szakértői

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(HU) Gyógynövénytúrák Magyarországon

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(HU) Statisztikai jelentés a hazai vendéglátás helyzetéről – Összefoglaló!

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Hidden Patterns Inside Tropical Fruit – Video of the day

Toronto-based animator Kevin Parry peels back the layers of kiwi, mangoes, and other tropical fruits to unveil their colorful, fleshy insides from skin to core. Paired with a satisfying track...

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Magazine: You can collect your beer now!

A Hungarian start-up developed a smartphone app for bars and restaurants, which guests can use to order food or drinks, pay for them and collect them without having to queue...

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(HU) A vendéglátás és a szálláshely-szolgáltatás ÁFA-kulcsa nemzetközi összehasonlításban

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Drinks offer widens in restaurants, GVH monitors contracts

From 1st August at the latest, the offer of drinks can be extended: this is the time to bring contract practices into line with the new rules of the Trade...

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GVH: the rules of beverage supply in restaurants will change from August

From August 1, new rules will shape the contracts for the purchase of beverages in restaurants and the selection of suppliers, therefore the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) draws the attention...

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Hungary and Serbia have agreed on closer tourism co-operation

To promote closer tourism relations, the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) and the National Tourism Organization of Serbia have concluded a long-term cooperation agreement in Budapest. The agreement was signed by...

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The guild’s general meeting

On 26 May the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) held its annual general meeting. Members unanimously gave approval to László Kovács’ presidential and financial report, and they also gave a...

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Magazine: This is the situation

The Hungarian Tourism Agency has surveyed the general situation in the hospitality sector by asking various organisations about their experiences. They learned from the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) that...

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(HU) Fúzióra lépett a K&K Family és a Green Factory

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KSH: the number of guest nights more than tripled compared to May 2020

As a result of easing protection measures for commercial accommodation to curb the pandemic, the number of nights spent by domestic guests in commercial accommodation tripled in May, compared to...

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(HU) Főzés gyapjúval – A nap videója

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(HU) A kifejezetten a turizmushoz köthető vendéglátás adatai 2020-ban

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Hospitality’s present and perspectives

László Kovács, president of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) gave a presentation at BKIK’s conference about the present and the near future of the hospitality sector. He told that...

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Magazin: Károly Gerendai: ‘One must try to act like the captain of the ship’

Trade magazin’s Business Podcast, Future Talks with Szilvia Krizsó continues In the latest episode of the Future Talks podcast series Szilvia Krizsó asked Károly Gerendai about the lockdown, crisis management...

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(HU) Vállalkozások és álláskeresők a vendéglátásban 2020-ban

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Magazine: Three years, three storeys

We are happy to report that the renovation works of our headquarters – informed president Balázs Erdélyi. The 3-year project has come to an end and the guild now has...

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Many people are longing for 2019: Hungarian tourism is booming, but is still not the same

The number of nights spent in accommodation in Hungary could reach 30 million this year, which is lower than 41 million in 2019, but an increase of almost 1.5 times...

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Another beach development program is launched

Another beach development program called Strand 5 will be launched in Hungary, the CEO of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) announced in Nyíregyháza on Thursday. Guller Zoltán said at a...

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One in five Mastercard countries is approaching the pre-pandemic domestic flight number

The recovery in travel remains uneven globally, with domestic airline bookings already reaching 90 percent of pre-pandemic levels in one-fifth of countries surveyed, according to a recent study sent to...

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(HU) Indul a magyar turisták rohama: rég nem látott forgalommal számolnak a Balatonnál

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(HU) Vendéglátóhelyi forgalmi és HR-adatok 2020-ban

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(HU) A flipper és a gazdaság története egymástól elválaszthatatlan

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(HU) A magyar vendéglátás hálózatának jellemzői 2020-ban

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The number of guest nights spent in accommodation in Hungary may reach 30 million this year

The number of guest nights spent in Hungarian accommodation may reach 30 million this year, which is lower than the 41 million measured in 2019, but an increase of almost...

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